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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. No, that was JP's fault. When Peters screws up and leads to a Trent sack, it is Peter's fault. When Peters screws up and leads to a JP sack, it's JP's fault for holding onto the ball for too long. A JP mistake trumps a Peter's mistake. All joking aside, do you think it would be a good idea to have Peters and Walker swap positions for a while (or permanently)? Walker seemed to do a good job and will likely just get better.
  2. "Honey, I'm gonna be running a little late tonight. Tough day at work."
  3. But you have to truly wonder if he is ready, or will he pull a Billy Joe Hobert? No one ever doubted JP's physical attributes as an athlete, but doubted his brains, motivation, and love of the game. He has been known for blowing off watching game film, being the first off the practice field, and not studying the playbook. What has changed now that would make him more motivated? Maybe his maturity. But, I would think being the actual starter is the greatest motivation to be your best - and he blew that. Now, on the bench, it would seem a lot easier to stare blankly at the clipboard and wonder what you are going to eat for dinner while you make your 6-digit paycheck.
  4. Well, he's not the only one picking the Cards: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/features/talent Even the ESPN Accuscore Game Forecast is picking against us. I guess it's just not cool enough yet to pick the Bills.
  5. I have a Mac and watched the game on this link: http://xssports.lhosting.info/xsbills/ Or, maybe JustinTV, I forgot. Either way, the trick to get a better quality feed is to right-click on the game screen and select low-quality. This will cause it to stop freezing up and the quality will still be the same.
  6. I really don't care what his stats are, if he keeps making game-changing catches, like the ones he had versus the Raiders and Rams in the 4th quarter, he is well worth the money. But, then again, Reed has also been having a bunch of game-changing catches.
  7. I don't know about this. JP is know for his awesome arm strength. Didn't you notice how well his kept the clipboard balanced and didn't let it sag once? Also, I didn't see him get it hit out of his hand the way Trent has been having the football hit out of his hand lately.
  8. Great! So, he has an awesome game in a dome, then we're gonna have to hear all the crap about him not being able to play in bad weather. Can't wait...
  9. Coming from a JP supporter, I don't think this thread is as innocent as it seems. I thought we gave up on this a year ago? This thread's like a ninja, attacking when we least expect it.
  10. This thread sounds like an AA meeting. "My name is _______ and I too, am an alcoholic..."
  11. I originally thought this was a quote from Peters about his agent. Silly me.
  12. Peters should fire his current agent and hire Evan's agent. He should then not say a peep until the season is over. Do you think there is any reason to believe he is still injured and this is why his play is so poor? Do you want to sign someone like this?
  13. Well, that's about all they were, big names. The players on those teams were unbelievably great, but unfortunately, so were their egos. When the going got tough though, they couldn't get it done. But as individuals, no one was better or more dominant as Bruce. However, our current team does not have the egos, at least not yet. And I think this is one of the reasons why were are winning the 4th quarter battles. This is why this team, maybe not this year, will likely go farther.
  14. Wasn't it Donahoe that cut him? Another jerk move.
  15. Good article in the Buffalonews today. I thought I would share this wonderful quote: 'What’s his motivation on kick coverage? Simple, said McIntyre: “My mentality is I have to feed my kids, so somebody has their food and I have to go get it,” he said. “I see the ball, go get the ball.”' That's pretty deep. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/453117.html
  16. I'm all for personally responsibilty, but the difference is, people who are fat asses and smoke aren't going to break into your house and kill your family so they can score a $25 crack rock. So, people who use coke could just as easily be responsible for your downfall. I currently live in Baltimore. Ask anyone in this dump of a city and they will tell you they personally know someone who has been held up at gun point, if they weren't held up themselves. What do you think they want this money for? So they can go down to the nearest BK and buy a Whopper? It's naive to think drugs only hurt the user.
  17. I see where you are coming from, but do you want these dirt bags even trying to sell drugs to your kids. I'm sure you're a great father, but as teenagers, they are going to have to make some decisions for themselves and teenagers are known to make some very poor decisions. I wouldn't even want my kids tempted by the thought of drugs. What about when one of these crackheads breaks into your house in the middle of the night when your family is sleeping so he can do a cash grab to buy his next fix. Drug addicts would not value you or your family's lives for a second in order to get their next fix. Now, I know you can wake up and shoot them and all, but do you really want to even be faced with such a situation?
  18. Even if this didn't deter him from committing the crime, 20 years in prison is 20 less years he could potentially be selling and ruining other's lives.
  19. A multi-kilogram cocaine drug bust. This was not for personal use, but looks like a purchase with the intent to sell. There is no better punishment than 20 years for a person who was going to sell cocaine to multiple people - in effect, destroying multiple peoples's/family's lives. I have no problem if he wants to ruin his life, that's his personal decision. However, when you contribute to the downfall of others, it's a whole different ball game.
  20. Here: 2008: Bills SOS 27th toughest Pats* SOS 32nd toughest (how they get to play the weakest schedule is beyond me. Oh, because they're the Pats*. Forgot.) 2007: Bills SOS 2nd toughest Pats* SOS 3rd toughest 2006: Bills SOS 23rd toughest Pats* SOS 26th toughest 2005: Bills SOS 6th toughest Pats* SOS 3rd toguhest 2004: Bills SOS 10th toughest Pats* SOS 7th toughest So, basically, for the past 3 of 5 years, the Bills have had to play harder schedules than the Pats*. So, the Pats* really do deserve the *. I still can't get over how the Pats*, after going 18-1 last year, were awarded the weakest schedule in the NFL this year. Brady probably blew Goodel or something.
  21. He's probably a mean, nasty SOB. Prolly sneaks up behind Trent and gently whispers in his ear: "listen you !@#$ up. You're gonna go out there a throw a TD or i'm gonna eat your children for dinner." And then quietly and calmly walks away as if nothing happened. Then, "hey, Lester, get off your fat lazy a55 and give me those signal tapes of the first half."
  22. That's a tarded idea. Should the Bills get an * next to their recorded for the last few years, when they had very hard schedules? Well...this 8-8* really is a 12-4 because their schedule was the toughest in the league... 2007 SOS 0.539 (toughest in the league) 2006 SOS 0.477 (23rd toughest) 2005 SOS 0.531 (6th toughest) 2004 SOS (10th toughest)
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