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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Rusty would be a good dog's name.
  2. Crediting this guy for Petersons success if like crediting McCoy for Manning's success. Wait, people are doing that. I wonder about the sacks allowed. Hmmm. 2011. #1 Buffalo Bills. #11 Tampa Bay Bucs. 2010: #14 Bills, #18 Vikings 2009: #28 Bills, #18 Vikings. Do I sense a trend here? What was the reason for the meteoric rise of our OL, personnel or coaching?
  3. D'Alesandris couldn't have been better than is guy.
  4. I read about half of it. Way too long. I'm still baffled on how this could have happened. How could this girl have been so intimate with him? She basically sacrificed any social life she had (by talking every night, all night) just to continue this ruse? Talk about commitment, unless she truly developed feelings for him, but didn't want to tell him what she had really been doing so killed herself off. And who was the brother that T'eo kept talking to? Couldn't have been Ronaiah because he would have recognized his voice. And why did she sell the lie of her existence to other people? Sure, to make it more believable, but then she'd have to start remember what part to play with who. And people continue bringing up this Catfish show. I've never seen it. But are the fake relationships on there even 10% as complex as this one and do they last 4 years? I'm sure the real fun will start once the lawyers get involved and lawsuits start popping up. So far we've only heard one side of this story and from one directly involved.
  5. But Leodis's downfall has been due his lack of brains. Like that time against NE when he brought a kick/punt out of the end zone and fumbled. Dumb.
  6. If you're going to point your finger at Lovie not being hired, you're going to have to also point your finger at the person who fired him and be prepared to accept their reasoning. If you look at the only other coach that was previously fired (Reid), you'll see a much better resume.
  7. It could have though. Teams likely know that the Bills are likely going to target him now. So, if teams 1-7 secretly had the urge to snacht him in the 2nd, they're going to have to address it now before 8th pick or possibly kiss him goodbye.
  8. I thought that the Rooney Rule had been a success? What, one bad year and people are crying foul? I think the real racists are the brass in NYC. http://www.lasentinel.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3056:rooney-rule-a-total-success-for-black-coaches-in-the-nfl&catid=106&Itemid=196 http://www.tampabay.com/sports/football/bucs/nfls-rooney-rule-has-boosted-minority-coaches-and-general-managers/1211219
  9. Reverse Stockholm syndrome I see. Yeah, I know. But if one really did have drug dealers after them, why would like choose a long, painful death (with a bone marrow transplant added in there as a get out of jail card) as a way to evade them?
  10. Geez, faked her death to evade drug dealers? So, even drug dealers were after a fake person. This just cannot get any stranger.
  11. Wow, this guy wasted no time. His dead gf was barely even cold before jumping in bed with a new warm one.
  12. There was also a time when Blaine Gabbert shot up the boards. I'm not saying they're the same, but just that I don't trust the "shooting up the boards" action that occurs between now and the draft.
  13. That would certain fit in with the rest of the story. I wouldn't have expected anything less.
  14. Good article. This is particularly damning and I have no idea why ND chose to go this route: Another question I have is who came up with the grand idea of killing the gf off on the same day as the grandmother? And why?
  15. I'm not a lawyer, but you would think that getting phone records is a little harder than people just asking for them. I would think phone carriers wouldn't be too keen on giving out phone records without a court order. After all, no crime has been committed. Not yet, at least. But I'm sure the lawsuits will be coming soon. A variety of girls. Good choice of words there. By this account, he does exactly sound like an introvert. And if he was completely innocent, we not only would have heard more from him by now (he's actually had 3 weeks to get his ducks in order), but we would have heard from him before the Deadspin article.
  16. This is a surprising development. Chud was an OC and usually former OCs want to put their own stamp on the offense (same for ex-DC turned HCs with the defense). Now Chud is going to have to give up his offensive vision for what Norv is going to want to run. Or maybe they have very similar offensive philosophies. I don't really know. Do they have any past connections? This sounds like a decision that came down from above.
  17. We don't have much in the way of facts at all. The only facts we do have is what Manti is on record of saying in the past. Those are facts and they will not change. Whether any of that was actually true is a whole other story. But he can't take back what he's said in the past. It's going to be interesting from here on in. We've only heard about 10% of this case. The rest will come out eventually. And I don't think this story is going to be supplanted by another because it's primarily a sports story. Something in the world of sports will have to be bigger to supplant it. What, the start of the NHL season?
  18. No, they're different. Well, at least Luther and Ciano are different people. They're both strength & conditioning coaches now. I guess 2 is better than 1.
  19. He said it because he wanted to continue his ruse. It wasn't until this story broke he came clean. He could have avoided all of this shame if he came out with all this before the Deadspin article.
  20. That remains to be seen. http://m.deadspin.com/5976816/what-happened-to-manti-teos-interview-with-espn
  21. Bill Polian is in ESPN's pocket right now though. And ESPN isn't touching this story with a 10 foot pole because it makes them look like complete buffoons. The quicker this story goes away, the better for ESPN.
  22. Certainly not as bizarre, but Lance is probably loving every minute of this. Wait, Lance who?
  23. That's awesome. And probably true.
  24. Lots of YouTube videos too. He's not that bad. http://youtu.be/Ie7lbuma03E
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