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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I think Greg Rosenthal placed this sentence in the wrong part of the paragraph.
  2. I think overall this is a positive move. He may be "unpredictable", but he's just an assistant to help players learn the system. As there should be. Differing views breeds improvement. Are you proposing shutting the board down until next August?
  3. I'm not sure if these comparisons are valid. We've never really had a true read option QB and the trajectory of a read option QB is usually to have a great first season, better than a tradition pocket passer. Difference is, pocket passers usually have better subsequent years (except for ours, of course). The read option QB usually struggles in subsequent years, when opposing teams learn how to neutralize their running, exploit their passing weaknesses, and injuries (obviously). The great ones, Newton and Wilson, learn to overcome this.
  4. Yes, having a very good young QB get the recognition he deserves is a nightmare for a GM. Especially when some media outlet gives it. What's even more of a nightmare for a GM is having to give a no name QB a rich contract after 1 year of decent play.
  5. I think it's really unfair to ask someone why they aren't working for an NFL team. We all have our careers we have chosen for one reason or another. We can't be everything and many of us see our calling in other areas of society. Not all of us have fathers who have groomed us as future coaches. Plus, accept that many of us have the organizational skills and acumen to make NFL-level decisions without being employed by an NFL team. Explain. Resorting to expletives and short answers doesn't count. It just shows a lack of argument.
  6. Now that's a strawman argument and you know it. With the turnover we see in FOs and the results we see every season, fact is the average team is not run by "experts" and are borderline competent. Stop being so obstinate and just admit is.
  7. I find it funny how you automatically assume all these NFL front offices know how to run teams. Haven't you seen some of these clubs' records over the last 5-10 years? Suffice to say, much than less half of NFL teams have FOs that know how to competently run a team. It's usually the same old teams making playoff runs. Why else would we be seeing such HC/FO turnover we do? It's true. The NFL is a zero-sum league. Someone has to lose. But, we keep seeing the same teams each year losing. The same few teams keep making the playoffs while the rest remains lost. Are these teams competently run? As for the nepotism charge? This is nepotism as its finest. If Rex wasn't our HC and we were looking for a DC, Rob wouldn't be in the equation. In fact, how many other teams were in pursuit of Rob's fine services? Perhaps some networks were.
  8. Don't forget James Trapp. We should probably slap the AHC title on him too before he's stolen away from us.
  9. Cutler being a "top-10 quarterback" is an extreme head scratcher. In fact, I think I'm losing more hair by the minute.
  10. I find that the longer a post is, the more horrible and unrealistic the idea is.
  11. Wait, what exactly did he do with Cutler? Looking at his stats, which admittedly don't tell you the whole story, he was not great, but just OK. Furthermore, the Bears offense was just average. I just don't get the love for Gase. The great news is that the Dolphins will likely continue to suck and they will undoubtedly be looking for a new coach in 3 years or continue to be mediocre.
  12. Isn't this a basic human trait, one of which is practiced on a daily basis?
  13. I think you are on to something here. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Gase's name keeps popping up as a candidate. He hasn't exactly done anything in Chicago.
  14. I must've missed something. What exactly is known about his intelligence?
  15. By the looks of it, they are neither blowing things up or starting all over. Rumor is they want to promote their OC. There will be some changes, but nothing drastic.
  16. If this was true, one would expect the defense to improve as the season progressed. It didn't. There were much bigger problems than neglecting to study the playbook in June. What more likely happened was they didn't study the playbook in June. During training camp, they became confused, but chalked it up to learning a new system. By October, they were still confused and soon thereafter the players began to just give up and go through the motions. Now, they're sitting at home wondering what went wrong.
  17. Why draft a WR early when our defense is (1) aging, (2) losing starters from this past season, and (3) grossly underperformed to the point of being a liability? I don't want a WR's name called until day 3 of the draft, especially when we have a QB who has difficulty looking past his WR1.
  18. Yeah, I think I'll pass on that. He's now a big question mark.
  19. Vic clearly went Rogue with this one, especially with his colleague reporting the exact opposite.
  20. Who said that? No one is forcing her, but her silence is deafening considering her husband's legacy is on the line. That would be a lot easier than hiring Ari Fleischer. I think all people are saying is "where there's smoke, there's fire". It doesn't take a medical degree (which I have btw) to know something fishy is going on. That place says "quack" all over it. I bet the HGH is stocked right next to the "IV Mineral Therapy".
  21. Look up our RB production (not the rest of the league) over the last 5 years. Are RBs just a dime-a-dozen like you say? If so, why haven't they ever worked out for us? Sure, Shady is expensive and he was injured most of the year. Did we have a crystal ball knowing we were going to hit gold on Karlos (who's been injured a lot too, btw)? Did we know TT being so good was going to cover up the deficiencies of our running game? The plan was for the opposite. A lot of atypical things actually happened to the Bills this season (except for the 8-8 record, which was to be expected).
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