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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. 2nd half of the season is arguably more important than the 1st half, especially leading into the post-season. If you rush a player coming off a major injury, you may set yourself for another one. Plus, it’s going to take awhile before he gets back into game shape considering the number of games he’s already missed.
  2. I would rather they didn’t rush him. We likely won’t really need to until the 2nd half of the season.
  3. And pass a test to reproduce. That’s child abuse right there.
  4. I had no idea Tavon Austin played for that many teams. Patsies is probably his next stop.
  5. Given how the NFLPA has neutered off-season programs, decreased time in pads, and even decreased the number of practices that can held during camp, I think preseason games matter more than they’ve ever had. The days of Camp Marv and losing every preseason games are ancient history. Over the past 20 years, when we’d lose all preseason games, say the sky was falling, but then say it was “just preseason” ended up being very off the mark.
  6. I certainly never meant to be negative. It’s just a reality of any player handling a wet ball or making one travel in precipitation, not a knock against him.
  7. Yep, just wait until it’s freezing rain in November. We’ll then get to see if he’s really a god.
  8. I have golfer’s elbow. I’ve only played golf 1-2 in my life. Got it from lifting weights. I’m perfectly fine if I’m not working out. But, once I starting doing preacher curls, it flares up pretty badly. It’s not the most painful thing, but it stops me from doing that lift. I can’t imagine having to throw (if this is what made it flare) 30-40 times per week with it. I’m happy Stafford got a ring, but that was a pretty dick move by him.
  9. Getting your stock ownership from Yahoo Finance. I need say no more, but I will. You’ve obviously never done any serious investment in your life. Boards do have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders, yet this is rarely enforced by the SEC. Otherwise, CEOs like Randall Stephenson or Jeff Immelt would’ve never lasted longer than they did or receive their golden parachutes. Outside of fraud, when was the last time the SEC brought allegations against a Board?
  10. https://whalewisdom.com/stock/f Go down to “insiders” and it will tell you the number of shares he owns. Independent Board members are no different than other Board members. Being Chairman of the Board, he undoubtedly holds sway in the company. That said, I never posted using this power for endorsements or any other outside compensation was a good idea or even feasible. But, any thought that he couldn’t influence the company is just plain silly.
  11. William Clay Ford Jr is the Executive Chair of Ford’s Board of Directors. While he doesn’t have an appreciable number of shares (3,868), he undoubtedly holds an enormous amount of sway within the Ford corporation.
  12. I’d invite him to came to compete for a TE roster spot.
  13. We don’t kick field goals. We kick extra points.
  14. That was his original rookie contract and it wasn’t done to manipulate the salary cap. It was determined by where he was selected in the 1st round. Rookie contracts are not determined by the market. The only example I can think of a QB taking a hefty salary cut to help his term manipulate the cap was Brady taking a $12M salary. And that’s far, far from vet minimum. In today’s QB money, that would be like accepting $20M per year. Please find a starting QB who has accepted vet minimum on the market so his team could manipulate the salary cap.
  15. I am fine with manipulating salaries with the intent to work within the confines of the salary cap, which is what they did with the players above. But, there’s no precedent for giving a starting QB vet minimum to minimize salary cap implications. This was done solely to subvert any punishment coming from the NFL. If I were Goodell, I would refrain from announcing any disciplinary measures until all civil suits are settled. This would probably mean either Watson starts paying out to settle them quickly or he let’s them go to court over the next year. Once the dust settles, Goodell can then suspend him for the 2023 season. That would send a much better message.
  16. The problem I have with this is that the Brown’s purposely evaded the spirit of such a punishment by making his 2022 season pay vet minimum. The league shouldn’t have allowed this. A QB should not be making 1.035M a season.
  17. What was he saying about Punt God? That PG wouldn’t be able to get it off in time or that the punt returner would muff the catch?
  18. Why would Beane give them that if the Giant’s only other option is to release him?
  19. They’ll be games where the anthem is the only reason his rises from the bench.
  20. No one drafted in the 6th round is even going to make the team. I’m not sure what the plan is here.
  21. Really? https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33824340/aaron-rodgers-says-green-bay-packers-trading-davante-adams-surprised-him?platform=amp
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