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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I would root against the Bills if Vick was their starting QB. Plus, Vick can't complete a full season if he tried. That's the difference between a team making playoffs and not. Why must we suffer through a Vick thread each season? He's proved he can't get the job done.
  2. To put it in perspective, there are some who devote their time to hating on players who have yet to even shed their Bills uniform, so ripping former players really isn't that bad (especially when they are signed to replace other ungrateful d-bag ex-Bills).
  3. Geez, people are acting like it's 2009 and we're going to bring in Vick. Sure, this guy has motivational (and likely intellectual) issues, but he's coming in for a back-up role. There is really little risk here. Have the haters ever thought about what would happen if Fitz goes down next season for an extended period of time? We have no viable back-up right now. If Fitz gets injured, the season's finished.
  4. So he says. He wasn't going to admit he was from the Bengals organization, was he?
  5. We don't need a new running back though. For the 2011 season, the Bills gave up the 3rd most TD passes in the entire NFL (only Raiders and Vikings were worse), opposing QBs had a 63.3 pct (5th worse), 90.4 rating (7th worse), and we were 14th worse in passing yards. In addition, the Patriots had the #1 passing offense in the AFC. Anyone who wants to win the AFC East will have to shut down their passing attack. Barron would also help us in run support, where we were 5th worse in yards per game, 5th worse in total yards allowed, and 2nd worse in rushing TDs allowed. Be it a DB, Kleuchy, or Barron, our 1st pick will be someone that helps shut down the pass. It won't be a LT. Nix has said that people need to listen to him and he has repeatedly said he likes Hairston as a LT.
  6. That pretty much says no LT in our 1st round, likely a WR or CB then.
  7. QBs are held at a high premium in this league. Tannenhill will go in the first round, for the same reason Locker and Pounder did (and almost Daulton too).
  8. He must be holding our for more money than anyone is willing to give him. Someone has to tell him that he's a former 7th round, always injured scrub whose success is mostly due to Fitz's quick decision making ability. He's not an elite LT and everyday that goes by, he's likely going to get less money. In fact, for this he should fire his agent. Bell's likely his only player and he though he'd hit pay dirt by gaining an LT as an agent.
  9. And there's our WR "FA" pick-up. Draft here we come. I'm guessing OT or CB. Is it bad that Buddy has become so predictable? He basically says what he's about to do.
  10. It is actually very easy to see how this will play out. My money says he ends up as back-up to Marcia.
  11. I'm mildly shocked there have been no calls for Lee Evans. Will he be out of football?
  12. Many, this is hard to believe. Ralph is cheap and stuff. Anyways, love love love the signing. Here's hoping he hasn't even seen his best days yet. Drastically changes the draft. I hope we now go LT, CB, or OLB.
  13. Mario is ours. He wouldn't be wasting this much time when there are millions on the line. He's as good as signed - will be sealed tomorrow.
  14. Of course he has another visit PLANNED. His agent would be an idiot if he didn't already line up another visit. We all have back-up plans. Do we all think the Bills don't have other DEs in mind either? I would feel very foolish walking away from $110 million on the table (which could easily be taken off the table if the Bills sign someone else in the time period he's "thinking about it"). I agree. If he walks, it's obvious what his Clabo-like intentions are. The Bills should move on.
  15. There has to be some waiter out there serving these people. Let's get on it! Post!
  16. Don't we get any points for having free agent leverage visits? A free draft pick?
  17. I'd hit it...with lights off...in a drunken stupor.
  18. Now, that's a bit much. Sure, he should be reprimanded in some way, but lose his license? Sometimes people forget that doctors are actually doing something great for society and that their patients and people in general would be the ones that would suffer if he lost his license. Having loose lips certainly does not equate to practicing bad, negligent medicine.
  19. Problem is the Bills make "competitive" offers to a lot of players, yet they always sign with the other team. Make me wonder what their definition of "competitive" is. Or, said another way, Ralph Is Cheap.
  20. I really hope this move is to save money so the team can spend it one someone else, not just to save money. I guess we shall see.
  21. The fact that there has been no crying on Twitter bodes very well for these negotiations. It almost seems like professions are dealing with this professionally. I may be wrong come tomorrow though. We'll see.
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