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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Can’t be worse than the number of times Allen coughs it up.
  2. Bills have zero running game. Maybe if we had one, we wouldn’t force Allen to throw on 3 downs in a row, or run the stupid QB option.
  3. Not only that, he seems to be a terrific guy. We’ve had some awesome players over the years and you know they are just focused on getting the next big contract with another team. I don’t see that with White. He’s a high character guy.
  4. He was actually trying to toss it back to the ref, but overthrew him.
  5. The number 1 reason not to do this: if they slotted the draft in any way besides W-L record, somehow NE would end up with a top 5 pick every year.
  6. This is the odd thing. We have a WR who caught over 1,000 yards last year and inexplicably injured or not playing for some other nebulous reason. We picked up Beasley and Brown in FA, but somehow we need another QB. What the Bills need is a running game. Without one, teams will just keep blitzing and Allen with miss the wide open [insert WR we acquire]. I think this is smoke screen. We don’t need another WR. We need Singletary to get touches. Again, another player we are utilizing. Maybe he’s still injured. If we can’t get a RB, go get a RT.
  7. Maybe the coach should run out the practice squad with Josh around 9am. Let them play about 3 quarters of a “game”. He’ll be perfect by opening kickoff. I’d rather take a guy that’s clutch in the 4th quarter rather than one that thinks the game’s over by the end of the 3rd.
  8. I don’t think this will serve as a template to attack the Bills. Lost in all this, and not being mentioned, is that the Fins were playing excellent football. Fitz came to play and when he’s on fire, he’s very hard to stop. That is, I don’t think “a better team” would’ve played any more efficient than the Fins did in the 1st half. Let’s give credit where credit is due instead of just saying the Bills were exposed.
  9. I’m fine with Hyde taking it into the end zone. This team needed a big pick me up after such a horrid performance. Plus, all week we would’ve had to hear about the Bills only beating the Fins by 3. That would’ve been annoying. There’s no way they would’ve come back from a 10 point deficit.
  10. Back in the early ‘90s, this happened to the Bills more than I care to remember. They would slay tough teams by a mile and then get blown out by bottom dwellers.
  11. At this rate, maybe he’ll be their GM once they fire him in 5 years.
  12. Some great baseball prospects just can’t hit a MLB curveball. I guess he couldn’t figure out how to catch a major league punt.
  13. Don’t fret. McVay is so innovative, he’ll trade himself for 5 consecutive first rounders soon.
  14. I think what we’ll see is a bunch of heavily front loaded extensions signed, even if they aren’t hitting free agency. Use up most of next year’s cap to allow wiggle room for when we need to sign Allen, which will likely happen in 2 years.
  15. There’s a common thing amongst all these 1st round failures. The vast majority of these QBs were forced to start the year they were drafted. Apparently gone are the days where QBs are properly developed and mentored. These QBs pop their first year, then fizzle as they can’t reach the next level. Sure, some like Mahomes, if placed on a well-coached team, can do well. But, the reality these teams picked in the 1st round for a reason. Because they suck and are usually being coached by a first time HC. This is just the nature of the beast nowadays.
  16. Fair enough, but I am. I routinely detect EBV infections, but probably the vast majority never make it into my clinic. For most, EBV just causes a cold-like illness. Of course the infection was already in his body, but that doesn’t mean he had a diagnosis of mono at that time. I’m just saying that it’s immaterial he had the infection in his body as he was asymptomatic. And, it’s disingenuous to say this infection has any effect on his performance that Sunday even if he would later develop mono. Now, of course it could eventually come out that he did have symptoms at the time that he ignored (like most do) or it wasn’t reported to the NFL, but we just don’t have that information. Otherwise, I’m glad he’s healthy now and it would’ve been reckless of him to play last week. I’m glad he was held out.
  17. Not correct. About 90% of the population is seropositive for EBV. Yet, only a very small minority of EBV infected develop symptoms of mononucleosis. Therefore, the presence of EBV seroconversion certainly is not diagnostic. It is therefore a clinical diagnosis based on symptomatology. Or, in the absence of symptoms, you cannot be diagnosed with mono.
  18. And just wait for Mahomes asks for $40M per year, which he’ll rightfully demand and will receive. No more money for a dominant defense then.
  19. What’s a wham article? Title of thread is also nebulous.
  20. True. I just went through the Pats film library and they have a whole section devoted to this.
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