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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. This is a necessary part of the game, as long as it’s done responsibly.
  2. Nice fluff written by the OP, and it was nice to read, but games are not won or loss by the “context” of a game. That is, it doesn’t matter which team was dominant that season or who the better team that day was. That stuff doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is the score at the end of a lawfully played regulation. In this case, the Bills did enough to win, as judged by the points on the scoreboard, but were robbed of the win by the zebras. This is like saying we were the winners of Super Bowl XXV because we absolutely dominated the NFL that season and even the game. But, no, we did not win or deserve to win that game.
  3. This, plus the Duke call up, serves as proof the Bills FO is reading and following TSW.
  4. What’s his mom going to say about this?
  5. The best part of the interview is the last 5 seconds. It never gets old.
  6. While I’m sure McBeane isn’t shopping him, I’m sure he can be bought for the right price. Allen is probably the only one without a price tag, but this is more due to his position, not his ability.
  7. There’s no need for him to come back. We already have one of the best defenses in the league.
  8. I think these conclusions about Barkley are unfair. I’m not going to criticize him one bit for his performance being forced into a NE game. Let’s judge him on the upcoming game.
  9. I think that was just Trent. In the Kelly-Marino generation, I’m sure QBs used to sustain concussions at a similar frequency as now. As players, they turned out just fine.
  10. I agree with the 4th and goal call. If we get a TD, we’d win the game. If we go for the FG and got it, we’d still be down 2 scores to win.
  11. As a PSA, just to let people know of Father Haskins: https://www.nj.com/giants/2019/04/heres-the-strange-conversation-i-had-with-dawyne-haskins-father-before-he-hung-up-on-me.html
  12. Best part was around 1:29 when the creepy smile appears on his face. Love it.
  13. Why Marrone still has a job as a HC is beyond baffling. He’s accomplished next to nothing in the league.
  14. Yep. The Pats “beat themselves”, we didn’t beat them.
  15. If it ruins their chance at getting a top-3 pick, I’d be completely fine losing out to them twice if we go 14-2. You got to win at the long game too.
  16. I think part of this is that our entire OL, with exception of Dawkins, is new. They’ve never player together and aren’t thinking along the same wavelengths as each other. This is a big risk of signing too many new players during FA. During situations like these, weaknesses are exposed and magnified. The vets can compensate using their experience, but Ford cannot. I see them finally gelling by games 6-8.
  17. What have the Bills done to resolve this issue. I see 2 potentially career ending cheap shots that have gone unanswered. Haus probably didn’t know where he was for days after that hit and Allen’s knees could’ve been mangled. All for no good reason. So, tell me, what steps have the players or the organization done to prevent any recurrent instances? This would never stand in hockey, as the players actually protect their teammates and football is arguably a much more violent sport. I’m not for injuring players because we “hate” them or to gain an unfair competitive advantage. Again, why has this player’s behavior emerged as an established pattern? People usually say “ I’ll leave it at that” when they can no longer form an effective argument. I’m going to side with Cordarrelle on this one. At least he knows where nuts are located.
  18. This is a long-standing problem and at this point, I really blame the Bills for letting this to continue to happen. If the players on the field don’t have the nuts to watch each other’s backs, then there really is one simple fix. Sign some Aaron Hernandez style goon to our PS 2 weeks before the next Jet’s game. Make his only job clear to him. Call him up for Jets game and have him Bridgewater one of Anderson’s knees. As a bonus, offer him a position as the team pastor if he does both knees.
  19. I don’t get this. If the players are throwing a fit that they’re tanking, why don’t they just focus on playing better? They should be pointing fingers at no one but themselves.
  20. If we learned anything today, you learn from your mistakes and move on with your best foot. Everyone struggles at their first time of something. How you respond is how you’ll be remembered.
  21. We should’ve let them sign Groy as well. It would’ve been a trifecta of bust.
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