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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Not a surprise. It’s usually not illegal to make a complete fool of yourself.
  2. So, basically Bengals fans act the same way as Buffalo fans when a player gets signed/traded away.
  3. The question is, did the Jets really have to trade up to 2? It would’ve cost much more to do to so, perhaps adding in next year’s 1st. They know the Giants won’t be picking a QB, so the Colts spot gives them 1 of the top 2 QBs, possibly the best one. The downside would be that that someone else, like a certain division rival leap frogs them. Is this risk really worth the bounty they would need to pay? Do you pay this price just to block a division rival?
  4. No. Meaning a rookie will sit all year and could start in 2019. This is just another reason why it sucks to be drafted by the Browns. A rookie with no hope to become a starter will remain a rookie.
  5. I don’t know why people are ragging on EJ. It’s not his fault he was drafted 1st in a horrible QB draft. Like most drafted QBs, it just didn’t work out. He was a decent guy though.
  6. It was his first start, against a playoff team, and in an away game. Geez, what do people expect from a rookie? He’s not going anywhere.
  7. Absolutely not. That dude has already made more money than most of us will make in our whole careers.
  8. Everyone pray to the football gods that Cordy passes his physical. That wish right there should tell you who won this trade.
  9. And then the Eagles fans will be saying they turned a FA into a 3rd round pick (or better)
  10. I have sources deep within that the Bills brass aren’t happy with Cadet’s rehab. They’re likely going to part ways. Likely replacement is Ebony.
  11. This is pure smokescreen. No way they go this route.
  12. This is obviously just a smoke screen so we can pick a DB (or 2!) in the first.
  13. I think the Eagles need to strike while the iron is hot. His trade value is never going to be as high as it is now.
  14. I think the issue here, and with most analytics, is that they mistakenly go out the window during the heat of a game. I don’t claim to know what’s going through the head of a HC/OC/DC during a game, but I don’t think they are pouring over numbers and scenarios in their heads when making the call. Analytics may be good for coming up with a game plan, but I’m not sure they are used over experience during a game, especially when the other team is making adjustments (which deteriorates a game plan). Maybe it’s best to have someone to remind the coaches on the sidelines? And, yes, they better be great with their numbers.
  15. It sucks he won’t be able to suit up on Sundays to play his childhood dream. His leadership will be missed. But, in terms of football and neck injuries, this is the best way for a player to receive this news. Some players receive this news in the back of an ambulance and may never walk again. I wish him best during the next chapter of his life.
  16. Either way, it was dead cap space. Luckily the pain is over in 1 year.
  17. The author writes What is a little surprising, however, is that the Bills have had so much defensive success so quickly. I think any of the members on here can easily say why. The author should do his homework before writing.
  18. Itll be interesting. But, well definitely have the cap room next year. While it will hurt, it may have to be done.
  19. No, youre misunderstanding. In this reality, the Rams won the Super Bowl. And the last pick in the 2nd round is really a 3rd round pick.
  20. Why should he be? Dareus hasnt played in the last 2 games.
  21. Albert Haynesworth 2.0. Just like Fat Al, hes collected his paycheck and now is trying his best to get released so he can get rewarded with another windfall. These injuries are reminiscent of Byrds various ailments.
  22. If needed, we could also package our next years first to move up and keep KCs, where we could still get a decent player. Trading away multiple year 1st is excusable to if youre picking up a QB, no other position.
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