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Everything posted by CircleTheWagons

  1. I find nothing funny about your "billsoverdue" nickname. Not even remotely. Add a question mark and it sounds like half the spam email I get - the other half of my spam is covered by long time poster "penistoosmall". Big Cat is going to Roar in '05. Excuse me while I go circle some wagons.
  2. Best Player Available Need Pick Reach
  3. We do. Did you think we give the starving citizens steak? Maybe if we had stray cows roaming the streets...
  4. Good luck Teddy. Hopefully this offseason has given you a new found understanding of life that puts football MUCH lower on your list of priorities
  5. At about US$ 188 billion, Canada supplied 16.5 per cent of all US imports of goods and services. Link is a couple of years old We just do it quietly, although because of our geography, you can understand why we look down on our poor American cousins
  6. Congrats, but if he's the new tight end I want more details - what's his wingspan, can he grasp the playbook, can he add some bulk to his frame? Is anyone working on fitting this kid under the cap?
  7. I think you will be treated to some great hockey although it might be lean the first year - the Flames currently only fill half of the Lowell Lock Monsters roster (shared with Carolina) so they will need to sign a few extra bodies.
  8. Maybe it's the Friday night wine, but after years of rallying against the midget in the CFL and Buffalo, I'm ready to let it go. Thanks for the memories - I can now admit that there was some magic I witnessed in Calgary and Buffalo. I don't miss you, but I respect you. If you do come back to the Great White North, I'll buy you a beer, eh. Of course, we don't need you in Cowtown - we signed the Bears 4th string QB from three years ago as our savior. Grey Cup and another RED MILE for Calgary
  9. Jennings had NO interest in staying in Buffalo. On a totally unrelated topic , did I mention that I met his Dad while he was driving a bus around Jacksonville during the Superbowl?
  10. Pssst - I think you're allowed to delete your own threads now. Maybe you could just take a mulligan on this one
  11. I don't want to debate the meaning of the song with you, but if you're going to challenge another poster with 1,000,000+ posts, perhaps you should have a reference to the lyrics in your thread. Although the initial part of the song seems to be "under the new mania", it seems that later in the song it does have "controlled by the media." Here are the lyrics I found on the web: American Idiot 1 American Idiot 2 Of course, I KNOW that AD will appreciate this thread. This thread is just full of opportunities to use the guy.
  12. That's what I will always remember the Bledsoe years for - coming out flat in the big games, starting with that 2003 disaster down in Miami in Week 3.
  13. According to Merriam-Webster online either spelling is correct.
  14. The only possible reason we are worried about what Drew thinks is that we believe he has some insight into JPs ability and he thinks he sucks. I'm not going to start trusting Drew's analysis NOW I hope JP heard the comments and we get to play against Drew's new team this year AND their starting qb is injured so Drew can play against our D.
  15. The party's over? I don't remember it getting started I think the player's are in trouble - hopefully the NHL starts up with replacement players in October - can you see the players complaining about "scabs" after they took jobs in Europe and North American leagues that already have salary caps? Bwahahahaha!
  16. Good news for the Monarchs, but I have to ask where you got the stat that they lead in attendance? Just defending the home team This link showed that the Calgary Hitmen (WHL) lead all North American hockey teams in attendance at the end of January - and they have had a couple of home games since with 10000+.
  17. Thats like saying Football Player... Assuming I don't get hit or have to tackle
  18. You sir, are the man. Excellent post.
  19. Anyone else think they asked AVP a lot of questions about Travis during the interview? "If we hired you Alex, how would you feel about binging in Travis Henry as our running back?"
  20. I agree except for explicitly stating that you won't hire smokers. Everything else sounds like it would be well within normal company policies and a lot less controversial.
  21. There are lots of legal hurdles in Canada and the U.S. for the NHL to use replacement players. In my opinion, I wish the courts would simply rule that the players aren't union workers - protecting these millionaires with union laws seems like a farce. I would have more respect for the players if they were standing around picketing their stadiums like a real union rather than simply going overseas to play for less money than the owners are offering. Think we will see the day when Chrysler workers go on strilke and immediately start working at Ford until their contract is resolved?
  22. It would be interesting to see a top ten list of most ignored users
  23. I would only add one more thing in the middle - I hope Bledsoe improves with a full off-season working with the same coaches and not having to re-learn an entire NFL playbook. I really hope Bledsoe comes back better AND JP beats him out. Say what you want about Bledsoe, I would be very comfortable having him as the backup next year.
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