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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I would think the coaches would want to study the roster and see if our current FAs fit into their plans versus another player via draft or FA. I don't think they'll want to re-sign them just because they're current Bills. They have no loyalty to them and I don't think out FO would force players on them.
  2. That association is only for selective Cox-2 inhibitors used for greater than 5 months. Ketorolac is not a selective Cox-2 inhibitor, nor is it used for greater than 5 months. It is an acute analgesic usually only used for 3 days at most.
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/12/sports/cycling/how-lance-armstrong-beat-cyclings-drug-tests.html?pagewanted=all He did not fail any conventional drug test during his time as a cycler. It took extraordinary amounts of re-testing and re-analyzing to finally find some proof that he did dope. Lance has been under the biggest microscope known to organized sports, I doubt Ray has faced the same amount of scrutiny. You would also think that if a professional athlete was going to ingest some ill-defined substance (deer antlers), one of the first things on their mind would be if it contained banned substances or could cause a failed test.
  4. Lance never tested positive for anything either. If you're going to allow IGF-1, you'll have to allow hGH too.
  5. If anything, due to its anti-platelet effects, I could see ketorolac as protective. More like the coke he was snorting. Just as a comparison, wake had 16 sacks in 2007 and 23 sacks in 2008 while playing in the CFL. He was a man among boys. This kid had 6?
  6. It would be awesome if you could reverse draft players. Like returning a product to the store to get your money back. So, in effect, could return a 1st round bust and get the pick back. There would have to be rules, of course, but it would be the ultimate way of installing parity.
  7. I tried it on my iPhone. Nothing happened. Maybe I need to try it on a monitor.
  8. I would pay him that much. Not even think twice. Come on, folks. He got his team to the Superbowl and he didn't do it riding a top-5 defense. I hope the Ravens are stupid enough to say no. In fact, Flacco may be the dumb one for not asking for more. He would easily get his asking price on the open market.
  9. This is sad. Buffalo (Nix) became so predictably dumb as to not take a QB when they should have been.
  10. Then I would give $15,000 to charity and still take of my injury. That's chump change for him.
  11. You mean lose a LG, who is versatile enough to play multiple OL positions, from the OL that allowed the least number of sacks in the NFL last season? The one who hasn't missed a start (which is saying a lot for our line) in the last 3 years and tweeted a side boob pick? That one? Obviously replaceable.
  12. I can stomach watching Fitz choke another year if I know that our franchise QB could possibly be sitting on our bench, learning. Without that, however distant, hope, I just can't go through another wasted year. If the Bills want to draft that "elite" QB prospect in the 2014 draft (do people even know what that would entail? I don't think so), then they can do that too.
  13. Seriously, can we get this guy somehow? http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2012/story/_/id/8882306/super-bowl-2013-bernard-pollard-baltimore-ravens-fined-15k-hit-wes-welker
  14. Or he can become a jihadist, blow himself up, and get 72 imaginary virgins! Too soon!?
  15. Now we're resorting to ad hominems? I figured they would start at some point. Good to be the first, huh?
  16. It's strange that Ronaiah is just laying down and by default, is taking all the blame (even though he is remaining silent). Ronaiah is supposedly a chronic liar. In fact, he is supposedly a professional liar, a person who lived by the lie (we are lead to believe). What is now stopping him from just just lying his way out of this situation? It should be second nature to him and actually would be pretty easy for him to do so. Ronaiah's word vs Manti's word. I believe this is the key. I also agree with you about ND. There is more than meets the eye here. How would ND be viewed if they had a role in covering up a player's sexual orientation? Or help a player fabricate a story to strengthen his Heisman bid for the benefit of ND's program?
  17. Whatever there is to come out, will come out. It just may take time. In T'eo's case, hopefully until after the draft. This thing is too big just to be cleanly swept under the rug. Yes, Ronaiah's lawyer really thinks we're idiots.
  18. That is a good paradox. It's the last sentence that is tricky. It's a trick on the wording. The barber only shaves those who do not shave themselves. The second sentence and the later half of the last sentence have different intended meanings. Yes, for some reason, Ronaiah is determined to completely take the rap for this "hoax" without speaking one word. By keeping his mouth shut, he is not telling any lie. Therefore, by keeping his mouth shut, he will fail to incriminate anyone else in this matter and will not be responsible for any false statements he makes. What is at issue here is the motivation (*cough* Manti's soon to be large bank account *cough*) for Ronaiah to remain completely silent.
  19. Yes, and we all know that singing and hitting high notes is the same thing as having an 8 hour conversation. Maybe he sung all his conversations? No friggin way is that a guy. No way. And who keeps voicemails for that long anyway?
  20. Plus, the chances of 2 QBs succeeding on the same team are not independent events. The 2nd QB picked will actually have a lower success rate than he would have had if he was the only QB picked. This is because more resources (practicing with the starters, game time experience) will be given to the first QB taken over the 2nd one. Either way, the chances of finding a successful QB still increase with drafting 2 QBs.
  21. This is absolute crap. Manti couldn't tell if the person was a girl or a guy? There is no way this guy (Manti) is telling the truth. He has know admitted to falsifying this story, albeit "briefly", but how are we really to know when his actual lies started? He admitted to lying, but now he expects us to believe him? Unreal. And who knows how long he was going to continue lying if the media didn't break this story? http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/23/us/teo-hoax-abc/index.html?hpt=hp_c3 There are many reasons why Ronaiah is not talking. Could be guilt. Could be because if he does, he will be forced to admit Manti's role. Or, he was actually having an affair with Manti in the first place. Maybe Manti and his lawyers have told him to keep his mouth shut.
  22. Interesting you think this is such a boring story, couldn't care less for it, but this is your second post (of actually a handful in this thread) about how boring this story is. You then write a dissertation expousing this view. No offense, but that's more pathologic than the people enjoying and posting in this thread. You say you don't, but your action show that you actually care a great deal about this thread/topic.
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