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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I also heard that she has been in negotiations to get the Peace Bridge feasibility studies studied too. J/k.
  2. Let's also not forget the players signed the last contract too - the same contract that had the owners opt-out clause in it. So, in effect, the players agreed to the owners having the right to walk away from that deal. Therefore, the players are not the victims people are making them out to be.
  3. I don't understand how being drafted automatically means you're locked-out. They can't be part of the NFLPA because (a) they've never played a game and most importantly, (b) the NFLPA doesn't exist anymore.
  4. I like that quote. It's sort of a preemptive strike against Ralph forcing a pick. If he tries to, then he'll be thought of as not "smart enough".
  5. I love how that PFW article states 5 players have been arrested 2.5 weeks into the lockout. Classy. Just wait until they start missing games, they won't know what to do with themselves except to break some laws.
  6. These player knew for months that they would have to sit down and take this test. Therefore, it's in their best interest to prepare. A good score may not mean much for a CB, but I can see how it can help a QB, so why not take it seriously? A great score will increase your likelihood of getting drafted earlier, so why not just take a day or two and study your butt off? So, it seems that if you get a poor score, either you're of low intelligence (which is OK) or you just don't give a damn about being a professional and being the best you can be. If I had to pick who would be on my team, it would be the former example any day of the week.
  7. So, if you work for an owner that wants to make more money at the expense of their workers, it's "modern-day slavery"? Isn't this the case of all for-profit businesses then? Why doesn't he page out of Ricky William's book then and go joint a tribe in Australia and smoke pot for a living then.
  8. So, does all this mean that an NFL without the nflpa (or any union) can never exist? Then how did the NFL play with replacement players back in 1987? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the nflpa decertify (that is, desolve or cease to exist) back in 1987 too?
  9. The players have no right to demand that the owners open their books - it's really none of their business since it's not their club. Why do the players think the owners have to prove that the owners need/deserve their own money? Lol. Let's suppose one of us went to our company's CEO and said "gee Joe, you know I'm in need a big raise and I would like to go over the company's accounting books to see if you guys have any extra money for me." We would be laughed out of the office. If the players think they deserve owner's money, they can become owners themselves and form their own league. Problem is, with the way they handle their money, they would run it into the ground in a few years of dumb financial decisions.
  10. Before crying foul like a little girl, Nix is on record many times saying that all options in the draft are open, that Fitz is not going to be with the starting QB forever, and that he's building for the next 10 years, not just 2011. It's a foregone conclusion that the Bills will be drafting a QB somewhere in this draft, but, barring injury, he will not see the field in 2011. So, whatever Johnson says, it's a non-issue.
  11. Who else would he be backing? We have no other QBs on our roster.
  12. It's interesting that Chan isn't the one at auburn. Isn't Chan supposed to be the QB guru that can identify and pick good QBs? But, Nix is checking out Mallet instead. Perhaps Chan has seen enough of Cam already. Or, this is just more, get ready, smokescreen.
  13. Thing is, he's still not taking responsibility for what he did. Seems like a pretty immature response. "I did put my hands on her." Oh, really, u did? Sorry "Dre", u did a bit more. You choked her, punch her in the face and pushed her down the stairs. "That's the only mistake I made in my life". Yeah, sure, Dre. Why put the "but" in there? Why can't you just say what you did and say you were wrong and are sorry. Period. No "buts" or other excuses for being a little B word who has to fight women rather than men his own size.
  14. Actually, pretty dumb for a player who has only finished a full season 1-2 times in his whole career. He's a career-threatening injury waiting to happen. And for those asking why this injury hasn't happened, it may have been the reason for him being such an up-and-down QB in the past. Even if a career-ending injury doesn't occur, he's one hit away from having his career/production take a downturn.
  15. Great, the Bills can draft him with our 5th round pic and then be blasted by the media for this being a reach. That said, our last few "reaches" really have been busts, so may the media is onto something.
  16. Geez, he made that Dolphins team he was involved witg sound like a dynasty.
  17. No, you forgot "someone wake up Buddy!" and "we're doomed!".
  18. You need to calm down, dude. I agree with you, but this is not real life, it's the NFL. And the NFL like parity. You shouldn't have taken 10 minutes of your life to argument against someones fantasy for an already fantasy world, the NFL.
  19. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Bruce, now go back to sleep. If a work stoppage does occur, it could never be to the players striking. It would be a "lock-out". That is, the owners would be barring the current players from playing.
  20. Actually a very telling story. He admits to making mistakes over the last 10 years. Could he be talking about having too much say in the War Room? Also, he flat-out says we need a QB. No was around it, he's still not sold on Fitz.
  21. That seems like a really cool idea. I would add that teams who grab a QB must offer that player a 5+ year contract after their first full season or let them walk. I believe there are many good QBs (and maybe even great QBs) out there that just never get the chance to show their stuff and they end up out of football. This is another argument for some sort of "minor league". Most QBs need more than 1-2 years to develop. Usually, being buried on a roster with a franchise QB, this never happens. It's actually quite a waste if talent.
  22. We're Doomed!!!
  23. I just check this guy out and wonder why we don't hear his name more often.
  24. If anything, this game argues for the need of a franchise QB. No way GB wins it with a Dilfer-type QB.
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