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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Florida man move if they do fire him IMO
  2. I expect a "Hamlin" clap clap chant before the beginning of the game so loud he can hear it in Cinncinnati.
  3. The only acknowledgement those people need, In my opinion, is to see there hard work paid off with Hamlin making a full recovery. He will probably never play football again, but to live and to be able to function would be all the kudos those people would ever need. Thats what they are trained to do and they did it. There are so many other medical heroes out there that do so much every single day and none of those people will be going to the Superbowl. The reward is saving a life.
  4. Can't keep my eyes dry, I surely hope we get good news soon
  5. mine use to. I use to get trained yearly but they stopped. well trained but I like my refreshers
  6. Yes.. And for those of you who are not trained in CPR and how to use a AED you should consider it. Classes are usually readily available
  7. Kevin Everett. That was another horrific situation but this one is even worse
  8. That makes sence since DTV was bringing in cash... so ($500 million/2) /32 = 7.8 million per team...
  9. Cool to hear. I have been looking into it but held off till I saw what was happening with Sunday Ticket. It looks like a rock solid deal, much cheaper than DirectTV....
  10. $2 billion per season about 50% goes towards players salaries ($2 billion*0.5) /. 32 teams = 31.5 million approximately in salary cap space not sure if my math is correct but its got to be in the ball park. Will they add that in one season I don't know but I thouhgt the CBA had provisions that approx 50% of all TV monies go towards player salaries. That won't last. They will protect their investment and block anyone who pings off a local distribution router in the WNY area.
  11. I still want the dome-heads to show me where the money is coming from and how the tax payers can expect to see a return on investment. If Pegula's want to pony up I'm all for it, but they do not. I tried explaining this to a dome-head. But sed dome-head without showing any math and actually countering with a convincing argument that all the tax payer moeny would be recouped only said .... But I am still very interested in seeing math that works that would justify the extra cost of a dome. All my math has the investment coming up way short of a return on it.
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardmcgahey/2022/03/29/buffalos-billion-dollar-tax-fumble/?sh=103d00c4516f it wasn't ever going to happen and it wasn't ever going to be pushed for because it cost a $Billion more.. regardless of what you said a billion in profits for the state was not going to happen with a dome added.... The Bills alone generate $27 million annually...That $27 million is already tied to the cost of the no dome stadium 27 million times 25 years = 675 million SO lets say we add the dome at cost of $1 billion more. How many events would it take to recoup the cost of investment. Even if a dome only cost $500 million more do the math. 65,000 people (projected stadium capacity plus floor for concerts) you can argue the additonal taxes from bars, food, shopping in preperation, parking, gas might add more to the revenue but it won't be enough to offset the cost to taxpayers, whom many were against what we did spend.... And in regards to concerts there is no payroll income tax that matches what the BIlls pay so you would have to have multiple major events a month to come close to producing the tax revenue that would justify the investment. Now you understand fully why we did not get a dome. There is NO justification finacially, and we barely got justfication for what we are building.
  13. because it adds another billion to construction costs.... we are already using more taxpayer money than other teams do for the stadium.. You want to sell that one to Joe and Jane public?
  14. Diggs . . . . . . . . . who ever decides to actually show up yes I am this down on every receiving option outside of Diggs... no consistency
  15. Yeah I'm still looking at those dropped passes and the lack for making tough catches when needed I like the guy, but we can do better in the TE department.
  16. Knox is has regressed this year in the pass catching department. When compared to other TE's this year 17 in receptions 18th in targets 19th in yards
  17. This is how bad McKenzie / Davis have been in the consistency department. I think this signing screams this
  18. he can stay on the team he just is not proving to be a #1 TE.
  19. From what I saw ending last season to this season.. I'm sticking with mind boggling.
  20. Its ok to call a spade a spade, This offese is struggling for consistency.... This year is about winning the SB... so anything that might keep us from getting there is being discussed. This is not being spoiled, this is having expectations for this franchise.... I'm concerned
  21. So much for analytics I guess.
  22. I'm not thrilled with our OC either. But we also have crap after Diggs for reliable pass catchers which is mind boggling. The offense needs investment for the future
  23. Blackshear is just a JAG don't understand the love affair
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