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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. A couple of years ago we spent nearly a $100 million on our OL too and look where it got us. Anyways, I don't think Peter's replacement is going to play any worse than he did last year. Remember, he gave up 11 sacks, some of which lead to costly fumbles. If his replacement gives up less sacks that lead to fumbles, I say we improved. That said, Peter's has tons of potential and could have played much better last year. He purposely dogged it and if he was going to have a repeat season, then we don't need him around. Apparently, if a player wants a better contract and/or force a trade, they just have to stink it up one season.
  2. Yes, he did. Remember Ralph and TD held a presser to introduce him as our 1st round pick the year after we drafted him? Lol.
  3. Nah. Word is he was regularly texting one of the D lineman.
  4. True, Kelly and Smith were no angels, but the whole city would have been shocked if Thurman, Reed, Talley, or Smith were arrested (minus the asleep at the wheel incident, which came later on) during the early 90s. Is this what we should be accustomed to each off-season? Should we start office pools for wins during the season and arrests during the off-season? Yes, T.O. is one of the best, but is also one of the most volatile in the league. Only time will tell with that one. I'm not disappointed in the football aspect of the off-season, but the FO just seems to be making this stuff up as they go along (Trent texting Russ to get T.O.?? I hope that's an embelished story). As for Peters, let's just move on from this soap opera (gaining a 1st and 3rd from an undrafted FA sounds fine to me). I'm sick of the arrests and sick of players unhappy with their contracts. We never had to worry about these things in the past. I'm starting to think maybe the agents are just trying to take advantage of Russ's GM inexperience.
  5. It seems like this isn't the team I grew up watching. All these arrests. Signing T.O. What next out-of-character fiasco is going to happen? About right now this team needs a very strong-handed leader, something we're not going to get with Dick and Russ. It's out of control.
  6. The problem giving 11.5m to a player on a team that hasn't made the playoffs in forever is that this team likely has many holes. Devoting that much to a single player is not in the best interest of a team that has multiple holes to fill. Sure, we could just let Peters play out his current contract, but at what cost? What if he half-asses it for the next 2 years like he did last year? Last season, he was more of a liability than an asset. Sure, he could play MUCH better, but he didn't. We lost some games due to very costly sacks/fumbles. We can't afford to have another repeat of his 2008 performance. We might as well have a less talented, cheaper player playing OT, one that plays his heart out.
  7. Bills never made the playoff with Peters either. No one on a team who has not made the playoffs in over 10 years deserves to get $11.5M. He's expendable for the right amount of players/pics.
  8. Yes, he has been dominant. But, nowadays, in the salary cap era, the draft is even more important than before. Players just have a couple of years to prove themselves before being labeled busts and cut. They need to be able to step right in immediately and play. And with young players acting all Pacman, teams can be set back years if they make a big mistake in round 1 or 2. Look how McCargo and Williams set us back? Yes, I know there is much more that lead to our suckiness, but just imagine if they both evolved into Pro Bowl players? Imagine where we would be now? They were/are both highly talented, but unmotivated individuals and we ended up screwing around with those 2 projects for too many (wasted) years. Teams really need to have their picks count. Teams can't afford to take these risks anymore.
  9. I kind of feel bad for him. But, after the 2nd or the 3rd time, he should have kept his willy in his pants. Here's a telling quote from the article: “I did use protection at first,” he said. “Then they’d be saying they’d be on the pill. I was an idiot to trust them. Second or third time with them, I didn’t use it. Then, boom!” You just know woman were just dying to get impreganted by him (or anyone else with his paycheck). It's sort of like playing the lottery, but only for women. Nevertheless, it was his sperm and his decision to have sex with them. Sucks to be him.
  10. I love this Kelsay quote from today's Buffalonews. Unfortunately, they didn't print everything he said. Here it is, revealed for the first time: "I was a little surprised at first," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "When you looked around at our team and the needs we have, wide receiver wasn't the first one that jumped out. For example, who's going to be plugged in at my position? We obviously have no pass rush, haven't had one in years. Despite all the money Marv threw at me, I just really don't have the talent that Mr. Wilson seeks. But it's great to add talent."
