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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. When I hear about "collusion" I usually think about area gas stations getting together and deciding to jack-up prices, which is illegal. I'm sure there are other examples too. But, I have never heard of collusion in the context of owners deciding not to draft a college player. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, can someone enlighten me? I wouldn't think this would involve the NFL Players Association since he is not an NFL player. Under what specific law, professional or civil, would this be considered illlegal?
  2. Not if you don't have cable, don't have a TV, stuck where there is no TV or can't watch TV (such as work), life out of the country...
  3. My friggin web feed pooped out and I missed it!!
  4. Have to bump this, it's a decent feed.
  5. I agree with this. If he didn't want to leave DC, then he shouldn't have taken the money and left. And, if the money was way too much to turn down, then shut up and play your heart out.
  6. This is really too bad. What exactly were they expecting him to do in order to make the team. He was the biggest producer on our team and was one of the best in the NFL during preseason. This just sends the wrong message; it doesn't matter how well you perform because making the team isn't about playing your heart out and producing. I usually don't say this, but I really hope another team picks him up and he lights it up for them. The man deserves a job.
  7. Why wouldn't he just go back to his regular position, RT? As for Ellison, no her won't get cut. Why would anyone cut a quality back-up that comes cheap? I'm guessing Simpson and Denney.
  8. Who cares about all this TO and bad weather business. What I find striking is that he's basically calling Bell the second-coming of Peters.
  9. RW is only in the HOF because he was one of the original owners and had kept the team in Buffalo, not because of winning or how he runs the franchise.
  10. You're right. He will eventually get what he wants. I wonder what's worse, showing up to camp and just going through the motions (Marshall) or not showing up to camp and cutting off all avenues of communication (Peters)? I guess we'll have to see if he keeps doing this stuff during real games.
  11. This is not the first time Vick has been busted in an airport. Maybe he should just avoid them all together.
  12. Someone's playing. Jackson, no surprise.
  13. Do you think the Pack will put in their 2nd stringers for us?
  14. At least our run D looks good...
  15. Is it just me, or has Lynch been very average this preseason?
  16. At least it looks like it happened 12 years ago, not live.
  17. We're doooooomed! Jauron better start sending our his resume.
  18. I thought the no huddle was supposed to prevent substitutions. GB has been doing it all night.
  19. Maybe it was Maybin. Keith's tied up in the sauna.
  20. And how were the packers making substitutions?
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