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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Doesn't that tell you something thought? If I was searching for a GM, I would look for a guy who can consistently find me gems during the draft. There's too many people giving input into FA acquisitions - it's hard to solely give the Ditector of Pro Personel the credit. It's not surprising that HCs (as we have heard about Rex, and Hoodie) have a great eye for pro personnel talent. It's their job to know who the true players are. They game plan against them weekly. That said, I highly doubt our acquisition of FA talent would suffer if Monos left. It may even improve, because it's been difficult for us to identify offensive talent. I still have my doubts on Rex's ability to be a HC, but I don't doubt for a minute Rex has an extremely keen eye for defensive talent. He's no one man show, but he's likely the driving force behind these signings.
  2. Only the Hoodie can win with solely a QB. The rest of the league needs a team effort. I blame the GM.
  3. Maybe we should petition the NFL to remove this win? While we're at it, take away the Pats* win due to Brisket and the Cards because they are not who we thought they were.
  4. Easy fix. Trent Richardson is still available. Sign him while you don't have to give up anything for him.
  5. Why didn't we move Jason Peters to LT? Because he was a tight end....
  6. Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say But nothing comes out when they move their lips Just a bunch of gibberish And mother!@#$ers act like they forgot about Dray
  7. I would give a 5th for him and that's generous. Have him move in with Dareus.
  8. True dat. It's like nobody ever went to Chi Chi's when they were younger. Have some respect.
  9. No doubt. He would've been the meat in a Hughes-Dareus sandwich.
  10. What blows my mind is that he keeps getting a new job. He must've been with a quarter of NFL teams by now.
  11. I love this presser. It was like "who dares to ask the Dark One a question!". Then he would mumble 3-4 words about not being good enough today.
  12. No worries, you'll never have to start a black quarterback back again.
  13. The coaching has been lights out ever since Roman was fired. Barring a Jauronian meltdown, I think he stays.
  14. I think it's that grin on his face after Fitzpatrick throws a pick-6.
  15. In reality, this is the most accurate. None of us should be surprised by this move.
  16. Obviously this opinion wasn't so obvious to an entire medical and coaching staff. They should've consulted TBD before proceeding with his care. I'm sure the medical staff followed the standard of care for his injury. They cannot be blamed for all injury ills of this team. Considering Watkins is injury prone, and I think you would agree with this, how can the docs be blamed? Furthermore, if Watkins was experiencing limping or pain during camp, then either the offensive coaches or even Sammy himself should've had the sense to sit him done.
  17. Have you reviewed his medical records to arrive at this conclusion?
  18. I'm sure I missed it and you are correct, but can you give me a link where the "medical staff" gave an interview about drafting Shaq? I would love to read an interview where healthcare workers publicly give their medical opinions about one of their patients.
  19. I don't have the answers you seek, but in the spirit of the Internet, I have a completely uninformed opinion I will share with you instead. Whaley knew exactly what he was getting with Lawson. Our medical staff informed him of their professional opinion(s). He drafted him anyways.
  20. This guy may work out. Who knows? It's not like MIA or TEN are hotbeds for getting the most out of their WRs.
  21. I think the FO (i.e. Whaley) has the tendency to pick players with borderline injury histories. We've seen this with numerous picks, as well as free agency. We want to point our fingers at the medical staff, but they are not the ones drafting our players. Many of these players come with well documented injuries. At the end of the day, Whaley has final say and he has been selecting them. If we had selected Gronk, who came with a clear injury history, would we be calling for the medical staff to be fired? He's injury prone and this is why the majority of teams avoided him. If Whaley was in charge that daft though, I'm sure we would've taken him. What exactly was our medical staff to do with Henderson? They deal with sports medicine. Were they supposed to guide his Crohn's treatments? I'm glad they were hands-off in this situation. His disease is completely unrelated to football, so their hands were tied. Let him come back when he's ready. They played this one correctly.
  22. Just make sure his bad shoulder hits the ground first, then absorbs 300 lbs of dead weight.
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