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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Really, do the Bills have any WRs on the roster besides Stevie?
  2. This just in, RB head rule will not apply to Stevan Ridley.
  3. I think they just want to see the coaches systems in action before they sign anyone. Both Marrone and Pettine are going to install systems that our current players may excel in or fall flat. These systems are likely going to mature and be tweaked as the season progresses. It would suck to sign any high-priced players only to later find out that they don't completely fit the system you've set up. I think next season the Bills will have a better idea exactly what type of player they want. Besides, any player signed this year is a year wasted because the Bills certainly aren't going anywhere this season, especially with a rookie QB. It'll be better to add players when the Bills are ready to actually compete.
  4. I think Bruce Arians tipped his hand when the Cards dumped Kolb. If the Cards weren't going to draft a QB, wouldn't it make sense to keep what you already have around so you can get a better evaluation of them? If they don't like any of the QBs in this draft, it would make more sense to give Kolb another year under their tutelage before totally giving up. It's sort of like the Bills dumping all their WRs except for one and stating they don't have faith in any of the WRs in this coming draft.
  5. Wow, has this guy fallen. There was a time not too long ago where people were saying he may be one of the first QBs off the board.
  6. The question really is why the Bills would now be employing "analytics", but not before. We are not talking about a 3-5 year old signing here. It happened less than a year ago. Do you really think the Bills whole personnel strategy changed based on a press conference in that happened about 2 months ago, especially when there were no changes in the front office personnel? And if Nix/Whaley/Brandon woke up one day and did decide to institute an "analytics department" sometime prior to the January press conference, I highly doubt we are see the benefits of it so soon. If we are, I guess we really can't call it a "department", but rather a changing opinion.
  7. The signing of Mark Anderson proves that the Bills are not following the philosophy detailed in this article. Anderson has had 2 decent years in his 8 year career, but the Bills still threw a bunch of money at him. Ironically, the signing stinks of Russ Brandon. But, at the end of the day, this article really doesn't say anything we already don't know. Draft well so you will be able to sign your stars.
  8. Not at all. I'm just saying he's reached his ceiling, or close to it, with Marrone. Given the proper coaching, he may be an excellent pro. Just for a different coach.
  9. That a good evaluation there. One thing you said struck me though. That his deficiencies could be "coached up". I see that as a problem considering his former coaches are now here. If these deficiencies can be solved through proper coaching, why haven't these deficiencies already improved or resolved? The problem I have with Nassib is that 100% of the coaching influence he will get in the NFL he has already had. Will he get the other point of view needed to take his game to the next level? Will he actually grow in the NFL, or will this just be Syracuse continuing in Orchard Park? I see that the Bills have not acquired a QB coach outside of the Hackett/Marrone system. At least a different QB would bring a different skill set, one that could be improved on by Hackett/Marrone.
  10. I think it's strange that Fitz is willing to accept back-up money from another team, but not the same (if not more, if he restructured) from us.
  11. NFL Europe did produce some good players though. http://www.shortopedia.com/N/F/NFL_Europe_alumni And many of these lists are not even complete. Fred Jackson is nowhere to be found on these lists and he developed in NFL Europe. I guess the other concern has to do with teamwork. Football is the ultimate team sport, so you want your players developing with their teammates. Would plugging in a player from a different league be similar to plugging in a free agent, which can be hit or miss? Plus, who's responsible for developing these players? Even in the NFL, some teams (NE) are much better in developing their players than others (Bills).
  12. I have an app like that too. It's awesome, like a scanner in your pocket. But, I agree. Most companies still rely on faxing, which is based on pre-Internet technology. I think it has to do with people's continued obsession with having a hard copy. But not every business still relies on fax. I just bought a house and all of my offers were done via electronic signatures. So, the tide is slowly turning. That said, when I think of the NFL possibly migrating to online signatures, I get a picture of Buddy Nix in my head and I quickly dismiss the possibity.
  13. Take a picture of it or scan it, then email it. 100x more secure and the means to do are in everyone's home office (not at Kinkos).
  14. At the end of the day, it's Dumervile's fault. After having everyone do everything but wipe his ass for him since landing in the NFL, he's just sour that he was given one simple responsibility and he failed. It's tough being a multimillionaire NFL player these days. That said, faxing is one of the most archaic ways of communicating.
  15. I guess the good news is that there is a very high possibility of getting either Nassib, Barkley, or Geno at 8. Doesn't that at least give people some hope? For good measure, we can also pick up Scott in the 3rd or 4th. I think that may solve the QB problem.
  16. I don't want anybody named Friendly on the roster.
  17. Exactly. And this is why no team would want their rookies playing in it, just to watch their prized rookie blow out a knee and end his career. These players would have to be unsigned players, not on a regular season roster, trying to showcase their goods.
  18. I think their absence is a smoke screen. It really would be silly to completely rule-out any player if you have the 7th pick of the draft. It's either they're being unprofessional or it's misdirections.
  19. Th irony of that statement is that the person who said that was complete inept as a GM. I believe that there are only 10-15 GMs currently employed who are consistently above average at their job. The rest, who we see being replaced on a near 3 year rotation, really aren't any better than their fans. Look at the Bills over the last 10 years, if TSW came up with a consensus draft board, do you really think it would have been significantly worse than what we've already seen? And we supposedly had "professionals" running these drafts.
  20. We should also get a comp pick for the Nix telephone debacle.
  21. Yes, they are trying, but we are seeing little in the way of results, unless Lawson was the only person they called. And it also took him a while to get signed, so was probably weighing his other options.
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