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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Not football related, but since the Sabres are the most inept in the NHL and are in need of a coach, what do you think of Peca for head coach? He seems to have done a good job with the Junior Sabres. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130412/SPORTS/130419581/1004
  2. I like this type of signing. Nix/Whaley have proven they are excellent dumpster divers. Whenever we pick up a young promising player off another team, it's a win-win situation. No sarcasm.
  3. Great, another washed up, bust of a QB needs money. Never heard this one before.
  4. I hope he really blows it up in Cleveland. Too bad he won't have a QB to throw to him.
  5. I recommend the author of this article looks up the word delusion. It's hard to believe any of these teams picked up these players for any role besides a veteran back up.
  6. QB at #8. The current FO will never survive if a QB taken by another team after #8 lights it up and our sloppy seconds taken in the 2nd doesn't.
  7. Truth is, this team would be no worse off it the posters here on TSW were running the Bills draft over the last 3 years. But, the same could be said about 60% of the "professional" GMs in the NFL.
  8. No sympathy here. Even if these players decided not to "invest" the money (sticking it all in a non-interest checking account, under their mattress), they would have been 1000x better off. You would also think the NFL should retain a stable of approved financial advisers the players could use if they chose. And also send out a memo stating that a restaurant/night club/sports bar is most always destined to fail.
  9. I scratch my head at the Mallet and Yates picks. Really?
  10. So maybe this is why this guy was brought in, the drum up support for TJ amongst the fans.
  11. We can't go all offense. Our defense was one of the worse in the league, remember? Plus, we only have 1 NFL calibre LB on our roster.
  12. I can see why Stevie's acting out and understand his position. Sure, he's making millions of dollars, but he's basically in a deadend job on the Bills. Really, how can you really take your job seriously when your employers don't seem to be either? He wouldn't be acting this way if he was on the 49ers or NE.
  13. Most mocks out there just list the best players 1-32, basically assigning the teams the BPA. There are even fewer mocks out there that try to get into a GM's head and ask "who will this team really pick?". This mock is the later. Doomed.
  14. I reality, he didn't "outplay" any of his contracts until 2006, when he was awarded a sizable sum of money. He barely played in 2004, so deserved the rookie minimum, which is about how much I will make in 10 years time. In 2005, he didn't "outplay" his contract either. He played the going rate that a RT (the position he played) would make in his first full season. He showed promise, so was moved to LT and was paid generously. Even he thought so, since it was his signature on the contract. In fact, as you astutely point out, he was cut a few times and no teams even sniffed. If it wasn't for the Bills, he would have sold me the insurance I bought a month ago. But, still, I truly sob for that 22 year-old. Many of us would kill for the tribulations he had to go through.
  15. Those are semantics. I meant first real contract. What does basic human needs and/or comfort beyond what any of us can ever dream of with $15 million have to do with his playing ability? That's neither here nor there. It's relevant when assertions such as he has to "make a living" or "support his family" are thrown around.
  16. I just love the comments on here how the NFL is a "business" and how Peters has to financially "look out for himself" first. Truth is, if you look at the first contract he signed with the Bills in 2006, it was for $15 million. 99.9% of the general population would be able to live a very comfortable life and provide for their family if they made the money Peters received in his first contract (the contract he didn't even honor, ironically). There has to be a point where these athletes worry less about the financial aspects of the game and just focus on doing what they supposedly love. Not with Peters though. Now, if Peters wasn't getting paid during his "injury", my dollar says he would have found a way to get on the field last season.
  17. It's actually a picture of Meathead before the operation.
  18. Those darn contracts. I remember when men used to play for free!
  19. I'm fairly certain that if Peters was never even on the Bills, this thread still would have been made. If it's newsworthy enough for a major media outlet to write an article about it, then it's usually fair game for a thread to made about it. For example, there was a thread on here about Lomas Brown purposely allowing Scott Mitchell to get injured and that had nothing to do with the Bills. This story about Peters is similar. Do you still have a problem with Peters?
  20. Good point. He wants to come back to being a huge bust.
  21. Why would Peters want to play here though? We have a losing season every year.
  22. Why would you think this is sarcasm? I happen to believe that TBD, as a collective mind, has a very deep fund of football knowledge. When FA starts, there are usually over 10 new posts per day with people tooting their horn about a player that's available. This is not like the draft where there are hundreds of players to pick from, this is FA. In FA, there are usually less than 100 players anyone would give a damn about, but not one single poster here singled him out, even as a distant possibility. I just don't get it.
  23. If this is such a great signing, why didn't at least one poster on TBD advocate for Branch to be brought in and looked at? You would have thought at least 1 person on here, given no a priori knowledge of the Bills plans, would have thought this may be a good guy to target.
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