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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. That's true. The details are staggering. And remember, the best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you previously said. The amount of energy and attention to detail that this girl must have had to achieve is truly amazing. It's like living a double life. This girl's heart and soul must have been entrenched in such a hoax. Could a human being actually pull that off without a huge sense of motivation? This is why I just can't buy this being a hoax. I have a feeling that what know at this point is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a suspicion that people deep within ND University were not only privy to this, but orchestrated this whole thing. A joke? This "hoax" is just as likely as Obama being born in Hawaii.
  2. It looks like it's 70 degrees outside. Why's this guy wearing a scar. Fishy.
  3. Fascinating, truly fascinating.
  4. Amazingly enough, Urban Dictionary doesn't even have an entry for necro-beard. Someone get on this. And put in an entry for Manteed.
  5. Seriously, how are we going to tell these guys apart? Ladies and Gents, I present to you Hal Luther: http://blog.syracuse.com/orangefootball/2012/08/syracuse_university_football_t_155.html
  6. Yes, a female does exist. And I were her, I would start looking for a book deal right away before this fizzles. And, has anyone heard from Ronaiah Tuiasosopo yet? I'm sure he has a lot to say.
  7. If I were him I'd come out of the closet anyway. It's the only legit way through this mess. In other news, Chip Kelly is having seconds thoughts about the Eagles job while Brian Kelly is now trying to actively wrestle it away from him.
  8. Not that Anselmo. The one they hired is John. He's a real estate agent from California. http://www.johnanselmo.com/ Or, maybe they hired the golf instructor, also from California. http://anselmogolfacademy.com/ I'm not sure. Could be either one. But I though the Bills would have learned from recruiting from California.
  9. Agreed. This has nothing to do with whether or not Internet dating works or not. That's immaterial. The fact remains, he spoke to her on the phone apparently every night, he admitted to seeing her in person at least once, and apparently she visited his parents home in Hawaii. Now, who was this girl that met his parents, he met at least once, spoke to on the phone for obscene amounts of hours? A girl did exist. In fact, a fullback on the Cardinals is saying he was close friends with her. Again, this girl existed and it was not that dude. So, who was this girl? And if she was part of a hoax, I can't imagine a human being going through such extremes to keep playing her part. Visiting the parents? Staying on the phone all night? Come on. Btw, does anyone know the record for the longest thread on TBD? I think we may have a winner in the making. This is certainly going to pass the hiring of Marrone.
  10. Draft this guy now. He's awesome. Can we please ban the word "kid" from this thread? He was a senior in college, living on his own for 4 years.
  11. I'm really having a problem with the timing of this statement. This story broke late this afternoon. Within hours, he's squealing about being the victim. Let's say this hoax did occur. In his mind, up until now, he had a girlfriend. In his heart, he was completely convinced with this notion. This was his reality. If someone, some stranger, then told him this wasn't true, why would he automatically believe them? He automatically said "it' was a big hoax. I'm the victim". If I was in his shoes, I would be filled with disbelief, utterly shocked. I would want to do my own investigation to convince myself of what actually happened. I would want to be 100% sure of what actually is reality before giving a public statement. There was no notion of denial here. That would have been the more natural human reaction. Unless deep inside he already knew it wasn't true.
  12. Either he is a complete friggin liar or he's the biggest idiot on planet muther F'ing Earth. I believe the former conclusion. Yeah, he's the victim. He's completely innocent. People will say all sorts of things when they realize they're losing millions of dollars as the clock ticks. Manti, I'm not an idiot. He needs to man up and just come clean. No way would I want this guy leading my defense. Maybe if he just came clean, but not after this **** he's feeding us.
  13. There's plenty of highly functional pathological liars out there.
  14. This is true. The media has become out of control. They are absolutely reckless in their reporting and none of them are held responsible for their actions. Sure, there are some with an ounce of integrity still, but the "profession" as a whole has sank lower than lawyers (who at least will give you your day in court).
  15. They certainly did. Russ is cheap. For what it's worth... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/154870-all-of-gaileys-staff-have-been-told-they-will/#entry2699327
  16. Bet you this is going to ruffle many feathers in Cleveland. Can't say that I like a guy that's so wishy-washy. I could see him going back to the Ducks before the season starts.
  17. They clearly said no coaches under Chan would be considered. So, D'Alesandris is not be considered. It's really too bad because the OL was the only bright spot this season. It looks like Marrone is going without an OL coach anyhow - probably just going to do it himself since he's a former OL coach.
  18. Huh? That would seem like prime real estate for him.
  19. Sign him up to film the Patsies practices!
  20. Didn't think Jason Rebrovich needed his own thread.
  21. No OL coach? Why fire D'Alesandris?
  22. Not white though. The TSW NAACP can calm down now.
  23. Doesn't this happened to every guy at some point in their life?
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