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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. There are very few diagnoses where Somatropin can be prescribed and I seriously doubt Manning's wife has any of them. One simple way to see is when the "prescribing" began. All the FDA approved indications manifest in childhood. In fact, there's even fewer diagnoses where HGH should be taken into adulthood.
  2. Of course it's too good to happen to us, but please fire Thurman and re-unite Rex with Pettine.
  3. I disagree with those on here dismissing Thurman as just a figurehead. He may not be having the final say in the defensive game plan, but he's likely very influential. It's his job to not only teach the players Rex's defensive scheme, but to also sell it to them. In this regard, he has failed. It's also his job during the week to get the defense practiced up for the game. Another failure. He's likely very influential and undoubtedly has had a very bad impact.
  4. Then an important interview questions would be "Why should we believe you are responsible for the Jaguars improvement on offense and not Greg Olson?" Next question should be "Why didn't we see the same improvement in Buffalo with EJ Manuel?"
  5. The title of this article should've been "Half of the Defense isn't Buying in to Rex's Scheme". That's where the real story is.
  6. Really? If things aren't "blown up", how exactly would these coaching hopefuls get jobs?
  7. Should the Eagles have followed the "Pittsburgh model"? "Continuity" for the sake of "continuity" can be a very damaging thing.
  8. I see so many people throwing around the term best player available. I can't find the quote now, but people are forgetting what "BPA" means to Whaley. To him, it means best player available for your team.
  9. Anyone who thinks Rex will be here in 2018 is naive. He has no track record of building a winning team. Quite the opposite. He'll stick around another 2 years, in the name of "stability/continuity", but then he'll be let go. It's too bad the FO (i.e. Pegula) can't see this. On well, it's his team, not ours. Bingo. He would still enjoy his legendary status if he kept the defense as a top-5 unit. We all knew the offense was a work in progress, we never knew the defense was too.
  10. I'm curious what the pro-continuity crowd thinks about this move. He was in the process of building "his" team. Should he have been given more time? Not to turn it into a Rex thread, but it's pertinent to this topic. I see what has been happening in Philly as a crystal ball for what the Bills are now experiencing. Each one of them (Rex and Chip) never came to their team demanding power over personnel. Chip had issues with his FO (sound familiar?) and demanded he be given the players he needed for "his system". Will the Bills follow the same path? While we won't likely see a fire sale like we did in Philly, Rex is going to want to mold a former top 5 defense with "his own players". Do we want to be in Philly's position in 2 more years?
  11. I spent the whole day scouring media reports pertaining to Rex being hired. There was nothing in there about his plan to completely overhaul our defensive scheme. In fact, I saw a lot of the opposite. Anyways, I think you get my point.
  12. Keeping Pettine and firing the GM makes little sense. Pettine will end up being a lame duck just waiting to get fired so the new GM can hire his own coach. That, or the GM they hire will have little power over the coach of his team. Sort of like what we have here.
  13. I think there is more to this story. Anyone with half of a brain knows that if you give Brady the first possession in OT, he'll win you that game 99 of 100 times.
  14. They did. But I thought trades/compensation for coaches was outlawed by the NFL over the past few years.
  15. I think both of these rumors are true. They are not mutually exclusive. Whaley will indeed keep the title of GM. And his role will likely be lessened if a football czar is hired. Heck, will Rex reporting directly to Pegula, Whaley's role was already lessened. It actually points to Pegula having little trust in Whaley as this isn't the structure the Sabres have. Tim Murray is in charge of everything.
  16. Yep. People were absolutely crucifying him. An emoulds apology thread is in order. We see this all the time, people getting killed for unsubstantiated, but correct, claims. People look at post numbers and join dates as if they are some barometer of true. But nothing changes. Keeps happening every year.
  17. Nice gesture, but I wonder how many on the o-line actually need another TV. One for the bathroom?
  18. Vic's time has past. He basically knows nothing nowadays. Remember, he was all out predicting Cassel was going to win the starting job. Looking back at that, what the hell was he really thinking? This couldn't have been more far from the truth. DW then later goes on to outright trade away Cassel, which probably leaves Vic even more sore. Our current record falls firmly in Peg's lap. I don't think DW had much of a say in the hiring of Rex, which was a mistake. Rex's defense has been and continues to be a downright embarrassment. It's horrendous. Rex should be matching into Peg's office weekly to account for ever point the defense surrenders.
  19. I don't see this happening even if Pettine was fired. First, Rex is married to Thurman as his "yes man". Second, Rex wouldn't give up control of the defense (evident by Schwartz leaving). And lastly, as a corollary to the second reason, I can't see Pettine taking orders from Rex again.
  20. I think most of us thought he was going to run Pettine's scheme (supposedly Rex's own), but better. Instead, we played like Smith has herpes, nobody wanted to touch him with a 10 foot pole. Nobody expected that. The sad truth is, we win never, never win a championship with Rex. He's just not a SB worthy coach. Even sadder is he's going to start dictating the roster after this season's done.
  21. How is so easy to see at home that that was not a catch, but Rex and co can't see that?
  22. I don't know why they're still beating the Marrone HC candidate drum. I'd be surprised if he got any interviews and downright shocked if he got a job. His stock was supposedly highest last offseason and he got nothing.
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