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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Correct, we just give them $50M contracts.
  2. Nothing says commitment like a 1 year deal.
  3. His agents know he’ll likely get less on the open market than what he is making now. So it’s in Beasely’s best interest to secure a trade. The Bills don’t have to accept it though. Lots of moving parts here. The Bills are probably just fairly comfortable cutting him though. The trade request is all Beas.
  4. There was a reason for this. And it wasn’t just about Josh Allen skills.
  5. Please let the adults talk. The original argument was that the Bills don’t have openings on their roster for rookies to make an impact. This was and is simple not true. We had openings last year and still do this year. They continue to be: 2 IOL, CB2, and TE2. There’s only 2 entrenched starters on the OL: Morse and Dawkins. Everything else is fair game and in need of an upgrade. Addison and Hughes are likely gone as well. 2 more potential openings. Will Edmunds go too? Another opening.
  6. You said we didn’t have holes for rookies to have an impact. Then, you ask “Where was a rookie gonna come in and make a big impact on this team?” Now, you have listed 2. I’ll add 2 more positions a rookie could’ve excelled at on our team: CB2 and IOL. That’s at least 4-5 positions. We even have people on here saying we’re thin at WR and need to draft one in the 1st. You really think we have few holes?
  7. Are you suggesting we didn’t have any needs last season nor having any current needs heading into the coming draft? We definitely could’ve used impact players on the D line, our OL was in shambles for half the season, and we also played without a starting CB half the season too. There’s definite holes on our team.
  8. Double teaming him is the only way to effectively cover him.
  9. I have to agree here. I don’t care how many plays were in his head or not, but didn’t it occur to him that a squib might be in order? He probably knows the most about kicking techniques then any other individual on the team. Why didn’t he speak up and say, what about a squib? Or maybe he did and he wasn’t listened to (hence the “communication issue”). He’s a grown man. If players (at any level of experience) can’t talk things through with their coaches, the team has much bigger problems.
  10. I think it’s a head fake for all those on here that think we are a WR away from a Superbowl, but then he tells us what we really need.
  11. Defense wins Championships. Bills take note.
  12. I never said the Bills can’t go toe to toe with the Chiefs. They’ve proved this. It’s just a harder line to walk and one that is less likely to result in a win. Our defense could’ve won that game, but they failed. The Bangles saw this and had 8 players drop back in coverage during the 4th quarter. They had a plan based on what they were seeing on the field. I give them credit, rather than say Mahomes imploded. He didn’t. They were neck and neck at the end of the game, but the Bangles D prevailed. Ours folded. As for Tampa comment, it just proves my point. You can have the greatest QB of all time slinging the ball for you, but at the end of the day, you need to shut Mahomes down. Somehow. And they obviously changed their game plan for their next match up.
  13. Yes, and people are advocating that we need more weapons for Allen. The term “built to beat KC” came from Beane’s observations of what Tampa did to them in the ensuing Superbowl. The Tampa defense was able to contain the speed of the KC offense with a relentless pass rush. Then the next draft, we go DE for our first 2 picks. This was telegraphed by Beane. It was never about being able to outshoot the KC offense. We tried that this year and it failed. That’s a very dangerous game to play. The Bangles shut down his passing lanes and his running. That worked.
  14. Just wait until this Super Bowl performance with Dre, Shady, Snoop, and k dot. Gonna be epic and people will talking about it for years to come.
  15. I really like motor, but to be honest, I hold my breath when he runs. He runs extremely violent, refuses to go down, and takes a beating because of this. What happens when he goes down with an injury? We need a very capable RB 1B option as a change of pace option. I would like some bigger than Motor and faster if possible. But not in Rd 1 or 2. We need CB2 and IOL for those picks.
  16. Then we should’ve forced them prove it. Instead, we left their 2 best receivers completely wide open. And, even after the catches, there were multiple missed tackles. I didn’t see Cincinnati have that problem.
  17. Gronk must like weak armed QBs. Allen’s passes might hurt his hands.
  18. I’m not getting down on the coaches as some are on here. I think the 13 seconds debacle matters, but it’s a symptom of a much bigger issue. I don’t care about the squib vs no squib call. The fact remains that we kicked the ball off to a team with 13 seconds left and they were able to to put 3 points on the scoreboard. To me, it indicates a failure of execution by our defense. There’s 2 players (and by extension, 3) they needed to shut down for 2-3 plays: Hill and Kelce. They couldn’t even do this. Garbage defense. I will say, if Tre was playing, I bet we would’ve won that game.
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