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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I don't believe in re-doing rookie contracts. Maybe for QBs who have won a Super Bowl, but otherwise no.
  2. Horrible news, but it could've been much worse. Glad they caught it. Dude should go full time magic now and live out his dreams.
  3. Really sucks for a player to miss out on a whole season, but since they clobbered the Pats, then can now start their losing ways.
  4. TT will fail to have a single 300+ year game all season. We will sweep the Dolphins and Jets, but lose out our games against the Pats. Zay is a finalist for OROY.
  5. If this story wasn't told by Michael Bennett, I would give him the benefit of the doubt and say it wasn't embellished. I understand African Americans are unduly target by the police, but when it happens to someone on record for being vocally against the police, I'm skeptical it was as bad as he says it was.
  6. I could've swore from reading posts on here JWill wouldve been selling me my insurance in 2 weeks.
  7. Didn't we do this at some point? Marrone? And he'll never be another HC again. It'll take a Saint Doug level miracle for him to be a coach past this season.
  8. I just think this thread exemplifies the difficulties people are having trying to rationalize the Williams cut. Why would we want to pay veteran RB money to a player on the downside of his career when we could've had a young promising one for dirt cheap?
  9. Since he's now considered a veteran (right?), could they be stashing him on the PS until the start of the season so his salary isn't guaranteed? After the start of the season, they can then place him on the active roster without monetary risk.
  10. It's about 2-3 years too early to judge the Sabres tank, but they are looking good. Eichel is a star now and will be elite soon. As for tanking in the NFL, the reason we say "it doesn't work" is because it's rarely ever done. There's too much money at stake. Besides Indy, I can recall a team in the last 10-20 years that overtly tanked. Of course, there were many horrible teams (Browns, Lions, us), but none of them purposely lost. Jets appear to be doing it now though, so we'll see...
  11. No offense, but if you don't think every or any veteran on this team can't be had for the right price, then you're naive. There's likely just no takers. TT would command a 1st or a 2nd, but why would any team want him for that at this point? Dareus is untradeable due to his contract. Kyle Williams is old and would likely retire if traded. McCoy may yet get traded...stay tuned. Given Glenn's injury history, I'm sure they would love to unload him. As for trading vets for youngsters, apparently that's not how it's done. The Sabres loaded up middle-aged vets, then jettisoned them after the tank years. You don't want young, impressionable players around while you're purposely losing. Bad for their development.
  12. I have yet to say "tank" to any of McBeane's moves, but it's an obvious tank job when a team starts building up on mid-aged vets who haven't done much in their career. We saw it with the Sabres, and looking at these ages, we are seeing it now with the Bills. Not that it's a horrible thing. But this is a tank.
  13. But how can this ever be known? It's impossible to know. I'm not saying every rookie QB should be thrown to the wolves, some may take longer to develop. You evaluate this on a player-to-player basis. But to give a blanket statement that a QB must sit to develop, or would've became a great QB if he hadn't started so early, is categorically false. After well over 60 years of football, there's still no evidence to suggest this and even still, the league is constantly changing over the years.
  14. Not only that, but considering the NFL season is a big zero sum game, statistically half of "NFL execs" are not good at what they do. Somehow though, we are supposed to care what one anonymous one says.
  15. Love this move. Pretty much the only obstacle between the Pats and winning again. I can judge any decent player for sucking while on the Browns.
  16. Fake news. Who's going to play Bad Cop to Marcel then?
  17. Aren't these 2 different team evaluations contradicting each other? The exec blasts Baltimore for paying too much for players while they are not a contender. He thinks the Browns have a better situation - more "flexibility". But then blasts the Bills for getting rid of Sammy. We're not contending, nor will we be in the next 3 years, but he wants us to get into a situation where we would give "top 5" money" to a guy who is "often hurt"?
  18. I appreciate this post. For some odd reason that scene is etched in my childhood memories.
  19. I understand speed. But I also don't think we need speed for speed's sake. I don't want a decoy. Does the WC offense need someone who runs fast?
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