  11. I'm thinking O-line. In order for Trent to get the ball up to TO and Evans, he's going to need some time. Right now, our o-line is half blown-up and is a big question mark (as it always has been). Don't we need a center or guard (depending on where Hangartner plays)?
  12. Maybe he's "found Jesus" too? That's another common occurence. Anyways, in addition to Maurice's, we can all look forward to reading Marshawn's prison blog in the future too.
  13. Wait, we should unconditionally support criminal activity? I agree with your statement on young black males, but what is one to do? Say, "well, you had a rough upbringing, so go ahead, break some laws." These things are best prevented, usually from a stable family life (that is, father around, not turning to gangs to be raised). But, due to his unfortunate upbringing, he certainly doesn't get a get out of jail for free pass. He doesn't need support, he needs the veteran black athletes speaking out against his actions and telling him to grow the hell up. Problem is, they're not exactly grown up either (see TO, Burress, etc.). The other thing is, there are many black athletes in the NFL that had horrible childhoods, but the vast majority of black athletes in the NFL are great law-abiding citizens. Marshawn appears to be the exception because there are many Lee Evans and Langston Walkers in the NFL.
  14. This is very related. Has someone shot at you while you were sitting in your car? I'm sure Marshawn was just sitting in his car "minding his own business" when a car appeared out of nowhere and began shooting at him. Right. Where there's smoke, there's fire. In light of his other run ins with the law (the ones where he has actually been caught), it's not hard to imagine that some shady dealings lead to him being shot at.
  15. We all do stupid things when we are young?? That's right where I stopped reading. No, most of us are not victims of drive-bys, we don't do hit and runs, we are not caught smoking pot with concealed handguns, and we certainly don't have all 3 of those happen to us in a short span of 3 years. As for the OPs question, no, he won't make it. He has already established a solid pattern of no respect for the law. But, I don't think he'll get thrown in jail. He has a good lawyer.
  16. Who is Peters gonna text this coming summer while he's holding out now?
  17. Our FO is totally inept at finding talented TEs in the draft. They have spent over 10 years proving this over and over. It's best that they pick someone up that another team has drafted. I would give up a 2nd or a 3rd for this guy.
  18. It's not an assault rifle. Semi-automatic AK's are perfectly legal in the US - as long as it is not modified to be automatic. As some one above pointed out, if semi-automatic, it's justlike any other rifle sold in the US - just looks different because we are so used to seeing bin Laden or some Russian fire one on TV.
  19. My brother has a semi-automatic AK. It's actually pretty fun to shot. We would bring it to the range to shoot. May this dude was just driving to the range? I'm sure Lynch and his buddies were driving to the range too.
  20. And how would the public react once they find out a famous NFL RB had his charges of carrying an illegal gun suddenly dropped? There would also be outrage. The public is becoming less and less tolerant of these rich athletes thinking and acting like they are above the law. Maybe its being young, or just stupid, but these professional athletes are going to have to realize everything they do will be viewed under the microscope. Sitting in a parked car with a bunch of his dogs smoking blunts? With a loaded gun in the trunk? How did he think this situation was going to turn out? Edward probably smokes blunts too, but in the privacy of his house, likely with no gun or, if he has one, responsibly locked up.
  21. Excellent post. Sure, you get shot at in college. Sh1t happens. 2nd time, he is driving the car in a hit and run. Everyone makes mistakes, right? 3rd time, carrying a loaded weapon without a permit. Well...he's been shot at before...or...maybe the police shouldn't have pulled him over...um...Marshawn's the victim here. C'mon, let's get real here. Perhaps people are throwing him under the bus because he has a well-established pattern with violence and breaking the law. Wake up. It's Lynch being Lynch. We may complain about Peter's greed, but has he broken any laws? Or Evans? Jackson? Why aren't they finding themselves in these situations?
  22. Actually, it looks like he'll fit right in. He can have his locker right next to Lynch. btw, in light of the head stomp, didn't Brad Butler try to end Kiwanuka's career in college with his own cheapshot?
  23. I'm positive there are good DEs to be had in the 2nd and even 3rd round. The biggest question is, especially with their recent (last 10 drafts or so) DE drafting history, will the Bills actually be able to select them?
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