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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I always thought that Leroi was a !@#$ who was making actual football decision (eg. Rex or even Whaley himself). I guess this proves that theory wrong. Cutting EJ makes extremely little sense (unless he's done something to really piss off the FO or we are bringing in a really big fish at QB).
  2. It's becoming deeper: http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=12344667
  3. It's in the NFL's best interest to wait as long as possible before making any decision in regards to the Pats. They just won the Superbowl, I don't they want to dole out punishment so soon, it would tarnish their win and the NFL too. That, and I'm sure these balls and whatever other evidence has been destroyed.
  4. There's nothing in here that we already didn't know. Every team should be "expecting" this. Really? I didn't think we would've signed him if they didn't believe this. Same thing was done with the Sabres. Expect an expansion of the FO. Actually, I'll give him this one. It did take just a little more than superficial knowledge to come up with this one. No news here Obviously. Anyone watching the Bills last season could've told you this. Doesn't every team want another? I wouldn't expect anything less said from a QB-less team. Should they be expecting "weak" competition? Every team would love to add Revis. Did we think they would say "Dareus and Gilmore? Nope, we have no plans here. Just making it up as we go!" Good thing we have Massare's tweets to read.
  5. So we're talking about a jock who partied and got into some fights (yes, that constitutes "assault") in college...can't imagine such an individual would exist. That would be like the Bills drafting an individual who was arrested for breaking and entering and a DUI in college. No way.
  6. I'm fine with this signing if he can still play. I'm sure there are a lot worse players in the NFL, criminals, domestic abusers and such, and Incognito is not one of them. It's even unfair to call him a "bully". This isn't middle school where kids are ill-prepared to defend themselves. This was 2 grown men having a disagreement.
  7. My guess would be RGIII with a slightly possibility of Geno Smith too. No one would be expecting that.
  8. Not necessarily. In fact, that's a pretty concrete line of thinking. A more mature approach would be to discuss your differences and come to a resolution that satisfies both parties. It happens every day in the work place. And maybe what you saw today was a result of such conflict resolution.
  9. Very true. He could have just given a "no comment" answer, which certainly wouldn't have been as entertaining as what he had to say today. After all, the NFL is for entertainment purposes only and he accomplished this goal handedly.
  10. Why, exactly? Because the corporation demands it? And, what exact questions would you want him to answer (so, MarShawn, how are readying yourself for the Superbowl)? I can think of a million and one worse things he could be doing than refusing to be fed on by vultures. He's definitely getting uglier by the year.
  11. You're missing my point. In fact, I don't recall ever addressing you one way or another. Edit2: I actually didn't read one single post of yours in this thread, yet you responded tersely with me. Ironically, I believe we are saying the same thing, except you seem to be minimizing personal responsibility. You said: You say "inability" like he has some some sort of disability negating normal corgnitive function or personal action. Like there was some "outside force" disallowing him to make the right decision. What if he just plain "didn't care" or didn't think he would get caught? Drinking alcohol is one of the hardest drugs to detect due to its quick elimination from the body. You basically have to be intoxicated (or close to it) right before the test to test positive. It's a test that doesn't test for metabolites (ethanol's metabolites are naturely occurring substances in many foods). But, he was "unable" to drink before his drug test? And btw, saying "politely" is very rude, but I'm sure you were just unable to keep it civilized.
  12. Regardless. He proved nothing coaching the Bills line. Anyone not named Wannsatche could have got production from that line. As for the being "next in line" for a DC position, he had his chance in NE and despite being a line coach for 9 years (not 14), he was suddenly let go by them. Not only was he not considered for a DC position by NE, but he wasn't even considered for one by the rest of the league. And, now, he still doesn't get a DC position. So, maybe he is proven, proven not to be DC material. As it was under Pettine.
  13. Wait, alcohol is a substance that can only be detected if you have been acute drinking. Depending on how much you have consumed, it can even be undetectable hours after drinking. So, knowing that alcohol is a banned substance for him, he decides to show up for a drug test after having been drinking minutes to hours before. That's not happiness, that's arrogance or stupidity.
  14. Exactly why do you consider Pepper a proven commodity? For 13 years in NE, he bounced around as a defensive assistant, never really given any meaningful promotion. Suddenly, he was kicked to the curb for reasons unknown. Next, he "coaches" one of the best D-lines in the NFL under a great DC. Next, another great defensive mind becomes Bills HC and he's again an afterthought. I would say the only thing he's proven is that he's a big question mark. I wish him all the best though.
  15. I would still love to acquire him now. There's no reason to dump a 22 year-old QB based on 1 horrible game (his first start) and a bunch of questionable off-field decisions. The guy is super immature and came into the league with way too much hype (which likely further fueled his immaturity). There's no reason to acquire him and let him sit for another year while he gets his act together.
  16. Makes me dislike him even more. I guess "beggars can't be choosers" doesn't apply to him.
  17. I would just love it if the NFL banned Brady from playing in the Superbowl. Its arguable whether Hoodie knew about it (although I'm sure he did), but Brady just had to have known his balls were soft (or maybe he's so used to handling soft balls he couldn't tell), so he's the one that should be forced to sit.
  18. I think he meant: "it's hard to coach when you're expected to do your job and win football games". No coach should be under such pressure. That's a travesty. Poor Doug.
  19. I don't get the bit about doing best for himself and his family either. Regardless of opt out or not, the guy was still going to be paid $4 million.
  20. Didn't matter. Doug has pro personnel covered. Trim the fat. Bye fitzgibbons.
  21. I wonder if he'll get this garbage team to 6-10 and proclaim a miracle. He's basically like homeless person's Bill Parcells. He'll come in, ruffle some feathers, gain a couple moe wins, proclaim victory, and suddenly leave.
  22. Wonder if the jags purposely put the AHC title in there so he wouldn't be able to bolt. Now, in effect, the Jags will be able to gain compensation for or totally block any lateral move. It's actually like a leash and collar around his neck.
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