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Everything posted by Frez

  1. Ralph probably doesn't even know the season started yet! God Bless him........and I mean that!
  2. I think this game today all depends on our defense. Steven Jackson is a pretty good RB too! We must rattle Bradford early and often!
  3. Huge test for Buffalo tomorrow. Tomorrows game will tell the tale of the Buffalo Bills future with this coaching staff. All eyes on Buffalo tomorrow! GET ER DONE!
  4. This is Odie. Did I forget to mention that he LOVES BEER!
  5. I own 2 awesome dogs. One is a rescue dog from the shelter, his name is Odie. Odie is an amazing,smart,loyal dog that I love dearly. Odie is part beagle/jack russel and something else! We also own a 14 year old mixed lab and her name is Brooke. Brooke is a good girl and I'm sad to see her fading a little over time. I love my dogs more than anything. I'm a huge dog lover. That being said I'd like to be really honest about the dog breed Pit-Bulls. I don't think I would ever own one. To me the breed is just to strong and powerful for a human to control if something ever happened. I'll be very honest about, I'm a little intimidated about the breed. I have read all the stories so far on how great of a dog they really are and how they make a wonderful pet. The breed is just not for me. My wife is a Dog Control Officer and I have heard many unfortunate stories re guarding a pit-bull attack or bite. I love dogs but the pit thing is just not for me, way to risky if you ask me.
  6. The Bills haven't won a night game in 11 years.
  7. Can our run D stop the Dolphins RB's? CAN THEY?
  8. Do we run Chan out of town at the end of the year or should we hang with him? 13-28 as head coach in Buffalo.
  9. What a waste of money he is on this team.
  10. She is my hero. Anyone that can take a pounding from him and still walk desereves a medal! Maybe she could play dt for the Buffalo bills.
  11. Spiller needs to be the featured RB on this team starting now!!!
  12. Couldnt agree more....Spiller is the BEST player on this Bills roster. He needs the ball 20-25 times per game. What a waste he is backing up Fred Jackson.
  13. Special teams.......we can score
  14. If he was only a little more accurate and could throw a deep ball.
  15. Keep your car clean and try this..... Here you go.... http://www.getridoft...com/pests/ants/ http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=150575837331&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&_osacat=0&hash=item230f04f093&_ssn=pestcontrolpros&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313&_nkw=ant+bait&_sacat=0&_from=R40 Here is a story for you...... I bought a used car for my daughter this summer from a Floridan. The car was infested with cockroaches! What a nightmare to say the least. I checked the tires, oil, frame, radiator and everything else your suppose to check. Who knew I was suppose to look for bugs!!! Anyways making a long story short after countless hours of cleaning and using different products in and on the car to rid the roaches they were finally gone after 3-5 weeks. I became a roach expert in a matter of days. I've never delt with anything like this in my life. My wife and I were freaking out about them roaches getting into our home. So many sleepless nights and anxiety attacks over damn bugs! Ants should be a piece of cake! Just don't leave the cake in the car. Frez
  16. A very careless rider on the dragon. One hand on the bars and worried about getting his picture snapped. Darin, have you ever been to Pigeon Forge, Tenn and rode the dragon. I haven't but have many friends that ride there every year to do it. They all say how beautiful it is. Frez
  17. You said piss and leak!
  18. I'm looking for my buddy's name on that list.
  19. I tried Google for a list of names but I had no luck.
  20. Buffalo will get smoked in the next two games. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's over........really it is. Texans 33 Bills 13 Patriots 47 Bills 14
  21. Is there a list of names of the arrest made at the game on Sunday? Thanks
  22. Exposure of a human part or something like that. He was inside the stadium. I think it's a violation but not positive.
  23. Urinating in public at a bills game? I had a friend get a ticket and thrown into the holding tank yesterday at the game. He's never been in trouble before and said...." I had to go!". He said the bathrooms were incredibly full and there was no holding it. It was either that or pee his pants........I think we have all been there or close to it. Just curious if anyone knows the penalty or what happens from here? Any help is appreciated. I know he is very embarrassed and ashamed. PM's welcomed!
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