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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. My sources deep within the organization told me they gave him an unannounced Jiggle test, which he unfortunately failed.
  2. It didn't. It's become a Domestic Situation. For all we know he argued with his wife about their new back splash and punched a hole through it.
  3. With MD suspended and Mario no longer with us, who's going to drop back?
  4. Considering that young men's careers are on the line, as well as their livelihood, I'm glad Rex is professional enough to take preseason very seriously.
  5. Plus, I hear he's a motivational leader. He'll be a coach on the field.
  6. I like the idea of a bridge deal. It gives TT a sense of control; he can sign for 2 years at $15 million per or he can roll the dice and try for a mega deal at the end of the season. Either way, no matter what happens, TT can't complain or be disgruntled. And the Bills are safe either way.
  7. Even if just 4 teams are/were involved, that's a 25% chance he lands with any 1 team. 25% is hardly a "likely" chance, but rather a potential chance. But anyways, even "potential" would be a poor word choice at this point.
  8. There's only one scenario where continuity works. If the HC stays around long enough to get/develop a franchise QB or already has one. If there's no franchise QB, continuity doesn't matter or work.
  9. Thread title is incredibly misleading. I've read nothing on here that the Bills are a likely landing spot.
  10. I don't think he's retiring for the reason people think he's retiring. This likely has little to do with preserving his health. Why did the Ravens suddenly release him? He hasn't exactly been the NFL's poster boy. Quite the opposite and this is likely why teams decided against pursuing him. So, he retires.
  11. If my memory serves me, the pats just 3 full time employees: 1 coach (who also serves as GM), 1 guy who throws balls, and the owner. They did have 4, but terminated the deflater position. Otherwise, they have an assortment of people doing odd jobs.
  12. You're probably right, but I don't know how comfortable this guy was with hearing trains. And even with trains being "quiet", I doubt their horns are. Unless the train never saw him either and didn't blow its horn. Anyway, this was a completely preventable death had the victim used better judgement.
  13. I'm sure headphones had something to do with this. Still, there's not much else louder than an oncoming train. Horrible way to die.
  14. Crohn's disease is a huge problem for some who have it. Absolutely life changing disease. But most people keep it to themselves. Who wants people to hear about them constant having to take painfully urgent bowel movements? Crohn's disease is a spectrum. There's some that die from it and there's some that "need to watch their diet". Myself, I've had 5 surgeries and I'm in my 30s. I guess that anecdote negatives your anecdote.
  15. Are you suggesting they are paid millions in exchange for their future mental and physical well being? Let's be frank. I don't know if you are a father or not, but would you want your son to play in the NFL, making millions, only to be a cripple when he's 50?
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