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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Castillo should have kept his mouth shut. That interview was bordering on unprofessional. The very first line about him coming here to retire and the firing coming as a surprise was extremely telling. He basically came to slide on through into retirement knowing McD wouldn't dare fire him. And I don't really care about how many individual players he has developed in the past. That's not the OL coaches job. Last I checked, there are 5 guys playing the OL and each of them need to act as one unit. They are supposed to communicate and compensate for each other's weaknesses. A great coach helps this out in a big way by adjusting his scheme to his players abilities to make the unit larger than the sum of its parts. Castillo did none of that and this is why he's now spouting sour grapes.
  2. I believe this is what happened with D’Allesandris. Chan was fired, but we still retained D’s rights. It was then St Doug who came in and fired him. Given the ego of an NFL coach, any retained assistant coach is as good as gone when the new one comes in.
  3. A good coach doesn't rely on "big names", but works with what he is given. What happens when these "big names" go down with injuries? The wheels of great teams don't fall off.
  4. Why haven’t these clowns been fired yet. Other teams are cleaning house, why the silence from McD?
  5. This is something the BPA crowd conveniently ignores. Trades. Instead of just picking the BPA at their draft slot, you see plenty of teams trading. And with a trade, you have 2 teams scorning the BPA mantra. One that says “there no BPA at our slot, so let’s pick later” and one that says “I want that player now (almost always one of a need) because they’ll be no BPA when we pick later”.
  6. Could be salary related. I doubt an assistant QB coach would make the amount of money he signed for as a player. Plus, wasn’t this guy sleeping at the stadium and counting the days down until he could be back with his family?
  7. They (QBs) all want to go out as a winner. Truth is, this rarely happens. Usually QBs stay in the league about 3-5 years too long and end up being a detriment to their team. Even the great ones. I’m glad Brady wants to stay around. He can play for as long as he desires.
  8. I just wonder if Daboll wanted to can Castillo right when he got here and McD made him give it just one year. He’s our OC and hasn’t really been given any say in his assistants. As for Frasier, I remember when he got the D playcalling taken away from him and we played lights out for a few games. I bet he got them back at some point.
  9. If I’m the Colts, I just lowered the amount of guaranteed money in any offer by $10M.
  10. Ummmm. A large proportion of people who habitually use drugs usually do so due to mental health reasons. It’s called self-treatment. And, I don’t think there’s really many people who still “struggle” to recognize the mental health as a “legit issue” considering suicide rates are increasing, but if there still are, hopefully they can find a time machine to make it back to from 1950.
  11. Yes, no more rocket balls. But, in that video, ironically all I saw was softballs that were sailing over the heads of receivers.
  12. No. I see a breakdown between the ball getting from point A to point B and am wondering how it could be corrected short of giving up and saying “maybe next year...”. I’m not down on Josh, but won’t fail to recognize it take 2 players to complete a pass.
  13. I hear a lot of people speaking about the large number of dropped passes Allen has. It definitely could be bad receivers, but what if it isn’t? Is there something Josh is doing to account for these dropped balls? I know he throws bullets. Can a ball actually be thrown too hard to a receiver?
  14. I hope it didn’t maim any innocent bystanders like a young orphan or the Bills pastor.
  15. Many people getting worked up over an empty beer can being tossed at the helmet of an opposing player that engaged in after the whistle would-be-assault if he didn’t have a uniform on. Google Preakness Running of the Urinals. They seem much, much tougher than football fans. A horse race, right?
  16. I’m not so sure it’s a simple as that. When we mate, we produce offspring that has roughly 50% of the genetic make-up of the parents. Any desirable traits (football IQ gene??) one parent holds has a 50% chance of being inherited. That’s basically a coin flip. What is much, much more likely to influence an offsprings future achievements is being raised in a household that will bestow the values of the parents. This could include having you kid hang out at the stadium all the time, parental insight, positive experiences, with a healthy serving of connections and favors.
  17. If we cut him and another team picks him up, are they then on the hook for the rest of his salary for the year? If so, I’d cut him.
  18. No. If they took the best player *available*, that is assuming they are selecting the best player available at the slot they are picking. By moving up, they are selecting a great player they do not think will be available at the current draft spot. So, the best player wouldn’t be available. If they trade down (as 50% of trade makers do), they are admitting that there is no best player available at the slot they were originally given.
  19. If teams really did subscribe to the BPA theory of the draft, there would be no trades. You would just take the BPA. But, there are plenty trades.
  20. No. The only game with a 51 in it would be the 51-3 win over the Raiders in the 1991 AFC Championship game. That was a *game*, last night’s was not.
  21. At first, as a fan I was appalled he would do such a thing. But, thinking about it a bit more, this guy doesn’t owe us a g damn thing. If he wants to walk away, regardless of the timing, who are we to judge? If this is what makes him happy, fine. I’m sure there have been players who have been unofficially cut mid-game, so how is this different?
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