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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. If he’s out that long, it’s probably a safe bet we’ll be signing a significant CB in FA or drafting one very early.
  2. Won’t help this year, but I guess we’ll have to add a CB to next year’s draft early round wish list. Outside of Allen, we shouldn’t be this dependent on a single player. I guess we’ll soon find out. Still, this is a serious blow to any Super Bowl aspirations.
  3. I’m pretty sure I saw Belichick milling around the stadium kitchen last night.
  4. For a bust to be a bust, they must be drafted high and fail to meet expectations. So, later rounds can’t be busts. So, Edmunds - Bust Phillips - Bust Oliver - Bust Ford - Bust The reason why the Bills are in this spot is they don’t hit on rounds 1-3 (outside of Allen). You cannot be an elite team by failing to get elite play out of your 1st rounders. To Beane’s credit, he has found very good players in the later rounds. But all the players listed above would be on their 2nd team if not drafted to play for the Bills.
  5. Yep. Kelly had All-Pros up and down the o-line, but a RB would could not only take over a game on the ground, but also as a receiver. Josh has neither. In addition, Kelly also had a defense that could get the eff of the field. We are a 1 dimension team. If you stop Allen with Cover 2 or the weather is bad, the Bills become exposed. This loss is on McBeane.
  6. …and gnashing of teeth. We wouldn’t be losing them if they had won jobs on the roster. That’s up to the players. Basham or Brown haven’t been taken away.
  7. I fondly remember the days we would run 2 RBs in the backfield.
  8. To add to your list, the penalties called on 2 field goal misses. I guess it would’ve been too ambitious to call one on the 3rd FG miss.
  9. What about the “holding” penalty called on a DT during a running play? Seems fishy.
  10. They probably should’ve kept Kyle Allen instead of trading him. Be at least showed someone promise and could’ve been a decent backup QB.
  11. Maybe it’s not the losses. To be honest, I shake them off pretty quickly. It’s the anxiety of watching the game slip away and you just know how it’s going to end.
  12. I’ve been feeling this as well. Never when I was younger though. The loses just seem to sting much more than they used too and the wins aren’t giving me as much joy. Not sure why this is, but it has me questioning my time spent on Sundays. Could have a lot to do with having a lot of stress in my life now though.
  13. There has to be more to this story. Sounds more like a home invasion than domestic abuse. Did he even have a relationship with this woman?
  14. I don’t think I’ve seen a slant route all year.
  15. He just wanted to get the defense off the field. Can’t blame him.
  16. One thing I give them kudos for is their ability to jump back on the field. Our Offense does not grind their opponents down. We score quickly and efficiently. If not, it’s usually a 3-and-out. Either way, the D is back on the field in short order. Now, we are 3rd in time of possession, but I think this is more of a testament on how fast our D can get off the field rather than use running down the clock on the ground.
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