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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Sorry, but this is exactly how Brandon wants you to feel. Excited because we are being "aggressive". Too bad we've read this book before. We are being just as aggressive as we were when we played hard to get Clabo, Unfortunately there are huge gap between being "aggressive" and actually signing players.
  2. Eli success and the Giants SB win shows why Polian was fired. Eli has a fantastic team built around him. He doesn't need to single-handedly win each game like Peyton did. In fact, maybe they would get to the SB, but if Eli went down, the Giants would still be a playoff contender. They certainly wouldn't win just 1-2 games.
  3. ...because Goodell told him to sign with Philly. And thank God for that. The Fitzpatrick extension could have been worse, it could've gone to Vick.
  4. Yes, he was a visionary, a man before his time. Let us all share in a moment of silence
  5. Funny thing is, all the QBs mentioned in this thread will not make it to the 3rd round, maybe not even the 2nd, once the hype machine is running on all cylinders. GMs seem to lose all sense of reality when it comes to QBs and the draft. Just look what happened last year.
  6. Addition by subtraction. Fitz in second half was completely different from Fitz in first half of season.
  7. What was Nix suppose to say? "Well, winning's hard in the NFL and besides, we lost all those games due to x, y, and z." However, what Nix says usually rings true. Edwards is gone.
  8. Why is this such a surprise? Losing 1 player should not spiral a team down to rock bottom. And if it does, then it means that the GM was inept at or ignoring the rest of the team. Polian didn't build this team right, plain and simple.
  9. No. He just turned us down a couple of years ago. Why would we want someone who doesn't want to be here?
  10. I don't trust the Bills drafting any pass rusher in the first round. We have a horrible track record. And even if the guy is a "can't miss", I wouldn't trust the current coaching staff to develop him properly. I'm on board for a QB in the first round. Geez, for Fitz being all smart (Harvard, etc), he sure makes some very questionable decisions. He should know by now what throws he can and cannot make.
  11. If we let him leave, he WILL sign with a team within the division, likely NYJs or NE, and for every 1 game he single-handedly loses for his new team against us, he'll destroy us in 9. We might as well replace him with a 1st round DB we'll draft in the spring.
  12. I actually think your not a fan if you don't want them to lose out. The Bills are not going to the playoffs for the 15th season in a row. We have played just mediocre enough to be out of the running for an elite QB every year since our last Superbowl loss. In this league you actually have to hit rock bottom before you can become great. This draft actually looks pretty decent in terms of QBs. Losing the ability to draft one of them will be worse than us losing the rest of our games, which mean nothing at this point. And I don't buy all the psychological mumbo jumbo about the benefits of having a winning atmosphere. If that stuff did help, how could we have ever flipped from 5-2 to 5-8? We obvious learned very little from our string of wins earlier in the year.
  13. It's heavily backloaded. We can cut him in 2 years and it still would've been a reasonable amount of money for both parties.
  14. Good. Maybe he'll sustain the obligatory off-season-basketball-pick-up-game-injury instead of one of our real players.
  15. If the Colts can draft Luck with one of the best QBs in the history of the NFL already on their roster, then I'm sure we can draft a QB with Fitz on our roster. People are so quick to say the Colts will draft Luck, but Manning probably has about 5 more years of great football in him. Some may say he's now damaged goods, but there is nothing out there to suggest this. So, if the Colts, who outside of the QB position have twice as many holes as we have, can draft Luck and ignore the rest of their horrible roster, then so can we. On the Colts, Luck is likely to sit for another 3-5 years anyway. I don't have a crystal ball, but I think this offseason's draft position will be the best the Bills will have in the near future. Should we get caught with our pants down in 3-5 years when we need Fitz's replacement? I think most people know now that while Fitz is not this team's problem, he's not likely going to be the solution either. He cannot rely on him to take control of a game in its final minutes to win us a game. We need that type of leader.
  16. Fitz is rarely the reason we lose. However, the bigger problem is, he's rarely the reason why we win.
  17. Johnson is not the angel people make him out to be. Let me just remind everyone of this incident: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3440239
  18. It appears we now have the second-coming of Christ on our roster. Awesome. Go Bills!
  19. No way he goes to Indy. Nothing is going to get in the way of their perfect (off-)season.
  20. I don't know if a coach has ever been fired mid-game. Instead of being known for 4 straight SB loses, perhaps we can be the first team to fire a coach during half-time.
  21. You guys just don't understand. This is all by design. If we beat the fins today, then they are still effectively in the race for Luck. That is not something we want to deal with twice a season for the next 10-15 years. This is a must-lose game for the great good of long-term competition.
  22. This reminds me of the 2008 Bills mid-season meltdown.
  23. Good for him. Him leaving is 100x better than him just going through the motion just to collect his paycheck. In fact, I wish more players would immediately leave their team when they don't give a care anymore. Less injuries would happen then. This is a lot better than what Fat Albert has been doing. I wish him luck.
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