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Saint Doug

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  1. I’m Not so sure this was luck. They could’ve traded up more and o pick another QB. I don’t think it was just reaching for what’s left, although they have done this with other 1st round picks. I’m going to give credit where it’s due, however I still agree with Monos; other than Josh, their 1st and 2nd round picks have been abysmal. What ifs are fun, but I wonder if we have a Super Bowl already if we didn’t trade with KC in 2017. I’m not even saying we should’ve taken Mahomes there, but if we didn’t trade with KC, another team very well have taken Mahomes instead of KC. Maybe an NFC team. Or one not coached by Reid.
  2. The only impact player on this list is Benford. I get that these other players are decent, but if you play them all $10-15M, we’ll have no room for true game breakers. I’d rather pay for elite and non-elite than a bunch of average players.
  3. Jim Monos can be coach GMs like the best of us, but there’s a reason he is now an “analyst”. That said, he said many things everyone has already been saying out loud. Their selections in the 1st and 2nd, where you have a better chance of landing an elite player, are lacking. Most are reaches based on need (“the last player we had a 1st round grade on”). They need to do better. And McD is who McD is. We need to accept this. I wouldn’t pay a RB $15M who can barely get over 1,000 yards either.
  4. This is fine. We get another year of cheap production. He can then make his $15M elsewhere and we can take the 3rd/4th comp pick. 1,009 yards in 17 games is not worth $15M. Davis will probably be ready to go by then, but we can spend a 3rd or 4th on another RB.
  5. Wish him the best of luck.
  6. Because he’s a dick. That’s why.
  7. Question for those who know more than me. Is the Philly D playing mostly man coverage?
  8. I am fine giving up players and draft picks. We have very few difference makers on this team and I think we tend to overvalue them. But player-for-player trades usually don’t happen in the NFL, so let it be draft picks. Our 1st round picks outside of Allen haven’t produced any elite players. Maybe it’s our poor draft position or maybe it’s Beane, it doesn’t matter.
  9. This is kind of bittersweet. No one deserved it more than Josh, but I know he would trade it in a second to be playing this weekend.
  10. The most important question hasn’t been asked yet: how did this guy’s defenses do against the Chiefs?
  11. Unfortunately voting occurred after the game, but the KC game just highlighted what Josh means to this team. Outside of Josh, we have few, if any, high impact players. Maybe Cook, but beyond him…nothing.
  12. Seeing Bruce in Browns gear is as unnatural as a panda riding a bike or a chimp smoking.
  13. As soon as I read undersized, it was an immediate no. This may not have been a problem in college, but will be a problem in the a NFL. Plus, DB is a bigger need.
  14. Probably was a much different era. Back then, draft picks really were supposed to develop on the bench, some for as long as over 3-4 years. In the salary cap era, many draft picks are expected to start on day 1. Draft picks are viewed with much more value now than then.
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