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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. He'll go where he'll make the most money. The NFL.
  2. Hard to tell since he was playing against the Panthers and his team made some bone headed plays.
  3. I don't agree with this. The perfect GM is one that perennially drafts quality starters. Great drafting allows you let players go because most players will undoubtedly be overpaid. We see it every off season. "Market rate" doesn't mean your not overpaying either. Byrd was paid "market rate", but was certainly not a wasted pick when we let him go. The best starter on a team is one that is playing like a star on his rookie contract. That said, you try to keep the players that you don't think you'll ever be able to draft again (QB or LT for example). A team would otherwise be wrecked by the cap if you try to keep everyone.
  4. I don't understand this. There are thousands of Buffalo explants living in Charlotte. If the Bills visited the Panthers and a fan brought a pro-Bills sign to the game, only to be ripped down by Newton, this board would be livid. Newton needs to grow up and be learn to be a good sport. There are going to be opposing fans in the stands. Effing deal with it.
  5. What's "complicated" about dropping out best pass rushers into coverage? I don't get it. Is it part of the "complex" deception?
  6. Plus, we beat ourselves every Sunday, why isn't Rex getting the boot?
  7. Considering all the rumors going around, it's not even slightly odd.
  8. I would do this trade in a heartbeat, but I doubt they would. Even if TT and SW both become healthy, I don't see SW playing a significant role in our offense. Or, at least, not this year.
  9. I usually do, until he starts encroaching into a thread that has zero to do with him, like this one.
  10. This thread is ridiculous. Leroi hit on a few things very early on, but basically has been pulling things (some very laughable) out of his ass since. Imo, the Leroi ship has sailed. I definitely give him props for the Darby and Roman call. As for Ryan, everyone and their cousin knew the Bills were keen on him.
  11. Plain and simple is you must have a franchise QB to become a "model franchise". That's all. With the QB in place, you'll automatically have stability in the coaching and everything else. You'll be able to draft past the 25 position each year and it really won't matter and be praised for "great drafts". I don't remember the last time a true franchise QB's coach or GM fought for their job and if he did, then they didn't have a QB playing like a true franchise QB. This is where the Bills failed. They thought a franchise QB was just going be appear. Drafting a QB every year should have been priority #1.
  12. Anyone still think this defense is as good as last year? Bueller...Bueller...Bueller....
  13. We definitely are all pulling for him, and I know you couldn't do him justice, but to do you want to pick it up for him this week? I think he would be honored.
  14. This is the first thought I had when I read the article. I couldn't care less if Cassel starts, other than to get a better pick from the conditional one we got for him.
  15. Ok. This is where we decide if our D is elite or not.
  16. I agree. With technology improving by leaps and bounds over the last 15 years, things are probably much worse now.
  17. I don't think it matters what they did to MIA or Indy. Those are garbage teams this year. One coach has already been fired and Indy's coach is next in line. As for the Giants, why do you ignore the 1st half? And ignore the 51 yard TD reception in the 2nd half that guaranteed a Bills loss? This is supposed to be a playoff-caliber defense and it's anything but.
  18. Call it a DL disconnect or whatever you want, this defense, which was suppose to be shutdown, is anything but. Strangely enough, I think the Bills offense is covering up for the inadequancies of the defense.
  19. This was totally on purpose. That said, it's pretty dumb to intentionally kick a helmet (unless you have steel-toed boots on).
  20. I know we are unfamiliar with this odd phenomenon, but this is what usual happens when you're getting stellar play from your QB. It just doesn't matter as much who you're starting WRs or RBs are.
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