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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I'm glad he's mending well. Guess he didn't buy into Brady's witchdoctor.
  2. Good. Now Hughes will know which one to break.
  3. Thread title was on the money though (no pun intended), Gilmore may have had his contract affect his play today.
  4. To be fair, I think that's exactly what he was thinking about when he pushed for Rex to be hired. And it obviously worked.
  5. Surgery or not, I'm sure Brissett could beat us throwing lefty instead.
  6. Anyone know if Coughlin had any experience overseeing an entire organization? I know he's been a coach forever, but does he have any NFL FO experience?
  7. Wasn't there a thread going around last year about how every read-option QB regresses their 2nd year? Is this a surprise to anyone? The cream will eventually rise though, while the majority seem to fail.
  8. The hiring of Rob says it all to me. I mean, come on. Hiring your twin brother Rob, who had left a trail of destroyed defenses? In what universe is this a good idea?
  9. I can buy it. This off season and even now, Rex has been doing all the right things to get fired. What does he care? He gets to pocket $25 million either way. That said, if the OP knows enough that this was said, he should also probably know why it was said.
  10. True. I thought he would at least have a say. Guess he has as much say as the ball boy.
  11. I doubt Garappolo would be great on our team. Belichick may not be loved around here, but he's one of the best coaches the NFL has seen. He sets up his QBs to win. We don't.
  12. First time OCs usually aren't stubbornly stuck in their ways like veteran OCs are. I doubt they have many strong opinions about their offense. What Lynn is likely going to do is add a few tweaks and see what works and what doesn't over the next few games. He will mold the offense to his philosophy.
  13. It's definitely refreshing that we finally have an owner who demands accountability. Not only should Rex take notice, but also Whaley. This was Whaley's job to do and he failed. But something tells me Doug has been "hands off" with the coaches since day 1, which is fine because it avoids the HC-GM power struggle we often see in the NFL (or a GM picking a HC to avoid a power struggle).
  14. This is fine. Every single OC in the league was once placed into Lynn's position - having to be an NFL OC for the very first time.
  15. None of this should come as a surprise. TP was a meddling owner with the Sabres before Tim Murray was hired. Plus, that Whaley wasn't involved should worry him as well.
  16. Funny. These were all players that were supposed to win us a Superbowl.
  17. Well, he's going to have to speak up if he wants to play this season.
  18. The OP didn't coin the term. He was just repeating what was stated in the article.
  19. Obviously a fake Twitter account. Tom Brady doesn't have any nuts.
  20. To some, he's a mental coach. To others, he's a shrink.
  21. Agreed This isn't too flattering considering it originated from this board.
  22. Actually, I'm a physician. I have cared for many patients who were actively suicidal. I agree, MDD manifests in different ways (although the DSM would beg to differ), but people who are actively suicidal are pretty uniform in their behaviors and mannerisms.
  23. I have one. Why is a guy who's seriously contemplating suicide going out partying? People with major depressive disorder usually experience anhedonia as well as become socially withdrawn. But he's out there with a captain's hat (?) grinning ear to ear.
  24. Is this thread foreshadowing Karlos signing with the pats?
  25. He didn't exactly say this. But there was a tweet shortly after the season (or maybe while injured) where he was getting all philosophical (I use this term loosely) about feeling like he just didn't fit in. In hindsight, he was probably talking about his size 45 jeans.
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