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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. This is like a time capsule: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81faba11/article/buffalo-bills-dismiss-oftcriticized-chief-scout-modrak Caution: will bring back bad memories.
  2. We'll be drafting CB in our first 2 picks. Book it. You can get excellent play from a rookie CB and have them on their rookie contract for 5 years. Let someone else give them astronomical money and draft a new one. Rinse and repeat. Except for QB, this should be done for all the highest paid positions where you can get decent play from a rookie. Plus, we play in a pass happy league without a top coverage LB.
  3. For all you thinking this would be a great idea, just think of the comp pick we'll lose.
  4. It makes sense though. Given all we have invested in developing this comp pick, why would we trade him with just 1 more year to wait?
  5. I just wonder how far this "one voice" is going to go. Will Whaley be able to speak about drafted players after the draft like he usually does? Will it just by McD talking? It's going to get weird.
  6. Why do you think ZB is trying to "bargain" for a different role on the Bills? It seems to me he was told what his role would be, he said "no", and he moved on. Not any different than a player preferring to sign with a team where he has the opportunity to start. As for the money he was offered by the Bills, we have no clue. All we know is he fired his agent and hired a new one. If an offer was still on the table, his new agent would be a fool not to have his client sit down with the Bills at least once more.
  7. If anything, this will certainly not cause the Fins to up their offer. The way this is playing out, they're probably kicking themselves they didn't draft up with a lower offer.
  8. It could work. Dez Bryant has a stiff behavior plan, including a 24/7 babysitter, to keep him in line and it seems to be working.
  9. There's a huge difference between a player "trying to maximize their earnings" and a player who just isn't interested in playing for your team and using you as a pawn. It's fairly easy to distinguish the two and all parties will win in the end no matter the outcome.
  10. There was a contract signed. It just wasn't signed by Zach Brown.
  11. I remember this video well and I believe Whaley was explaining BPA very differently than how TBD views BPA. He said BPA means who is the BPA for the Buffalo Bills. The BPA for one team may not be the BPA for another. He places need and scheme into this equation.
  12. If I were the Saints, I wouldn't give up a 1st. It's not a trade they'll win. Let him stew on the Patriots, he'll eventually get his release.
  13. We are only "mortgaging the future" if we trade back into Round 1 or trade picks to move up. That said, if there is a guy at 10 they must have, take him. If not, trade down to 20 or so and pick him then. It worked last time
  14. I would be very hesitant to throw a lot of money at a LB who was part of a unit that allowed 3 200 yd/game rushers last season.
  15. I wonder if Holmes and his agent somehow orchestrated this whole thing. It managed to get him considerable publicity.
  16. Given that Whaley just forfeited 3 3rd round comp picks with these signings, it's probably going to be much easier to fit all 90 players under the cap.
  17. They should've brought him to Tempo his first visit and we wouldn't be in this mess.
  18. On the surface, he may be asking him to come back. But, I'm pretty sure that scene is from Titanic. So, what is he asking him to come back to?
  19. I don't see how this would matter. Let'a say he was on our roster, he got injured and had to miss 6 games. Would we cut him?
  20. If they don't take this seriously, then they really are dumb. They're trying to get drafted high, or put another way, to make the most money. Who wouldn't want to help maximize the amount of money they could make? Now, I don't expect them to cram for the weeks leading up to the test, but no one benefits from getting a 4. That said, I don't know to what extent GMs use Wonderlic scores in their pre-draft evaluation. I assume they do considering the test is still administered.
  21. His agent probably doesn't think so. If he was injured during the season, would we dock his pay? His agent likely doesn't care or find it relevant that he has been injured.
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