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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Sham search. It's sad that a GM who works well answering to his rookie coach is paramount to finding the best man for the job. Should we start the fire Beane and McD thread now? There's just no way this is going to work out.
  2. And they also have a particular stigma of producing QB flops. I see USC and I turn the page.
  3. I pay 8k for a $1.1M home in MD. $27k for that POS is highway robbery and is the reason NY is going down the toilet. I have no sympathy for the NY voter.
  4. Congratulations! Says a lot about him. I wish him the best.
  5. And then Russ patting them on the back afterwards and saying "good job, boys!"
  6. This can't be stated enough. Not only does it do that, it pretty much denies the Bills getting anyone besides a gloried scout. Neither Director of Pro Personel or Head of Amateur Scouting will be able to come as it will be viewed as a lateral move. McD has basically assumed both these roles over the last week.
  7. Todd Bowles will on the hot seat this coming season. It'll be do or die. So, if they go down, it won't be due to a lack of trying.
  8. Yep. He was flying around interviewing QBs. This was revealed during Tim Murray's end of the year press conference.
  9. I don't think this is what the Pegulas had in mind when they fired Whaley today. They certainly didn't wait to fire Tim Murray, even though both the expansion draft and regular draft are approaching quickly. I'm sure this is just Terry making stuff up as he goes. And they just gave Whaley an extension about 8 months ago. But, hey, it's his money to waste.
  10. I would completely agree with this move, but look at the person who made it. There really no evidence Pegs will find the right person for this job (and a lot supporting the contrary). When it comes to hiring FO personnel (for either team), he has been nothing but incompetent. So, the jury is definitely out on this move.
  11. Never mind Whaley (or...maybe mind him), but wonder if Leroi got the axe.
  12. You know this is a Buffalo Bills message board, right? It would be a Bills fans' wet dream to have their QB hit a ton of wide open slot WRs.
  13. Having teams hoard more QB prospects will make the NFL's lack of good starting QBs even worse. In fact, I would make it even more interesting and say QBs shouldn't be allowed on practice squads. That'll spread the wealth and give some of these kids a chance.
  14. Based on that Google Docs spreadsheet, I really can't appreciate any correlation between ball velocity and success in the NFL. Plus, the majority of the best prospects don't have values ("DNT") because they decided not to throw at the combine. That, and you'd be surprised by some QBs who we believe have a "canon", but don't have great ball velocities (compared to 53 mph).
  15. They'll be plenty of teams that already have a QB that will be picking in the top 10. We'll have the ammo to leapfrog any of those teams you listed, unless they are pick 1, 2, and 3. Plus, I doubt the Browns will have the top pick next year. But, they'll have picks to play around with too.
  16. Yes. He's injury prone. Unfortunately, it's time to turn the page. He's been great, it's just one thing after another with him.
  17. What about Bills vs Browns? Seriously, it'll take a special kind of incompetence to screw up the opportunity they have.
  18. I don't care what we are calling him, GM vs ball boy, he's just as active as he was pre-McD and he's receiving a paycheck commensurate of a GM. He's never had absolute final say and neither does McD. Pegs meddles. He has the final say. As for Whaley, even in his current capacity, neutered or not, he still does good work, especially with pro personnel. If he wants to walk, he's going to have to quit and Pegs will be off the hook for his salary.
  19. I love the pick. Saw this coming a million miles away considering the CBs we currently have on our roster. We play in throw first NFL today & we have Brady in our division, so we're going to need 4-5 very good DBs. It's not hard for rookie DBs to make a significant contribution. By the 2nd half of the season, I doubt we're going to see much of different between White and Gilmore, but at a small fraction of the price. If he becomes a star, I'd be perfectly happy dumping him in 5 years for a cheaper version.
  20. And who have never won a Super Bowl either.
  21. This is just BB trying to goat the Bills into overreacting and paying too much. The pats have too many RBs on their roster. Let him walk, he'll likely get cut in the preseason.
  22. Sammy is an elite WR. But, let's be real, who here thinks he'll be healthy enough to play the full 2017 season? Better yet, who here thinks he'll play more than 10 games? I don't.
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