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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I would love to see Chan running our offense, but at this point, I’ll stick with the continuity.
  2. While DWI is a horrible offense, unfortunately, in the world of the NFL, this is a lesser offense. We’ve all done stupid things. Hopefully, he realized he could’ve killed someone, grows up, and doesn’t do it again. It could’ve been much worse, he could’ve been on video with a Dolphins or Pats T shirt.
  3. This doesn’t sound too different than the world we all live in today.
  4. Kelly threw plenty of bone headed INTs during his time and in ungodly amount of 3-and-outs, but, when you had 2 minutes left to go downfield for the go-ahead score, he was money. Bruce was playing on a whole different level though.
  5. And this will go down as one of the biggest lopsided trades in history. Bass will dominate and Fromm was supposed to be Brady’s replacement.
  6. It would be very simple to grade TE vs other TEs, but what would be in common between the grading criteria between a TE and a DE or WR and a RG? I agree you can throw them all up on a board at the end, but a inter-position bias is going to be introduced during the scoring process. If you want to score long jump, 40 times, wing span, or even attitude or football IQ, then sure, you can sort away.
  7. Is it just a coincidence that most of Beane’s pics were those of need? Look at the holes that he plugged, all with draft picks. People throw around the BPA label way too much. For example, how do you pick the BPA between a DE and a TE? Unless you are going on non-football stuff, like the vertical jump, they’re not objectively comparable. Positions are either you need them or you don’t. Beane picked up a DE (a hole), a bruising RB to spell Devin (a hole), a bigger WR (a hole), a kicker (needed to be improved), and a backup QB (needed to be improved). The only BPA selected were probably Jackson, Hodgins, and the UDFAs.
  8. This is correct. Vaccines were developed up to a certain point (that is, their efficacy remained untested). Then SARS went away and these were shelved. The issue here was cost/benefit. I sympathize with Big Pharma that didn’t want to dump millions of dollars into a vaccine no one would ever use. It wouldn’t have even been useful for this virus. So, there’s great financial risk for developing these vaccines. It’s not like we can stockpile a vaccine against the next coronavirus that pops up in 10 years, unless it can target shared epitopes (ie protein features) common to all coronavirae. But, even that isn’t foolproof. I understand this. I’m just hopeful the US citizen can still be reasonable in face of reality. ?‍♂️
  9. How about a mix of small/medium business owners, hospital officials, epidemiologists, and public health officials. Is that really hard to come up with? What happens when one of those people who paid to be at a sporting event gets infected and passes it to an elderly neighbor at the grocery store. Did they pay for that privilege too?
  10. I never said get rid of her because she’s “successful”. Nor do I resent her for her money. I actually think she’s very qualified because she has experience running multi-billion dollar companies. I just think this is letting the wolves guard the hen house. I just think she’ll have a bias that will put way too many people at risk. By all means, put business leaders on there. But I think sporting events have an unprecedented ability to spread virus to large numbers of people. By the way, I don’t think half-filling a stadium/arena will work. Even people in every other seat is still people sitting 3 feet away from each other, not to mention the crowds of getting people in and out and concession stands.
  11. Should a person who makes millions of dollars packing thousands of people into relatively small spaces really be part of the committee to reopen NYS? By all reports, she’s a great woman, but I think there’s too much conflict of interest here.
  12. This is going to be one of the biggest storylines of the upcoming season (if we have one).
  13. What I really don’t like is how it dries up the trade market for anything less than a 3rd rounder. As it stands, teams are rewarded for letting a player walk instead of trading them to a different team for a 4th or higher.
  14. But has he coached any QB to success? This is hard to tease out because each of these QBs also have a regular WB coach and an OC that guide them. The difference? The QBC and OC are held accountable by their bosses. JP is not. Still, I think he’s a great influence if not a coach of for offseason (where it’s against the CBA).
  15. I don’t see how these uniforms are any different than why they had.
  16. My have an alter in my basement crowned by the face of Rusty Jones. Sorry, no one compares.
  17. No, I cannot. There are no laws to prevent someone from expressing their feelings. Nothing he said impedes on the right of others not harms anyone. He can say what he pleases. Our Constitutions holds this right in the highest regard. I think our disagreement lies in whether he has the ability to say what he says vs believing what he says. He can say what he wants. No one should stop him. In regards to believing what he says, that is a personal decision.
  18. I have a job and I don’t see Williams as a role model, but I’m not in any position to tell anyone how they should feel or react. That’s their personal business. He quote says nothing about his efforts to better himself, so I agree, he should’ve kept competing. But, he never addressed that in his words. He’s saying exactly what he said. I’m not going to twist or misinterpret his words past what he said. If he says Whaley can eat a bag of male genitals, I’m not going to says his emotions are wrong.
  19. I’m in no position to criticize what Williams is saying or how he feels, are you? That said, I think we can all draw conclusions on the Whaley era.
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