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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Well, NE does NEED a RB in the worst way. They are not going to win with Cassell and they know it. If they become a team that is centered around a game changing RB, they might just win. And as for Jackson sparking our offense, I agree. He has been a huge part of our offense. But, most of his spark comes from being able to catch out of the back field. I TG can replace Jackson's receptions and the some, we will be even better off. As for Jackson's running aility, Lynch has to step up. Lynch was the 1st rounder, not Jackson, so he needs to step up his game. While I hate to see Jackson leave, where the Bills really going to make an effort to sign him up long-term at theend of this year? I dunno, but there could have been a big chance of him leaving anyways. In all, I guess I have to like this trade. However, Jackson seems to be one of the only players that has shown up to each and every game.
  2. Soprano, can you confirm any of this???
  3. The "official" guidelines have nothing to do with an MRI. All concussion management guidelines are based on symptoms. In fact, most concussions cannot even be detected by MRI. If you do have a lesion seen by MRI, you likely have been severely injured and will likely suffer permanent neurological dysfunction. Furthermore, even if a lesion is seen by MRI, it is not likely to resolve by 1 week - more likely months. Here is a nice review article, stating the current evidence-based medicine, on the diagnosis and management of concussions: http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010915/1007.html
  4. This is not a NFL or an NHL thing. And many people who argue that the NFL is a more violent sport. Although there is a lack of evidence, the current consensus guidelines are to restrict participation until one week after symptoms abate. Just because the NFL doesn't have a written policy doesn't mean the individual team doctors are not following the current standard of care. Sustaining an even mild blow to the head while symptoms are still present carries a significant risk of mortality, nevermind lossing one's career. The NFL is taking concussions a lot more seriously: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...07081401721.htm
  5. And this is why they keep sending him home instead of having him stand on the sidelines or watch film. Due to the glucose metabolism mismatch, they don't even want him thinking. By thinking, your brain uses a higher amount of glucose than if you were just staring at a blank wall. If the brain has a higher metabolic need for glucose and can't actually get it, healing will be retarded.
  6. The team will keep Trent out of practice until he has zero symptoms. They will not even have him using his brain by watching film either. If an athlete sustains even a mild hit to the head while still have symptoms of a concusion, they will likely develop Second Impact Syndrome (SIS). SIS is extremely deadly; a 50% mortality rate and a very high incidence of permanent neurologic handicap. So, we are not just talking about Trent risking his career by going back too early. Now, if he is symptom free by this Sunday, there is a small chance he may be able to play again SD. If not, it will not be too bad if he misses the SD game - probably best in the long run. At least we will able to see a fully prepared JP within Schonert's offense. Then after he fails, we can stop hearing about him.
  7. This is likely an old injury because fresh blood appears white on CT. As it ages, it will be isodense (same density as normal brain tissue) and then later look like an empty hole (hypodensity). It's not likely they found anything earth shaking here, but just an old sports injury. Baby Joe probably has a ton of hypodensities on his brain CT.
  8. You sir, have large stones to sit through that again. I applaud you.
  9. This seems about right. I have no idea why we would be in the mix - it makes absolutely zero sense to add another WR. What are we going to do, keep adding WRs until the o-line begins to play better? We have an excellent group of WRs. Evans is Evans. Reed has really proved valuable this year, coming through at the right times. From what I hear, Roscoe will be coming back soon. Then, we have Hardy who is slowly learning the ropes. Even our non-WRs are good WRs; Fred Jackson. So, let's stop this nonsense right now. We will not be sacrificing anyone or even a bag of jock straps for another WR. If we add anyone to the offense, it could be a TE or o-lineman.
  10. Anyways, they're both embarrassments to mankind and should be locked up in the same cell. They can chat it up about the good ole days; making babies and dog fights.
  11. So maybe we should just pretend that we drafted Williams in the 1st and McCargo in the 5th and all will be well at TBD.
  12. Why don't we just move Peters back to TE and call it a day.
  13. That's a bunch of Malarky!
  14. So, he was faking it? Just to set JP up for the loss?
  15. I would like to go defensive side of ball. Anywhere except secondary. Too bad Bowman got injured. Prolly DE or DT. As for our offense, I believe things will greatly turn around once o-line gets its act together. If we do go offense, an o-line pick would be best.
  16. Don't worry, Mort already told us this a while back.
  17. Going into the 4th quarters of the Raiders and Rams games, I would never have thought Trent could pull a rabbit out of his hat and win those games, but he did. So, it is not entirely unreasonable to say that they could have won the Arizona game if Trent was in. He's done it before. I dunno, maybe if the defense saw the offense coming alive, just maybe they would have decided to show up and give a better effort.
  18. Does this mean that he is never going to get into "football shape" anytime this season, since he will be preparing for games each week? I would think that if he is not in "football shape" by week 5 of the NFL, he has a little bigger problem that just missing training camp, which under the Jauron regime, doesn't look to be that grueling.
  19. I don't think missing the OTAs has anything to do with his current play. I don't know personally what goes on at these OTAs, but they seem to basically a bonding experience. Training camp is much different. There is a lot of learning to be had. However, there is probably more learning during the first month of the regular season than the month of training camp. And as stated above, Peters really hasn't improved over the first month of the season. This is not good. He's had his month, you can't keep on blaming it on missed camp.
  20. Written with no sarcasm: Agreed. This team does not need JP as a back-up. We would not miss a beat if he wasn't here anymore. It's just not worth the headache. We should probably get an older veteran-type back-up for next year, someone like Flutie. Flutie would have won that game.
  21. Do you really think we need to draft different players for the o-line? I think the talent is there, we have seen it in prior games. It's just that they are not playing up to their potential. Or, the have been overachieving for a while now. Well, maybe a new center.
  22. Biased? 100% of the posts on TBD are biased. Well, except for Crayonz's.
  23. No, this is a JP loss. Quit being silly.
  24. 1) 99% of the posters at TBD would have died if they suffered the hit Trent was delievered. 2) DT in the first round, anyone? Or, maybe DE. I don't know about McCargo. Stroud will either be leaving or will be over his prime in about 2 years. Williams and Spencer are really good, but not great. Schobel is past-prime. 3) JP needs to be either released or traded this off-season, if just to silence the robots around here. 4) They should extend Jackson's contract BEFORE the end of the season, so he can be an insurance policy in the very least. We can afford to let Greer go.
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