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Everything posted by CircleTheWagons

  1. How the heck did we let them score -12. If we were a top ten defense we wouldn't have let them get more than -15. And what happened on that 31st drive that we had to kick a field goal instead of our 31 TD
  2. In my (simplistic) view, Vincent sounds like a businessman who used his football talents to generate revenue and establish contacts. Good for him and I wish more of the players had some of his business acumen. I have had a hard time getting excited about TV - he seems like the consultant a company hires and pays too much money to work beside the full-time staff. You know the consultant is in it for the short-term and more focussed on himself than the project. On a football team, I don't want "consultants," no matter how experienced they are. TD was good at hiring consultants; it appears with Marv's first draft that he's more interested in developing his full-timers from within. Bills are coming back, I can feel it...
  3. I think you might be thinking about 2004 Stats- last year I remember Volek being disappointing in his appearances - I don't even think he was their first choice at the end of the year when McNair was injured.
  4. It was his line about Volek throwing the franchise and his teammates "under the bus" that made me realise he's done with the Titans. How come nobody asked him how a head coach can allow a backup QB to throw a franchise under the bus. The Titans seemed to go from a very impressive franchise to a joke in a single off-season. Anyone know why?
  5. Are you sure that's what your system does? It seems to me that it punishes offenses for having to drive further (3 and out at own 20 is way worse for your raw offensive ranking than 3 and out at the opponents 15).
  6. Count me as one who thinks it's over the top What would you think about giving half of the points for the remaining yards in a successful field goal (if the drive stalled at the 20 but the team came away with a field goal they get 10 additional points). Personally, I would try to add additional points for different parts of the field - driving from your own 20 to your 40 seems different than driving through the red zone for a TD. Anyway thanks for taking the time to share your stuff - it's the best part of the Wall for me.
  7. For me, the team itself, but the hypothetical doesn't work for me. I hate the fish and I spent my early years around too many fish fans. I hate the fish as much as I love the Bills. It's simply part of my nature now.
  8. I guess that would be a problem if I started following the Bills in the '90s but I've been cheering for the laundry for a few more years than that. You can let the media define your rivalries. If the league was realigned and we only played the Dolphins once every 4 years, I would still be more pumped for that game than a Patriots game. Patriots are a media "fad." Fish will always stink.
  9. The team I cheer for hasn't changed. The team I hate the most will never change
  10. But how do you know he's consistent - the analysis is too limited. Why choose a different amount of games for each season? How does the variation actually compare to other elite QBs, or all starting QBs? Enquiring minds want to know (but are too lazy to do the analysis )
  11. Although I don't always agree with you, I usually respect your opinion, but the idea that completing a third of your passes is as good as completing two-thirds is nuts . I'll take a QB who gives his receivers 2 chances to make plays for every 3 pass attempts over the QB who gives them one chance - even if they end up with the same total yards. As a bonus, the QB completing more passes probably kept the offense on the field longer. Evaluating QBs is tough - all of the stats on their own are extremely limited. YPC depends on the scheme, the blocking downfield, and the WRs YAC (just a few of problems with it). Of course that's what makes these discussions interesting.
  12. Hayley Wickenheiser had a brother
  13. Think of your criticism of TBD in the same light. Do you still consider yourself a "fan" of the forum, even though you criticize it and put it in a negative light? The Bills have caused their fans a lot of heartache over the years and everybody deals with it differently. I choose to stay positive, but I can't blame fans that have been turned to the "dark side."
  14. I completely agree. Playing after the whistle = RJ
  15. Camp reports are good, but your stuff reminds me that I'm a FAN of the Bills not some wannabe analyst. Great stuff and keep it coming!
  16. I would love to play as CB but there doesn't seem to be a view in Madden that allows me to see enough of the field to be CB - am I just missing a camera angle setting?
  17. Sorry, my bad. www.footballguys.com sucks! never use it! complete rip-off! sucks! (think I fooled 'em?)
  18. www.footballguys.com I think it's $25/yr but it has been worth it since I won our league the last 2 years. (No money, but extended family bragging rights are worth $$$ to me)
  19. Old enough that I can't believe that "a kid" born in 1978 will be turning 28 soon - I can do the math, but I choose to ignore it
  20. Mr. Wilson, I never knew that you posted on TBD.
  21. Too may big words for a fuggin toenail. What I want to know is what happened to the 3% that weren't successful.
  22. If 75% of your country was frozen you would want global warming too
  23. Please check your facts - NONE of the 911 terrorists entered the US through Canada. Do a quick google and you will find several apologies from American officials for suggesting it. The 9/11 Commission confirmed that all of the terrorists had US visas and none entered from Canada. We're far from perfect, but if you want to blame us for your problems, at least pick the ones that we're responsible for.
  24. I like McNair and I think if TD was still the GM it might be possible - it seems like one of the ""brilliant" moves TD was famous for. Marv seems to building a team rather than simply acquiring talent. McNair doesn't seem like a good fit for the new Bills.
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