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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I would never have believed that 1 year ago.
  2. But, some (probably 98% of) players get used to living a particular lifestyle and can't look back. It's sort of like getting a higher paying job. You start to think you need even more salary and then you look back and wonder how you ever lived comfortably before. Losing that much money per game, plus his fines, is going to start to hurt him. By week 1, he would have forfeited a half million dollars. For someone who is throwing a hissy fit over making just 3.2 million per year (gettin disrespected), you can bet this is going to hurt him some.
  3. Dunno who you are talking about. Lock thread preemptively.
  4. I hope it is an O-lineman. In fact, everyone on the PS should be converted into OL. This will increase the chances of success.
  5. Hmmm.... This creates a unusual/funny problem. McKelvin was a early first round pick and we are paying him a lot of cash, especially to sit on the bench. Most players picked around him will likely be starting at some point in the year. Does this mean he is going to take someones place? And who's? Will he become a starter only by injury? I can't see us only using him on kick returns - that's a high price to pay. I wonder if this signals Greer or McGee leaving within the next couple of years? It's funny that we have too many CBs now.
  6. The Buffalo News is indirectly (but not definitively) saying that he is not going to report and that this is going to drag into the regular season: "His absence wasn’t so much a surprise as it was confirmation that their regular season will begin without him. Their attention has turned toward the Seattle Seahawks. Peters wouldn’t have enough time to be ready to play Sunday in Ralph Wilson Stadium even if he ended his holdout today, having made his discontent clear to the organization." http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/428144.html
  7. With an unclear whipping boy, due to Youboty's recent success, let's get 'em back. Oh, wait...we still have McCargo.
  8. Let him start and let's hope he screws up a few times. That would quash new contract talk for a while (at least until end of season).
  9. Isn't this the Dude that destroyed his chances after he pitched a fit and kept on repeating his 40 run?
  10. Thanks for the texts, Jason! Now come back to camp. We have a game in a week.
  11. Well, he's been doing it, and apparently has done it in the past. Links above.
  12. Probably, so. But, I think he has 2 years left on his contract. If so, he could have surgery and sit out this year and next year, have a monster contract year. Now, he will likely need surgery at the end of (or during) this year. As a result, he may miss next year or not be ready to play at the start of next season. What does his agent think about all this? Just more proof agents are only out for themselves. Does he think that he is going to finish his career with a torn PCL and MCL? Does he actually think he is never going to have to have them repaired? These ligaments are in place to stabilize his knee joint. So, in essence, he will be playing on a very unstable, but playable, knee. Next time he gets this knee hit (not if he gets it hit), picture Willis McGahee.
  13. I already read somewhere, I think the BN, that they are going to put both back there. The kicking team is going to have to pick their poison. Here is one instance where Chris Brown speaks about it, and this was written before April actually instituted using both of them during training camp: http://www.buffalobills.com/blog/index.jsp?post_id=3616 Here's some more about Parrish and McKelvin: http://www.buffalobills.com/blog/index.jsp?post_id=3794
  14. Of course he can play - we have already seen this. But, when the 4 top orthopods in the country, including Bruce's former doc in Alabama and Willis's doc in Miami, say you have surgery instead, its kinda teelling....
  15. Wasn't he one of the players on that party boat, with the strippers?
  16. Can we actually count Peters in yet? He hasn't reported and is not active, so as of today, will not count towards 53 man roster.
  17. There are people saying this is awesome and great, and I'm not saying it is neccessarily a bad thing, but, c'mon, this is extremely odd. He sounds like and is acting like someone who has bipolar disease and is off his medications and is in a manic phase. Saying statements like "people really don't under how smart I am..." is very strange. Who actually says stuff like this? He is legally changing his name. That means everything has to have that new name: his social, driver's license, creit cards, etc... How many people who think this is great would actually have the motivation/stones/chutzpah to go through with something like this? We should actually feel sorry for him.
  18. He doesn't even have to be on the final 53 player roster. If/when he comes back, then we need to release someone.
  19. Or, you could say he is selfish and not a team player. He is obviously no where near 100% (otherwise he wouldn't be seeking so many doctor's opinions), so he is a liability to his team. He is putting himself and the satisfaction he gets from playing before having his team win.
  20. This guy is a total idiot. He sounds like a fricken caveman "It's simple. I just want to play football...." It's either he stinks it up during the first couple of games and realizes he can't do it and goes throught with the surgery. Or, they jack him up on meds before each game and he ends up doing permanent damage, ending his career. My only wonder is how can the Chargers let him play. Usually coaches follow the team doctor's advice as gospel and will not let players on the field until they are medically cleared. Now, there are 3 other specialists saying the exact same thing - not to play football. Will Norv Turner be at fault for actually letting him on the field?
  21. fixed
  22. I understand why teams would hide a player, but the team would be doing so at the expense of developing that player. If a player doesn't develop, then they are no use to the team. Practice is good and all, but it doesn't compare to the real, live competition of a game. A player could practice till they're blue, but could then flop when it comes to the real thing. But anyways, even if they are hiding him for that reason, then that should mean he pretty much has already been designated to the practiced squad.
  23. Why would the Bills be hiding him? We're making him sound like he's some secret weapon. He is a young player and he needs time playing in real NFL game situations. Having him sit during games is robbing him of much needed game-time play and would be a detriment to his development and growth as a future NFL player. If he is so good and is going to some great WR, why not let him develop into one now. Let's be real, if all these teams wanted him so bad, why did he last to the 7th round? That being said, he likely goes to the practice squad or perhaps stays on active roster as a ST player. Teams aren't going to claim him to put him on their active roster as a WR. He's only like caught 5 passes in the last 3 games. And remember, I'm sure every team in the NFL has their golden boy who all the fans are collectively holding their breath so he clears waivers and lands on their own practice squad.
  24. Omon! And Deon needs to STFU.
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