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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I see him putting more touch on his throws. In the prior years, he would rifle these throws and the receivers would be able to catch them. He’s throwing them a bit softer now.
  2. Lol! I still have 2 warning points I got in 2013! I just assumed we are labeled for life and would feel lost if someone snatched them from me at this point. Funny thing is, one was for suggesting Dareus had a poor attitude in life. No cuss or derogatory words. The other was suggesting someone’s post was a troll post. It’s about time the warning system stepped into the 20th Century. Taking out any human element to this process is a step in the right direction.
  3. Seriously? Yes, and his name is Josh. Without Allen progressing as he has, our offense would be in the bottom half of the league. Behind every great coach is a great QB. It’s also a big boost we have an elite WR on our team this year.
  4. I’m not so sure about this. Roman didn’t get any sniffs at HC. Plus, do we honestly think our offensive success is due to Daboll? I will give him credit for properly developing Allen though, but even this has been multifactorial.
  5. Goodell is likely going to go easy on him considering it’s his first run in. I see a 3 game suspension.
  6. Are you saying that he shouldn’t have received a nerve block for a cracked rib? Pneumothorax is a known complication of the procedure. They’ll just show the NFLPA the informed consent he signed before the procedure. The better question, which has nothing to do with the pneumo, is why he was preparing to play in a football game with a fractured rib? I would love to know what the CBA says about this and who agreed this was permissible. He picked the doctor when he signed his name on the informed consent document. No one forces a procedure on anyone. He could also say he would like a 2nd opinion. Now, if the team did not formally document a signed consent prior to the procedure, then they deserve what’s coming to them.
  7. We should definitely keep them out. Winning an out of conference game will undoubted hurt us in any future tie breaking scenarios.
  8. Our defense is fairly average when Milano is out. Let’s not run him out of town yet.
  9. McD: hey Jake, we got a super special, super secret assignment for you. It’s critical you accept this as the future of the season rides on this effort. This is your chance to ascend to greatness. Fromm: Sure, coach! I accept! What is it? McD: you have to stay as far as physically possible from my team. Go where you want, but please, just stay the ***** away.
  10. It’s not about adding the most talent we can at backup QB. Josh needs a veteran presence to mentor him. Barkley does that. Rosen doesn’t add anything.
  11. I’m not as invested, because I don’t think the season is going to be played to completion. The players are effectively in bubbles right now. They probably drive to work, then right back home. Once teams have to start traveling, things are going to change.
  12. You hit the nail on the head. When I learned the NFL was allowing players to design their own shoes, I couldn’t believe my ears and had to take a week off from work. I haven’t been to a game since.
  13. The question I have with FA is what happens if the season is cut short? If they play 8 games, will this count as an accrued season? Plus, I would think there’s going to be a lack of good data for a good handful of future FAs and they may be forced to take a discount. I don’t think Milano would be one of those, but I could see this shaving a million off per year. He’s very good, but he’s not a game changer. Edmonds isn’t either, but hopefully he gets there soon.
  14. Do the Bills even need a marketing department? They can outsource the Media Guide.
  15. I’d rather have a 5th rounder that plays balls to the wall on every play than a 1st round bust.
  16. Before anyone takes this farther than it really should, Buscaglia was just mentioning one single play. The focus of the article was on them working well together, not their positions. It’s still anyone’s guess where they’ll line up.
  17. I can see the Pats going 0-3, having the season abruptly ending, and them getting the top pick.
  18. Are they giving up? It seems like everyone BUT the rookies should be sent home. I guess if they have no chance of winning a starting position, why have them there?
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