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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. It's really not. Especially given that there's truth to his words. You think kids aren't now going to think twice whether they want to suit up or not? Whaley's right. And he happens to be pointing out the obvious. But sometimes people need the obvious pointed out before making rational decisions.
  2. Given the context in which Whaley was speaking, what he said wasn't entirely accurate. It's true that the human body endures weekly trauma in the NFL that most of us don't experience. However, the vast majority of players exit games injury-free. What Whaley should've said was that Sammy Watkins's body wasn't meant to play football. Putting the legalities of his statement aside, because they are unclear, Whaley statement is undoubtedly injurious (no pun intended) to the NFL's reputation and future. Imagine if you're a kid and an NFL GM comes out and says the human body shouldn't be playing football? Couple that with the number of high profile players walking away prematurely, Goodell had to have Whaley on the phone after that statement.
  3. What, no Bills? Maybe he forgot they were still an NFL franchise.
  4. I think this thread is based on the false assumption that the medical staff "clears" potential draft picks. In reality, it's not that black and white. Doctors cannot "clear" a player's future. There's no crystal ball. What they can do is offer risk of future injury. But, after weighing the risks and benefits, it's still up to Whaley to make the decision. We really have no idea what the docs told DW and what he did with that info.
  5. These look like great jobs. Looking at those pictures, which ones are the employees?
  6. Can we just sign him for divisional games? Would anyone object to having him in against Brady twice per year?
  7. Public knowledge is all we need to know that those 2 missed an above average number of games. We need a back that is able to make it through a whole season.
  8. A general rule of thumb: the longer the post, the more unrealistic the idea is.
  9. I can never fault a man for simply wanting a BJ, from a cop or not. Doug will provide him a list of his favorite sites and everything will hopefully be fine. Can wait till he destroys Marcia and her crappy o-line.
  10. This guy looks like he brings a couple lunch pails to work. Hope he grows his beard back.
  11. Great signing. Would've been better if this was done before free agency, but I guess they had to wait how the draft went. Maybe they were eyeing an OT? Anyways, seeing how FA is all but over, I hope they jammed the most money into 2016 as they could because the cap relief isn't needed right now.
  12. Titan is the best dog ever. No matter what every happens to EJ, having Titan lands him as a personal favorite.
  13. Normally, you put 32 doctors in a room, you'll get 32 different opinions. The fact that it appears all 32 team docs are all in agreement in unheard of and very damning. Extremely bad for him, but in a draft with so many good, healthy players still available, you just don't waste the pick.
  14. Looks like 32 team physicians are all on the same page in regards to his knee. We're not talking about a difference of professional opinion here. There is a consensus that his knee is done. I definitely wouldn't waste a 2nd round pick on him, maybe not even a pick at all because its appearing like it would be a waste of a pick.
  15. Agreed. He's being a sore loser who doesn't grasp the concept of team or competition. So, the Eagles select a QB in the 1st, there's a significant probability this pick will be a bust. Historically, the first round, even top 10, is full of missed potential. He needs to look no further from the mirror to realize this. And, while he's looking at the mirror, even if the pick pans out, there's always QBs who miss a significant amount of time due to injuries where his services would be needed.
  16. Totally. I think it's unreasonable people automatically think a 2-3-4th round will be worse off than Tyrod. Maybe so, probably so, but you'll never find out if you don't take a chance. A small handful of good QBs have been found in these rounds over the recent years. You never know if you're going to grab a Daulton, Wilson, Cousins (drafting him the same year as RG3 was brilliant), or Carr. Not to mention the B word. One thing is for certain in the draft though: if you never select a QB, you'll never get the one you need.
  17. He actually said, and I paraphrase, listening is free. It doesn't cost anything.
  18. This guy sounds like complete garbage. Kudos to the Pats for trying to avoid another Aaron Hernandez.
  19. Plus, it's his agent who negotiated Tyrod's current deal, not Tyrod. The agent has no one to blame but himself.
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