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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Here's a thought: maybe it wasn't Rex's X's & O's that brought our D down. Maybe it was Rex, his lackadaisical attitude toward discipline, and his clown brother that killed it. Remember what the players are saying now, they didn't buy into it.
  2. Did you just use 6 years to describe the experience of a QB who hadn't even stepped on to an NFL field until last season? Some QBs, you know, have to play in actual games to learn how to be a QB. I swear, even if we had Russel friggin Wilson as our QB, people would be calling for his head. I'm curious, let's say our defense remained top 5 (or even top 10) and we made the playoffs. Would people still want to move on from TT?
  3. We sure live in a very impatient society now. There once was a time when it took a few years for a QB to develop. We no longer want to give them that luxury. Has TT shown us he can make NFL throws? Yes. Is he inconsistent? Very. Remember Brees and Cousins were both horrible inconsistent their 1st 2 years. Rushing QB are even worse. Every rushing QB regresses their sophomore year, including Wilson and Newton. I can almost guarantee you Prescott will regress next season. Will TT be the answer? I don't know. But there are no viable alternatives. In the least, he can serve as a bridge QB as we "develop" one.
  4. Bart Scott says one thing. Dareus says another thing. I'm pretty damn sure the truth is somewhere in between. He does bring up good points about Dareus's work ethic though.
  5. I'm pretty sure Kyle Shannahan turned our HC interview invite down prior to hiring Marrone. Maybe he's had a change of heart?
  6. I think we all thought the same about Wanstache. And he was a disaster.
  7. Great post. Can you give your thoughts about A-Lynn given the HC keys? To me, this situation is eerily similar to Schwartz's position 2 years ago. Do we ride A-Lynn out of town for a different OC? I think he did a good job considering the active roster he had.
  8. This is a non-story. Bills medical staff passes everyone's physicals, even going back to McCargo.
  9. A reminder we should all takes a couple years off between jobs.
  10. I think eliminating a lot of stuff from the offensive playbook is creating your own offense. Besides, no one in the NFL designs a completely new offense. Every OC just picks and chooses from their mentor's playbook.
  11. I'll be fine with an A-Lynn hire. It's what we should've done with Schwartz instead of running him out of town. The continuity will be nice. I guess it all depends on who he has in mind for DC. If he says Dennis Thurman, he's off the list.
  12. The Lions defense is no better than ours. No thanks to Austin.
  13. The Bills job was never suppose to be a rebuild. Rex inherited a top 5 defense. In fact, even if he did his best Schwartz impersonation, he would still have a job. Jacksonville was much different. That was a complete rebuild from bottom up.
  14. Woods or any other player should agree with the benching. From a players' perspective, the same thing happens when they hold out wanting a better contract.
  15. You guys laugh, but Buddy was on record numerous times saying EJ was raw and a 4-5 year project. He was suppose to develop behind Kolb, but instead he developed behind TT. It's EJ time!
  16. Consistent with what? As of now, we have scant facts but plenty of speculation.
  17. I couldn't find the whole Reddit, but there seems to be little substance in this shot. A lot of words and really doesn't say anything that could be substantiated, nor does he give any proof that he's an outsider. Geez, anyone on here could've done that.
  18. Very true. In fact, the next 1-2 months will tell us how we're going to be over the next 2-3 years. What's so painfully evident on the outside isn't so on the inside.
  19. I'm pretty sure 85% of the posters on here said it would happen last year.
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