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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. OK, this guy's been making a comeback for about a month or 2 now. Can't wait for his "pro day". Should prove to be highly entertaining around here.
  2. Very close. Statistics say, given there is 1,696 players in the NFL, not even counting PS players, and homosexual males make up about 2% of the US population (http://abcnews.go.com/m/story?id=13320565), then there is about 34 homosexual players in the NFL. Edit: oops, I see this has already been discussed.
  3. The anti-Big Ben rhetoric on this board truly is astounding. The dude did stuff that each and every one of us either did (or wish we did) back in college. But, since he's won 2 Superbowls and should be acting like a grown man, he's the devil reincarnate. As for Davis, the dude talks like he's among the top TEs in the league. Even when healthy, I never saw that in his game.
  4. I maybe don't love it per se, but it certainly does appeal to my morbid curiosity.
  5. Either that is the standard IQ as we know it is dumb. Googling shows an initiative to learn.
  6. It's a magic closet. Seriously, aren't all NFL players gay? With all that butt slapping and standing around in a room full of naked men after the game?
  7. So, we can't blame Nix because no one else thought the QBs he passed on would be good either? Isn't that his job though?
  8. Anyone who have ever lived in Cleveland or Cincinnati knows that waterfront football stadiums are overrated. Take Cincinnati, for example, the area immediately around it is empty. A couple hundred yards away is the baseball stadium though, which has attracted a good amount of commerce. The football stadium almost looks lonely. That said, Buffalo seems unable to come up with any other good uses for waterfront property, so why not, I guess.
  9. This means little. The charges against Big Ben sullied the good name of the NFL. He would have been suspended no matter what, guilty or innocent. No doubt Roethlisberger's an immature jerk who continued to behave like a nobody freshman frat boy in college. For a person of his stature and wealth, he should have been acting like a choir boy, but chose to continue to go out and engage in risky business, womanizing and engaging in sexual practices in a public place. It's would be in both Big Ben's interest and the NFL's for this to settle out of court. A drawn out rape trial against a Super Bowl winning QB would be a nightmare. In addition, in civil trials, the verdict of being held responsible is not as stringent as a criminal trial. No doubt he would have had his nuts handed to him. You can settle out of court for a civil trial, but you cannot pay off an accuser in a rape trial. Rape is a crime against society and it is up to the prosecuting DA to continue with charges. In 3 cases, it was determined he would not be found guilty, so charges were no pursued.
  10. But it's debatable whether or not Big Ben did anything. I'm not saying he's definitely innocent, but he's not the first male to be falsely accused of sexual misconduct nor will he be the last. He's probably a #1 !@#$, but thug, I'm not so sure. Vick on the other hand was clearly found guilty by the justice system.
  11. Too bad Stevie is not our GM. It would be interesting though if there was a team out there that was completely run by its players. Probably do just a good job as some of these "professionals".
  12. According to who? You or the court of law?
  13. Bout friggin time. Considering we have no WRs.
  14. You know, I don't find her at all attractive and I don't like Wilfork, but I do have to respect him for marrying a woman that is not a blonde stick with fake breasts. You usually don't see that with NFL players.
  15. Are we going to get a text every time the Bills do their due diligence? It is their job to be scouring over each QB. We already know that. Maybe this is due to OBD being otherwise dead right now. They're too busy with QBs.
  16. Remember the days when the Bills would at least host a couple dozen FA? I think it was Marv. They wouldn't sign any of them, of course, but at least it was fun. For a fan base that relies on an exciting offseason, as opposed to the regular season, the Bills are really giving us the screw.
  17. This is F'in ridiculous. We could have had this guy, but we CHOSE not to.
  18. Just say we got good "value" (whatever that means). That seems to placate people well.
  19. For those who thought this way too long; it's hard to draft in the NFL. But, I will concede this. If TSW came up with a consensus draft board (based on YouTube videos, going to games, reading blogs), we would do no worse than the average NFL GM.
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