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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Swap 1st rd picks plus a 4th from Detroit and send them Marshawn. Now we can pick a coveted player
  2. Have another Dohnut !!!! God I forgot abou tthis one... Thank you for making my morning AND NO to Clausen. his tiny hands will be a major problem in Buffalo especially late in the ytear, and no Notre Dame did not have the freezing temps Buffalo will have, nor did ND have th ehuge wind issues we will see here. Clausens hands are a liability for Buffalo.... I know this because my hands ar 9 inches and I cannot get a good grip on a pro football. It is extremly difficult in cold and wet weather
  3. We are not drafting Bryant or Spiller at #9, and if those are the BPA's we will trade back
  4. I agree on the load up on picks.. BUT!!!! I would ask for some 2011 picks in the mix. WHY ??? I don't think there is a franchise QB in this draft outside of Bradford, and if we start stock piling picks, use this draft to load up on OL, DL, and LB's we can make a huge move in 2011 to get a frachise arm. INCLUDING using our 2012 1st rd pick as well as our 2011 1st rd pick to get in the top few picks..... Why do I like that plan of attack... We will have an entire year ot get the OL built up and gelled for a rookie arm in 2011....
  5. we won 6 games last year... I fail to see how we cannot match that this year. We might be switching systems, but we have a much better coaching staff IMO as well as a GM who knows football players
  6. moving up for Bradford Suh or Okung would be a great move. As long as we can avoid giving up our 2nd rd pick
  7. moving back to 18 would not be a bad move by the Bills if the OT's are long gone at #9
  8. I'd rather the Bills do whatever it takes to move up in the 2012 draft and use this draft to focus on trenches and lb'ers.
  9. probably take about 3 drafts to be good enough this year. That probably won't happen
  10. I sdon't want either QB I'd rather we fix the OL and DL in this deep draft for OL DL...Add in some LB'ers but trade away dead weight like Lynch parrish and Whitner for a pick or 2 In 2011 the Bills can swap 1st rd picks, and add in their 1st from 2012 to move up and even sprinkle is a late rd pick or 2 if necessary to draft a QB like Jake Locker or another top QB in a much deeper class of QB's Why force the issue this year when there are much better options next year
  11. I'm not a sports fan. I'm just a Sabres and Bills fan because that is what I grew up with. take away the Sabres and the Bills and I don't really even follow sports much at all. Got better things to do then pay too much attention to spoiled rotten athletes
  12. You ain't kidding...More like corporate socialism IMO.... People rattle off the word socialism in political attacks these days, but most haven't even begun to understand the level of corporate socialsim that is happening regularly and it costs this country is trillions... All of these mega stadiums being built to satisfy more corporations and more tax write offs. That is all that is happening with the luxury box fiasco of the last 20 years. huge write offs for having a luxury suite at a sporting event... or even just season tickets. however if you or me buy those same seats we get no such write off... it's time for this country to demand the closing of tax loopholes and rediculous write offs that would be better served paying down our out of control debt and re-building and improving this nations infrastrcutre while creating high paying jobs for the people this quote kind of sums up the article nicely
  13. Campbell is better then any QB on our roster. If we can pick him up cheap I would welcome him in for a camp competition. The Bills also have way too many holes ot fill, and Clausen really isn't worth it for this team. Bring in Campbell and if we suck it up real bad in 2010 we should be in the lead for the Jake Locker sweepstakes, and we can fill in some glaring needs this year
  14. it's not a complex. It pretty much a fact. The Bills franchise has been and is inferior
  15. pretty obvious. It was the fact that peopel are willing to tell tebow to take his prayer request and shove it up his ass. I think its hillarious, and I for one wish he would shut the **** up myself. I don't share his views and I don't want to be peppered with them in his interviews or any where ever. It's also one of the reasons I hope the Bill snever draft him. I don't want to deal with his religous B.S. Tebow may not have fathered 10 kids ... YET... but pushing your religous beliefs down other peoples throats annoys the hell out of me
  16. there is no cap this year. thanks for paying attention
  17. how far are you willing to go.... you might have to go all the way down..... but none the less I appreciate your willingness to 'take one for the team"
  18. then I am not a fan... and I laugh at the thought that you could say such a thing and actually think it has an effect on me or others who are pissed off... I've been watching this team since I was 5 years old... 35 years of this, and I find it patheitc the way you sheep just accept this crap. Ralph must be forced out and I support all that are willing to muscle this SOB out of here. He is milking us and that is it... I don't like to be !@#$ed in the ass and that is all that has been happening the last 10+ years... if you were entertained on Sundays the last few years then I'm laughing at you. there was not much else besides frustration, anger, misery, and sadness on Sundays. I would be miserable all week during football season because of this franchises loser mentality. I used ot like the offseaosn, but it is obvious that this franchise is in such a deep hole not much can be done untill Ralph gives up control and steps down if this team is going to continue to be owned by Ralph Wilson then move it... otherwise it is until Ralph Wilson steps down officialy and publicly and lets another owner run the team... Ralph deserves no respect from this community anymore.. he has burned his bridge and i will stop short of wishing for his death, however I will not shed a single tear when it does happen, and will be happy to move forward. this guy has destroyed a franchise that has the most loyal fans in the nation... Almost seems impossible to do but boy did he engineer that to perfection
  19. that's not going to happen...
  20. Sabres are winning, but they are stil 1 or 2 pieces away from being a SC contender. A little more corner grit, and/or another pure goal scorer they'll get beat in the 1st or 2nd rd of the playoffs with the team they have now
  21. been routing for this team for 35+ years.. and if they leave Buffalo I'm not even watching the NFl anymore cause I will never be bale to have loyalty to any other city fo rany reason. Even though I live north of Seattle I still can't get into the Seahwks liek th eI do the Bills. So if the Bills do not hire a proven experienced HC I will reduce my participation to fair weather fan, and if they look to be a SB contender again someday at that point I will jump back on. But I'm not going to suffer through what we have the last 10 years. I barely watched 70% of hte games this year and there is no way I'm spending $300 on the sunday ticket/Superfan to watch this mess without a real reason like a real coach. If any of you are really so stupid as to blindly follow this team because its better then not having a team well then you are a world class sucker
  22. r u kidding me Billick is no where's near a close 2nd. Billick is over rated....
  23. All donations received from this point forwards will be for Hunters hope One Bills fans donated over $400 to the cause... that's diehard but from here on out all monies after the billboard fee $1125 will go towards charity so if you're not 100% behind the billboard idea your still doing a great thing for hunters hope http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/donate/ I know none of you would post something hateful or bad about a charity donation would you ?
  24. the news will be about future team ownership and keeping the Bills in Buffalo
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