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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Shouldn't this thread be about the Bills having to move down below 8 to grab Nassib? With all the fanfare going on at the Senior Bowl, this might be something we have to do.
  2. Oh, without a doubt. Purple Drank is nothing to scoff at. We'll have to make sure he's no longer on that stuff. That said, maybe the gazillion dollars he earned from his contract is running low. That's a sure fire way to instill the desire to "make a comeback" in these guys.
  3. We could sign him as a fullback.
  4. Geez, the way Nassib is being talked up, I'm wondering if he's even going to make it to 8. I also wonder if Geno's absence is going to drop him out of the #1 QB taken.
  5. All can go except for Wilson, who I believed had a down year due to the misdirection by the Stache. He can have another year to prove he isn't going downhill. But, I still would draft his replacement (or find one in FA) this year.
  6. We need a QB, badly. It would be criminal not to at least bring him in for a look. It's been a while, maybe he decided to grow up.
  7. I'm not sure. I've always known that if something quacks, has webbed feet, and flies, it's likely a duck. At this point, T'eo has done everything wrong. From the point he got that phone call from "Lennay" on Dec 6th, he has not done one single thing right. And, supposedly he had professional advice too, but still F'd everything up. Right after ND did their Google search and his ass was handed to him by Alabama, he should have had Schaap on the phone immediately to give his interview. Instead, he continued to play his ruse right up until his time was up. What exactly was the benefit of both him and ND being silent on this? And if Deadspin sat on this (and ESPN too), he still would have been trying to continue this.
  8. Another possibility in all this, one that I have yet to read, is that Ronaiah & Co thought they were playing a hoax on T'eo, but while technically not "in on it", T'eo knew the hoax was being played on him. T'eo could have then just kept playing along, letting Ronaiah think he was being played, but then turning around and using the situation for his own personal benefit. In this case, even if Ronaiah totally comes clean tomorrow and says he orchestrated the whole hoax, this would still not prove that T'eo didn't know about it. He could have been "in on it" to the extent of playing along the whole time for his own gain, but would not have been "in on it" to the extent of planning and executing the whole fake operation with Ronaiah. One aspect that would support this is T'eo continuous dating of other women while his "girlfriend" was dying of cancer. Who would do such a thing if they were truly being hoaxed?
  9. If I knew a Deadspin article was going to drop at any time, I would have certainly reported it to the school authorities. Interesting thing is the reaction of ND once it was reported to them. Nothing. The extent of their "investigation" was a Google search for Kekau Lennay. Then, silence. And even more interesting was how, even after knowing the Lennay thing was a "hoax", on multiple occasions Manti still referred to his dead girlfriend, Lennay, who died of cancer. It certain is. Well, not on some of us though.
  10. Just another example of the White Man trying to keep the Samoan Man down. Awesome stuff there.
  11. If you know of a fact, but have a slight doubt, do you ever say "80%"? No, you say things like "I'm 99% of this fact". Saying 80% basically is basically giving an opinion, much like yours or mine.
  12. But what has come out? Manti may very well be innocent in all this, but no hard facts have really been confirmed. The only thing we have is Manti's side of the story, which we pretty much had since this story broke. According to Deadspin, that "friend" who said Ronaiah admitted to the hoax also said they thought Manti was in on it too. So, who knows?
  13. Bo Jackson. Can we sign him?
  14. Good read. They sent 15 scouts. Now imagine if every team sent 15. That's 480 people. These must be fairly crowded practices.
  15. Whatever she said, she was absolutely right in every respect.
  16. Any word on who the Bills sent there. Hopefully not Nix. He thinks QBs are imaginary as...
  17. This is fantastic news. All we need now is Miami to sign Vick, but that would never happen.
  18. How does he articulate with that in there and when does he spit? It's not like he's out on a baseball field.
  19. Hmmmm. Any way to tell exactly who has been posting in this thread and how many times they have been?
  20. Are you being sarcastic with that line about Fitz? I certainly hope so. While few people actually do think that, it would have made for a better case in saying two 1st rounders plus an early 2nd rounder were the main reason behind being the least sacked team in the NFL. To me, I don't exactly know how to explain the success of our (now past) OL. Fitz only played a minor role though. For the sake of our future success, I'm going to hope it was due to personnel and had little to do with coaching.
  21. I don't think people are putting shame on T'eo. It's just that this story satisfies our morbid curiosity. And it would satisfy it even more if he was in on it. It's better than a 48 Hours Mystery. Sure, it at the expense of a real person, but we're only human. And do we really want him to have been a victim of such a scheme? Maybe I'm weak, but if it was me who got duped in such a manner, my life would be in shambles right now. Having to go through the pain of having a loved one die (actually 2), then only to find out it was all fake much later? I would probably become royally pissed at the end stage, but at first I would probably be a mess.
  22. This story is far from dead. It could easily be put to rest if Ronaiah would come forward and give his side of the story. Until then we're only reading one. This "friend" who supposedly was told by Ronaiah that it was all a hoax actually told Deadspin that he, this "friend" thought that T'eo was in on it. So, this is far from over, especially with ND's pseudo-investigation.
  23. Rusty would be a good dog's name.
  24. Crediting this guy for Petersons success if like crediting McCoy for Manning's success. Wait, people are doing that. I wonder about the sacks allowed. Hmmm. 2011. #1 Buffalo Bills. #11 Tampa Bay Bucs. 2010: #14 Bills, #18 Vikings 2009: #28 Bills, #18 Vikings. Do I sense a trend here? What was the reason for the meteoric rise of our OL, personnel or coaching?
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