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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Funny thing is I can replace "The Fish Guy" with many NFL players names, or coaches (Rex Ryan), and it still would read perfectly.
  2. A guess that's a huge accomplishment considering it was all done in the first half of the season.
  3. I really don't think that's what he meant. Making the Pro Bowl in the year 1990 meant a whole lot more than it does today. Even the players don't even care about actually playing in it. Now it's just a bargaining chip during contract negotiations.
  4. I've been named to the pro bowl too. Really, everyone seems to be named to the pro bowl nowadays.
  5. How is this even a question? Under no circumstance, under no alternative reality should the pats* win another.
  6. Big Ben has given up 20 points so far.
  7. Bruce Smith used to have his "knee cleaned up" on an annual basis. Didn't seem to slow him down.
  8. Yep. You can't rely on the "next year" excuse. Leading up to the college season last summer I distinctly remember many posters on here declaring Kizer and Watson were future top 5 picks, then the season was played. Heck, there was one point Cardale was a top 10 pick. We just don't know how next year's season will shake out.
  9. I wonder if Sanjay is olding his hand walking him through these trying times.
  10. Sounds like the perfect barometer for success.
  11. I guess you're right. A-Lynn was previously a position coach who was OC for 14 games, running someone else's offensive scheme. Cooter, a previous position coach, has been an OC for an entire season, running a scheme he devised. So, yep, Cooter is likely better equipped to be a HC.
  12. Things I've learned in this thread: the more points your opponent scores, the more likely your team will lose. Bravo, people, bravo.
  13. I wonder why we waited until KC was eliminated to extend this invitation, unless we were outright blocked by KC and we are aiming for sloppy seconds.
  14. I don't think the Texans are going to move on so quick from Osweiller. They've paid him way too much and he's still relatively young.
  15. It's really as simple as cutting him. I love the guy, but the NFL is a business. He's eating up cap space and we've only seen him on the field a few times over the last 2 years. We need to upgrade the position anyhow.
  16. Good candidate, but if they blocked him once, they may block him again.
  17. Considering the Peter principle, it's actually a good thing. In so many other professions, people get promotions until they become stagnant and no longer improve. While they get fired in some cases, they rarely get to go back to their old job, which they actually excelled at.
  18. Don't be fooled. While Whaley was performing his "search" to hire Lynn, Russ introduced McDermott to Kim.
  19. Yep. Bills tried to pull this will assistants when Pettine left. It didn't work out. If an assistant wants to leave, they obviously should be made to continue in their current position.
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