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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. You are 100% correct. If there is just 1 reason to hire Smith, it's this guy. Maybe Spiller won't get "winded" so often. http://www.chicagobears.com/team/coaches/Rusty-Jones/07793743-a9e0-46d0-bb40-8b13e16bd610 Yeah, I know. But it sure didn't appear that way.
  2. I found some kind of misprint or mistake in the above article: "Both those teams [the Cards and the Bills] have legitimate defensive talent already in place"
  3. I don't get the love for Norv Turner. He's done nothing but lose since his Dallas days. We do? What is he against? Do tell.
  4. Which cliche is better, he's toast or stick a fork in him? However, Ralph is taken to this youngster, so I dunno.
  5. Ha! I don't think we need to worry about that. The Bills could take out a 1 page advertisement in the Miami Herald detailing our future plans and this still wouldn't matter.
  6. I'm betting for Norv Turner. This will be his, what, 5th HC job? Talk about a re-re-re-tread. Perfect for the Bills. I'm surprised we haven't heard about Nix yet. He does look like a good candidate. Unless SD wants to keep him around.
  7. No matter how ridiculous, if a guy had a positive former relationship with the Bills, regardless of his current state of affairs, he must be a good fit for a second stint.
  8. Exactly. "Hey Curtis, come over here for a second. We have a couple questions for you".
  9. It's scary, but I bet he catches on as a HC somewhere else. The amount of times HCs are recycled in the NFL is amazing. Just looked at Norv Turner.
  10. This happens every year, and on every NFL team, right before a coach is about to be fired. It's almost cliche.
  11. The problem is his disgusting back peddling over the past few weeks. Something is afoot and he seems to have been pleading his case to some unknown entity. Truth is, and he knows it, he purposely neglected the most important position on his team. He's now been caught with his pants down and all this pro-QB rhetoric we've been hearing from him recently is him just begging for a second chance to right the ship. I actually really liked him, but just how Polian paid the price for ill-preparing his team, so should Nix.
  12. Really. You had me, but then all the wheels fell off in your second paragraph. I guess you didn't watch Vick play today...or at all this season for that matter. I'm going to go and smoke crack. It's better for you than dope.
  13. Doesn't matter anymore. Based on today's garbage win, Geno, as well as half the other QBs mentioned in this thread will be gone by the time they pick. Here's to mediocrity!
  14. There's a fairly large contingent of people on here that think Geno will go first overall. His actual performances have not swayed their opinion from the beginning of the season. I don't think people have been able to look beyond this: http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?gameId=322730277
  15. I would be shocked if Geno went first overall, not just based on tonight, but the whole entire 2nd half of the season.
  16. It's funny how Geno looked fantastic during the first part of the season and was the consensus 1st pick, then has looked fairly average during the 2nd half but still people view him as the #1 pick. I hope Nix/Whaley/whoever don't have the same blinders on. I hope we don't draft a player believed to be the next Cam Newton. I prefer a winner.
  17. Good frickin luck to us (unless they rest their starters).
  18. Well, good thing he wasn't able to draft him. Cam's not looking like one of those QBs that can squeeze out a win for his team when one's not there.
  19. Hopefully this is true and they win one for him. No better way to go out in order to gain momentum for next year. The Jets, that is.
  20. Hopefully he's in town to watch his last game as owner of the Bills. Fitting way to go out.
  21. Nothing would be more fitting for Vick to end his self-destruction tour in Buffalo and slip quietly into obscurity. His career can finally die here.
  22. He's alright. He'll never be a Superbowl winning QB though. At least not at his current performance.
  23. I want Fitz to have at least 50 attempts - with at least 10 of those for over 40 yards. In fact, let's have no running plays at all just slinging.
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