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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Im pretty sure this was just to make Bills fans freak out and trick the Bills FO to draft him.
  2. This is nothing but market manipulation. We’ve seen it in stocker market for decades. Now it’s spread to Vegas and ESPN.
  3. I got the goods. Turns out Beane has been working the phones with Geico. As I’m hearing it, he may have saved $100 on his car insurance by combining it with his home owners. Shrewd move.
  4. I think just have Mack on the field wins us 2-3 more games. It’s not just him, but he will elevate the players around him, by stealing attention and having the secondary play against a pressured QB. Have we signed him yet?
  5. I’m sure if there was any physical evidence, the general public would be last to know. I’ve never read a police press release detailing evidence that was collected.
  6. I’m sure if there was any physical evidence, the general public would be last to know. I’ve never read a police press release detailing evidence that was collected.
  7. I believe there was a witness to this ordeal. So, it’s not as simple as his word vs her word.
  8. Yep. There’s no way she would allow those cameras running, watching her 24/7. This is actually one of the simpler things to explain at this point.
  9. No doubt she’s irrational. Even burn-the-house-down crazy. But a model doesn’t destroy her face. When the phrase beauty runs skin deep was coined, they had her in mind. No way she would destroy her only asset.
  10. I don’t think a woman who looked like that, and who routinely put that face out on the internet, would purposely put a cut right down the middle of her face. She’s going to be downright disfigured. Even when women commit suicide, it’s done in a non-disfiguring manner.
  11. People are calling this “BS” and that she is “lying”. I don’t think so. A woman wouldn’t do this to her own face. There was indeed a home invasion. Now, did Shady ask these guys to go get his stuff? They did ask for very specific items - so this won’t be a tough egg to crack. If he did, he’s toast, regardless of what he did or did not ask them to do. If he did, he sent the scum of the Earth to get his items. There’s implications here. First, never send scum to do the job of a gentleman. Second, since these creatures are lower than pond scum, they’ll just say Shady told them to do it. Either way, he’ll be guilty. As for her removing camera around around the house...wouldn’t you? If you were squatting in your Ex’s house, you wouldn’t want him/her peeping on you. Camera feeds are accessible from anywhere. Heck, this could’ve been what triggered the event. Couldn’t have been a better time to send you scum.
  12. Maybe Hoodie wants his opinion on the term life insurance he’s been offered or what new car to buy?
  13. I thought Trump and the NFL have some bad blood. If they depose Trump, he really could stick it to the owners who blocked him over 30 years ago. Trump has a long memory for those who cross him.
  14. I have to agree with this. Very rarely do QBs retire when they should. Perhaps it’s their egos, but usually the last 2-3 years of their careers seriously pale in comparison to their peak. So, let him play. If he can give us the last years of Kelly or Marino or Favre, we can only benefit.
  15. Coy Wire was the prototype of all these copycats. He was a man before his time.
  16. Da’Rick. Guy named Nance. Some huge fat TE (or DT) that we were trying to turn into next Peters. Forgot his name. Edit: I see I got totally beat out. Martin Nance. Mike Jasper. 2 preseason legends in their own right.
  17. This is Beane playing dumb. Does anyone for a minute truly believe a guy as smart as Beane had no idea of the Tweets? In fact, he’s probably the one that leaked them.
  18. Don’t the Giants need a guard? Can we put him in the package?
  19. I agree it’s probably in the Giants best interest to wait until the last minute. Who knows what crazy offer will come out of the woodwork.
  20. This is obvious smokescreen in an attempt to cause the Bills to panic and quickly sign JF.
  21. Did you read the police report? Or, is that’s dumb question? If so, provide a link to it. On a scale of of crimes committed by athletes, where 10 is a crime against humanity, this incident comes in around a 1. This was a near victimless crime, only with Zay himself victimizing himself. Dareus had a well-established pattern of having a bad attitude, lack of respect towards his coaches, and multiple run ins with the police. Maybe Zay will follow down this path, but getting high, naked, kicking a window, and wrestling with a brother doesn’t do it for me yet. Nor does it apparently do it for the LAPD. This was likely a normal night for them.
  22. So, basically you’re saying I “know nothing”, but somehow you know the facts and that he should certainly be charged with a felony? Lol. Even an amateur can see there’s reasonable doubt here. Why would a DA take on such a silly case when suddenly everyone’s “I didn’t see nuthin’”. It’s an automatic loss of a case and a waste of resources considering he likely already wrote the hotel a check for their inconvenience. Who knows, he could’ve been drunk, tripped over the coffee table and accidentally fell against the window, breaking it and bloodied his hand. Let the cops go chase real criminals instead of a high naked dude walking around outside his hotel room.
  23. Well, he wasn’t exactly in public. All we saw was him walk in front of a camera naked and swearing. Who’s blood was that and how was it connected to Zay? Who broke that window and why? I’m fairly certain no one is willing to talk in this situation. There’s basically no case.
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