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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I completely understand and mostly agree. If it happens, it must be done very safely. As we have seen throughout this whole pandemic, most people would agree one-size fits all approach makes little sense. The logistics are daunting, as you point out. But, you implied in your post that the medical community wasn’t advocating for school reopening. This was not an accurate statement. An organization that guides the practice of the 90,000 pediatricians in this country is. I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here, but schools remaining closed is causing irreparable damage to certain student populations. Kids with special needs and learning disabilities, where early intervention is required, are taking a huge hit. The other population that will suffer greatly are kids that are experiencing some sort of abuse at home (whether its verbal, physical, or neglect). Schools provide a safety net for this student population. The last population are those with mental illness needs. This is self-explanatory.
  2. This is a very difficult situation for players. If they are not stars and opt out of this season, they very well may lose their starting/backup positions for next year if their replacement shines. This is no different than when a player gets injured during the season. For many players, this may be the difference between being an NFL player and being out of the league.
  3. You got a lot of up votes, but there was some veracity to what that guy posted. The American Academy of Pediatrics is on record for school reopening this fall. This is the organization that comes up with all guidelines pediatricians follow. They have no political stance, nor are they part of any form of the federal government. Although, their members are left-leaning. https://services.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2020/pediatricians-educators-and-superintendents-urge-a-safe-return-to-school-this-fall/
  4. Was this when he was seeing ghosts on the field?
  5. Is Goodell going to suspend him for 6 games for being mentioned in connection to domestic violence? Remember, the NFL doesn’t like such headlines associated with its players.
  6. I hope it’s been the pandemic or his reaction to police brutality, but it just seems like something has changed in him this offseason. Or, maybe we really never knew him.
  7. He’s definitely going to be the highest paid CB in the league, but whether he signs this contract with the Bills is questionable. The only way out of this situation is to start negotiating the year we are legally able to. If he ends his final season without an extension, he’s gone. And he’ll still be the highest paid CB in the league. And maybe in a state with no income tax.
  8. No. It’s definitely a bearish report. But the gas prices as factual. I will say this though. Gas prices may never recover in Terry’s lifetime (unless fracking dies).
  9. Natural gas prices have been in a steadily decline since 2009 (height of fracking). While affected by the economy, as a trades commodity, it’s price is mostly determined by supply and demand. https://ieefa.org/ieefa-update-low-natural-gas-prices-a-negative-outlook-for-energy-sector/
  10. I test people at a drive thru. Everyone reacts differently to nasopharyngeal swabs. I’ve seen girls in their 20s take it without even flinching and grown men lose their *****. I’ve had it done. It’s not fun and I wouldn’t want it done to me everyday, but these guys are used to being clobbered on a weekly basis. I’m sure Brady would cry though.
  11. I have a feeling this is going to be great. May have to pick of movie theatre popcorn.
  12. It’s been well over 48 hours. Do you think he was just joshing?
  13. I can see name changes becoming much more common in the coming years, but not for the reason you think. A name change will generate millions of dollars in merchandise sales. They already do this will the never ending “special” jerseys. Sure, it will initially cost money for legal fees, changes to letterhead, etc. But, this would just be a 1 time expense once they officially change their name to the “Buffalo Football Corp”. After that, anything is possible.
  14. This is what people like him do when they feel like giving themselves a raise.
  15. Don’t worry. He’ll sign with the Pats on a $15M 1-yr deal a week before the season starts.
  16. If you’re trying to say it’s actually the Bears that should be pissed, sorry I don’t buy it. I’M STILL PISSED!
  17. This is an odd signing. QBs of his caliber almost never hit free agency. He would have made the money no matter what. So why sign for a big chunk of time when you know future contracts are all but guaranteed? People may say “well, this is guaranteed”, but we know no contract is guaranteed in the NFL. As for guaranteed money and signing bonus, these go up every year. It’s highly likely that if you added up signing bonuses and guaranteed money for 2 5-year contracts, one being 5 years in the future, he would’ve made more with 2 separate contract. I guess, using that logic, the Chiefs got the best deal.
  18. Redskins name is a slur, but these other teams are named after real people, not a mascot, an animal, or a concept. How can you honestly connect the Chiefs, Braves, Indians to these actually teams. Are there any Native Americans on them or were these teams started/owned by Native Americans? This would be like calling a team the Buffalo Black People or the Washington Whites. It makes no sense. If Washington gets forced to change their name, so should all of them. These names are belittling.
  19. Provide a link to this “black national anthem”, what this “black nation” is, how does one get citizenship for it, and a pathway for other “races” to have one as well and I’m all aboard.
  20. I like the Biggie idea. If Kendrick or Danny Brown dropped a verse or 2, I’d definitely be onboard. Produced by Dre, of course. Otherwise, I’ve never heard of such an eff’ing, divisional, racist idea. I’d rather have them completely drop the National Anthem rather than play 2.
  21. Not a shock with the whole season in doubt. He was never going to get the money he was asking for. The question is, if he doesn’t play a game in 2020, will he still get paid?
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