It' men's FOOTBALL, the roughest sport in the world. A coach like that would fire me up in the locker and there would be a bloodbath on the field. We all love the big hits and it's been a part of this game forever. I'll bet my left nut these speeches have been going on for years in the NFL. Can you imagine what Ray Lewis says to his defense before they hit the field?
It amazes me to have hardcore football fans react like little girls to a speech like coach Williams. Why don't we turn the NFL into a girly girl sport before more NFL players get hurt. Geeezus, can we protect the QB's some more?
The NFL is badass and I love the big hits. Would like to see the Bills defense get more hardcore next year and start taking opposing players out of the game. I want our defense to be feared! )
"We need to put a !@#$ing lick on him right now"