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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Geez, the bad news appears to be pouring in now. All that pent up criminality from the quarantine. Perhaps Goodell should put everyone back in quarantine.
  2. We are definitely in agreement here. I don’t automatically believe in these “fact checking” websites. They are usually anything but. I make up up my own mind based on the evidence I see. The guy was clearly waving his cellphone across the cops body in slowed down frames. Why? Or, should we just believe “fact checking” strangers and sleep well at night? You honestly think that because Snopes said there has to be a wire attached to the phone for skimming, then that’s the only way? I’m not that naive. If he was a man of “peace”, then why was this guys’s Twitter and Facebook taken down so quickly?
  3. I agree. They do. This type of push is no different than what is seen at a typical NBA game. The problem was this was a guy in his seventies. I have no doubt this would have been different in a guy in his 20s was pushed. Just an unfortunate situation. That said, the cops have a tough job, especially over the last 2 weeks, and due to no fault of their own, but due to a dirty cop. I don’t envy them now.
  4. A guy in his seventies shouldn’t be skimming police channels. This definitely wasn’t staged, but the guy was an agitator just as Mayor Brown labeled him.
  5. I’m disappointed in him. This is not how a leader responds. A true leader would acknowledge both sides, pick a neutral ground, and then look for a way to resolve the situation in a fair way to allow for both sides to progress in a positive way. Allen failed in all respects. Edit: I take this back. I have now listened to what he said instead of just reading the click-bait title and thinking it was truth. I think he has a good head in his shoulders. He’s a leader.
  6. And she’s the one who just ended up on TV, doing a something the AA community had been doing for years.
  7. I have to admit. Many of these CEOs coming out now in support for social change seems more like shrewd business decisions. Once they do, after no one has been murdered, I’ll take more notice.
  8. Kaepernick received his Nike endorsement deal after being out of the NFL for years. He played his last down in 2016 and the endorsement deal was signed in 2018. Again, you think this deal was due to his prowess on the football field? Don’t get me wrong, I’m never sour against people who make more money than myself. Great for them - I actually make money myself, so I’m not resentful. My problem is that they have a very special gift to connect with people. Instead, they throw some money around and put a bandaid on the festering wound and everyone praises their commitment to the community. No amount of millions of dollars is going to fix social injustice. Not even a dollar. Guess what? After all that money spent, social inequity still exists. They need to get to the root of the problem. Thousands of people look up to NFL players. Some even worship them. They have a huge amount of influence, well beyond the food they send to Africa or wherever. They have the ability to step away from Twitter for a bit and sit down with community leaders and get stuff done. They can connect with children, of both races. They can bring people together to iron out perceived differences. They could probably get racists in the same room as blacks and have a positive experience. This is how they need to lead, not money.
  9. I have no problem with players kneeling. I agree with Reid, kneeling is almost a respectful gesture. Where the players are completely wrong is them thinking this is enough. Kneeling for the National Anthem right before they are about to make more money than I make in 6 months does nothing to me. Kneeling in order to collect endorsements is not only laughable, it disgusts me. Ironically, they are the disconnected ones. Get intimately involved with your community. Bring people together. Have tough conversations with both sides. Get your hands dirty.
  10. Lorax needs to stick around as long as possible. It’s horrible for him to go out like this.
  11. I guess I’m having difficult with your definition of “practicing racism”. It’s clear that Fromm’s words that they are founded in racist beliefs. But you suggest people like him “don’t deserve autonomy”? Autonomy is a basic human right. Don’t you think this is a bit extreme? But later in this same thread you are saying we should accept his apology and move on??? I think we are walking a very fine line here and need to be very careful with our words.
  12. I can’t agree. I’m not going to go around and play thought police with people. These are adults we are talking about. If I see blatant discrimination going on, you bet I will intervene and speak up. Even though I detest racism, people are adults and deserve autonomy. In my profession, I’m trained to be overly tolerant and to avoid being judgmental at all costs. If they want to be ignorant, then they can be ignorant by themselves. At some point, they will be alone.
  13. I guess the question begs, if you are restrained and mature enough not to make racist jokes anymore, are you no longer a racist? I’m certainly not calling you racist as this is a rhetorical question for us all. I think racism is much more than what we choose or choose not to say. The other side of the coin, I guess, is that people can say things that could be construed as racist, but who are not racist at heart. They’re just words after all. Myself, I see no difference in races, so I’m not going to go out of my way to treat one with kid gloves over another. Again, we are a race of humans, not colors. Treat others how you would like them to treat you.
  14. I agree with him 100%. Many players do a whole lot of good for their communities, but it seems like a small handful make them all look asses. It’s time to clean that up and start taking leadership positions.
  15. China just breathed a sigh of relief upon the death of Floyd.
  16. Well, I wouldn’t absolved Caucasians completely. The majority of people of people in power in Minneapolis (you can look up their party affiliations) are white. Don’t get me wrong, their black leaders have also failed them. But, as you suggest, to blame the President is laughable. As for the media, they are corporations losing money. The younger generation don’t have cable and they get their online news from free sources like Twitter. As a result, the media has become more bombastic and controversial in an attempt to attract readership and stabilize revenues. This is very unfortunate.
  17. Cross Klobuchar off the VP list, I guess... https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/29/us/politics/klobuchar-minneapolis-george-floyd.html
  18. I’m definitely disgusted by the death of George Floyd. This is a senseless death. Completely preventable. The problem I have is the deaths of African Americans is an everyday thing in cities like Baltimore, Atlanta, and Chicago. The difference is that this is gang violence. The media doesn’t report it, nor do they care. It doesn’t boost ratings or increase readership. Disgusting.
  19. Press conferences saying one thing, arrest records saying the opposite. You surprised?
  20. What people say at a PC is fact nowadays? Here’s some numbers from Minneapolis: https://www.fox9.com/news/jail-records-show-most-arrested-in-minneapolis-riots-have-minnesota-addresses
  21. Of course, it’s not us, it’s them. Pretty much every municipality, in every state, is claiming the same thing. Do you see a logistic problem with this? This is coordination that would make out own US military jealous.
  22. I’m not going to get too down on Daboll, but I think the criticism he gets (which I wasn’t doing directly) is that he’s yet to have consistent success anywhere as an OC. I’ll certainly work with him to see, but to blame his lack of success on having a young QB isn’t looking at his whole body of work. Chan is Chan. We know what he is and what he isn’t. He’s been in the league for decades and he certainly deserves respect for this. He brings respectability to the Phins in the least. As for Daboll, I guess we’ll see. He’s either going to do do well enough to deserve HC interviews or he’ll flame out and be back coaching TEs or in the NCAA again. Either scenario wouldn’t surprise me.
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