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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Allowing a rookie OC to take the reins of team fully in their SB window was a big gamble.... but one Allen endorsed and wanted. Add in Beanes blatant avoidance of actually finding improvements along the OL and over focusing those resources on D was just as big of a gamble. Especially when you have a rooie OC and a top highly paid QB. lots of gambling last year and we left the casino busted
  2. Yes they do, they're called Doctors
  3. That's what she said or This is spinal tap, Stonehenge
  4. Channeling his inner Dean Martin
  5. "We flipped a coin" "The player we were targeting was gone, so we took *insert player name*" "We had knowledge of off field issues, we just chose to ignore it and hoped for the best"
  6. Could you imagine the flea flicker possibilities.
  7. Beans and Toast good stuff
  8. 6:30 am on the west coast sure glad I wake up at 3am every day
  9. He's got a long way to go to surpass Buffalo's own legend Travis Henry.
  10. Allen has been in the lime light for a few offseasons Last year it was NASCAR, and the Big Golf Game with Mahommes Brady and Rogers. There were also multiple articles in the TMZ about him and Brittany on a date Nothing new here, expect more
  11. I'm sure we will here plenty of complaints when the actual numbers are released I'll most likely be a secondary market guy because I don't plan on spending winters in Buffalo and I'll be retired.
  12. My brother in law is pretty connected when it comes to this, and it sounds very plausible from a co$t perspective Anyway it really is hearsay until its official I just feel given the tid bits of info that is out there, the reality of a new stadium and a surging team, a solid chunck of Season ticket holders will have to think hard about the investment IMO. It will be interesting to see what happens here but a new stadium will be conserably more expensive for fans.
  13. He said he received some information, and he usually is in tune with this stuff... Which also explains the wide range for his tickets PSL of $1500 - $3000 cost I quoted him on.
  14. or maybe a vintage pair of Calvin Kleins
  15. I talked ot my Brother in law last night. he said his tickets should only cost him somewhere between $1500 to $3000 for a PSL and thats what he feels he can afford But he also said the premium seat holders will be expecting to pay $10000 - $15000 and many of those folks might look to move their seats to something more palletable $$$$ which wil have a bump effect It will be interesting to see how this does shake out, definietly going to be painful for a chunck of season ticket holders
  16. Allens kryptonite is relying on the long ball too much. He needs to channel his inner Burrow and take what the D is giving him more often... The problem as I see it is Allen doesn't have the outlet he had with Beasley before the injury and this is my hope for Kincaid to kind of fill that roll. When the Bills show they can run the ball with consistency and Allen can force the D to realize he will take the underneath stuff more regulalry the long stuff should have more room IMO.
  17. Yeah but many of those wealthy people will be from out of town who will simply place tickets the resell sites They'll sell some tickets but I predict a considerable amount of todays season ticket holders will be priced out... like I said I have family members and friends who are season ticket holders wondering if they can afford it.....
  18. it won't happen here IMO
  19. No PSL's, and a realitively large increase in ticket prices which are sure to happen with the new stadium IMO tickets are cheap compared to the rest of the NFL so I'm not even sure where this thought is coming from. I expect more out of towners making the purchase for purely resale when the new stadium is ready I have family and friends who don't make much money but stil can afford season tickets add in a PSL and obvious ticket price increases and I see a goods chunk of them not being able to renew with the new stadium Check out the prices differences listed in this article.. Pretty obvious why low and average middle class can still afford itwithout the PSLs attached https://www.tickpick.com/blog/how-much-are-nfl-tickets/
  20. yeah 4-3-4 seems probable
  21. not all of them and sure as hell not enough of them in Buffalo... We are a blue collar town living blue collar lives mostly What i predict is going ot happen.. wealthy people or those trying to make a profit will pick up most of the tickets and most will be up for resell...
  22. Thats our reality You see when my parents were growing up only 1 parent needed a full time job to raise a family When I was growing up 1 parent worked fulltime and the 2nd parent had a part time gig The next generation you needed 2 full time jobs this latest generation will need 2 full time jobs and a side hustle NOW imagine kids being born tday and what will be expected from them to maintain middle class status so basically if you want nice things like football tickets or seasons you better work that sidehustle, a 2nd job, or sacrafice a chunk of other expenses.... When the Lamar's become the highest paid player someone has to pay for it.... and most of us will pay for it via TV revenue cause thats what we can afford Yeah I dreamed about moving back to Buffalo and buying season tickets but my reality has set in.... I choose retirement and watching most games on TV maybe I'll pick up a ticket or 2 but I'm not buying a PSL + tickets
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