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Everything posted by ABF11

  1. Hey my uncle has a lot of personality. But I don't think he can win football games. Of course he may be able to do better than jauron :=)
  2. Maybe things are ugly enough now where ralph will swallow his ego, step aside, and hire someone that knows what he is doing. Ralph can fire jauron now, but as a friend of mine eloquently put it ... that would be like putting lipstick on a pig. Ralph and Russ would just make another bad decision and we are in for more mediocrity and losing.
  3. Cool. lol. I think the board admins just deleted that immature dude with nothing intelligent to say. So we are on the same page. The owner is the real problem. Unfortunately, ralph won't fire himself.
  4. Dabills is that question directed at me? or the guy who was swearing? lol The owner hires a good GM .. and a good GM should be entrusted to hire a good coach. Owners (or at least ones who don't have massive egos) really shouldn't be hiring coaches . I assume that you agree with that.
  5. Well that is the other possibility. That it has nothing to do with ego .. that he is doing just enough (Signing TO I'm sure helped ticket sales) to keep attendance strong .. and keep cash in his pocket .. before blowing town. Or maybe it's a little bit of both! Either way .. your owner is peeing on your head right now and trying to convince you that it's raining. And pocketing all your hard-earned money while he does it.
  6. Ralph is a smart guy. And still knows what is going on. He is just stubborn and doesn't want another guy like polian to come in and steal all his credit. Ralph is willing to let the team fail .. to protect his ego. That is the biggest problem with this team right now.
  7. Wow .. hard to beleive I haven't posted on this board in over 2 years .. in looking at my last logon. But this latest debacle was bad enough to bring me back. We can talk all day about what the bills need to do to fix things. But none of us are as smart as Bill Polian. A man ralph wilson got rid of .. because ralph's fragile ego couldn't handle all the credit polian was getting for the bills success in the 90's. Since then .. we have dealt with nothing but mediocrity and embarrassment. Ralph swallowed his pride and hired tom donahoe and gave him full control. That was a big step for ralph. OK, that clearly didn't work out. So his solution is to hire Marv Levy as GM to be nothing but a puppet so big ralph can call the shots. Marv gets sick of being a puppet and ralph decides to get a little more obvious about his agenda and let his boy russ brandon be GM .. a guy who has zero experience as an NFL gm. A guy who goes on to waste more money on overrated players and neglect his strong performers. And hire a coach with a losing record and reputation for mediocrity. The common denominator here is Ralph not being able to put the right people in place to turn this franchise back into a winner. I'm really sick of the spotlight always being shone on our coaches. When clearly it is much higher up on the food chain where the real problem exists.
  8. They spent 90% of the time talking about michael vick and petrino. And about 30 seconds on who they think they are going to draft. Which is more time then they spent on the bills draft prospect. friggin morons.
  9. Yeah I felt that he really kind of stuck that in there. They really got so far on a tangent with how the bills have all these holes, they left themselves very little time to actually address those holes. I'm not sure if that is the norm with this feature,but I really picked up hostility from mort and the crew. I don't want to be a winer but this morning's segment was pretty bad .. even PFT called them out on it.
  10. I agree but i think he is the ring leader. He and Donahoe have been buddies for a loong time.
  11. I agree. It ain't paranoia when they really are out to get you. But the Bills still have brought in some good talent on the trenches. Maybe they'll get another good one via trade with the bolts. If they win 10+ games next year the media will have no reason to be so negative ( if course they'll probably find one anyways) What really kills me is that Marv doesn't deserve this. Marv is genuinely a good guy and is now under attack by no fault of his own. Mort and other ESPN personalities should start looking themselves in the mirror. Of course that won't happen so we may as well settle into our underdogs role and hope to prove them wrong.
  12. I think there are a couple of good points here. Clements should have already been extended. I really want the Bills to lock up Evans, Losman and Schoebel to long-term deals. They did at least extend mcgee.
  13. It's not paranoia. How special can willis be on a rushing attack that ranked near the bottom of the league? That was a total contradiction. And Spikes? Has he even been on this team the last couple years? I think I saw his face on a milk box. They kept saying how awful the bills were last year but criticized us for unloading key elements of that awful team. I don't even think they know what they are saying anymore. F**ck ESPN. Let's do our talking on the field.
  14. I think TD and Mort are secretly married. The patriots have made a career out of letting guys like Milloy, ty law, now dillon, leave the team. But they are geniuses. The Bills are idiots no matter what they do. Let's see what happens on the field.
  15. Funny how we all tried to post on this at the same time. As I said in my post, I think it really comes down to Mort and his crush on Tom Donahoe. He has had it in for the Bills ever since they fired him. Forget what these idiots have to say.
  16. Did anyone else watch the 'on the clock' feature? I really dont care what the national media thinks but its a sunday morning and im bored so what hell? These guys went on and on about the loss of mcgahee after revealing the bills were near the bottom of the NFL in rushing last season. These guys went on and on about the loss of fletcher and clements after revealing how badly the bills ranked on defense last season. Funny how all of these guys are Donahoe's. Saying they were going in the wrong direction and not mentioning the aquisition of darwin on the D line and barely acknowledging john dockery. Mort still has wet dreams about donahoe and shouldn't be allowed to talk about the Bills because of how biased he is. BTW .. did anyone catch that nugget where mort said an AFC East coach would love to trade rosters with the bills? I wonder who that is. And don't get me wrong here. I think Donahoe does deserve a lot of credit for the talent on the Bills roster today. But he deserved to get fired because he didn't know how to manage any other aspect of his job. Mort really needs to let this go and move on. Happy Easter everybody
  17. Does mcgahee have an anti-franchise player clause in his contract like clements did?
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